Saturday, September 1, 2012

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Setting Yourself Up For Success

By Sandra Willliams

Are you someone who goes through the exercise of setting their goals and then takes no action, does nothing? Writing down your goals is certainly the first step, which is more than most people do. If you don't automatically begin to take some sort of positive action, it is unlikely you will ever attain them.So take your goals and do something like developing a plan of action or even just creating your timeline to get things done.

Get yourself excited about the journey of working on your goals.Take your list of dreams, say for example you've always wanted to take an 18 day cruise through Europe. Although you might not have the money currently, there is nothing better than getting things lined up, so why not gather the pertinent information, e.g., cost, approximate dates of departure to choose from, best cruises, etc.You need to start feeling the experience of achieving your goals and by taking small steps soon things will snowball and seem to take on a life of their own. Before you know it you will have booked the cruise and be planning what to pack in your suitcase.

Just remember your list of goals is a living document so as soon as you achieve one, keep updating and adding to.Your list is your life and you are the captain guiding the ship. If you always stay ashore, you will never go anywhere or get anything done. Is that what you want for your life? Or worse, to let the seas take you with the tide never knowing where you will land nor in what shape.

Many of us have the desire at some point in our life to be able to give back to society in one way or another. This one desire can be help you achieve the rest of your goals. How is that you ask? Often it's the goal of contribution that fuels us to achieving the rest of our goals so that we can be in a position to contribute in a way that is most meaningful to us. So, don't forget to include this aspect when developing your goals.

You know what to do, it's up to you to inspire yourself to take action. Consistency is the key to continually raising the bar. Once you develop a pattern a taking action is will become a habit.Just realize that the same pattern that got you to where you are today, will not get you to where you want to go. Each time you take action, you are raising your level of thinking. What you are doing is breaking through past barriers of fear and control by focusing your mind. You can do this, don't sweat the small stuff. Remember, problems will never go away, but the way you choose to view and handle them will change immensely.So, isn't it past time that you set yourself up for success?

It's about Living Your Best Life!

Sandra Lee Williams

Published July 10, 2012 | By Sandra

Life is about living in abundance. Go out and create yours.

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