Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Power of Belief

by Michal Y. Noah

When we believe with certainty, we figure out ways and means to achieve our goals. We never give up on our ideas or dreams. ~ Anthony Robins

The power of belief simply means that whatever we believe in with conviction will become our reality. It is only when we change our belief, which is a repeated thought, can we begin to change our reality. We often hear people say, "When I see it, I'll believe it," but, in fact, the opposite is true. People ought to say instead, "When I believe it, I'll see it." For it is true that we see only when we believe in it.

Things happen for a reason. Face problems and challenges as opportunities instead of obstacles. There is a gift, a lesson in all that happens, whether it is good or bad.

The first step to manifest is to believe that we can achieve that which we wish to achieve.

It's important to understand the power of belief, and how and what causes it to work. It doesn't matter if it is used for positive or negative purpose.

"It is done unto you as you believe." What manifests as our life is nothing but our deeply rooted beliefs. It does not matter what we believe in. It will manifest.

Everything we focus on, we think about and deeply believe is being reflected to us.

We can learn to use the power of belief to our advantage simply by identifying and removing old limiting beliefs, and creating positive more empowering ones.

What we believe in and focus our thoughts on attracts like a magnetic force certain results in our life.

Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what's possible and what's impossible, what we can and cannot do. They shape every action, every thought, and every feeling that we experience.

As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives. We must develop a sense of certainty that we can and will meet the new standards before we can actually do.

Wishing you ABUNDANCE of Love & JOY!

Michal Y. Noah

About Michal Y. Noah:
Michal Y Noah is the author of the #1 best selling book "A-Z, The Universe in Me". She is also a contributing author to the #1 best selling book "Wake Up¦Live the Life you Love: Empowered."

Certified life coach and a clinical hypnotherapist, Michal also holds a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences and she is always passionate about helping people live a fulfilling life. Her books are a great source of motivation and empowerment that help tap into our hidden potential by using the power of positive self talk and beliefs.

Michal's mission is to shed a light on positive self-image by teaching our children the power of higher self-esteem and self-confidence through planting the seeds of positive thoughts.

Please visit her official website - http://michalynoah.com, and feel free to email her at michal@mindurmind.com

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Practice the Act of Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Stress

Practice the Act of Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Stress by Mulyadi Kurnia

Gratitude- a word often used but seldom adhered to. How many times have we actually taken the time to feel grateful about something? We often say that good things happen to other people, but why don’t we realize that at time we are the ‘other’ person for a lot of people out there.

When you feel grateful, you feel content, which in turn makes you feel happier. And it is this consistent feeling of happiness that helps to reduce and in due time, thoroughly remove the proneness to stress and anxiety.

Stress is a growing concern in today’s fast-paced life, and it is no more a demography-based problem. From high school students to retired professionals, everyone has something or the other to worry about.

It only takes a minute for you to stress out; any external or thought-related stimuli can send your mind in turmoil and you start to feel the symptoms of stress- tightening of the chest, short shallow breathing, feeling of restlessness, loss of appetite, headache, and profuse sweating.

There are a lot of stress-busting techniques like deep breathing and using positive affirmations to calm down. But one sure formula that instantly helps to alleviate stress is counting your blessings.

Gratitude works not just on your mental health but also on your physical well-being. When you instantly shift your focus from the cause of stress to thinking and being grateful about every blessing that you have in life, you feel much lighter, much in control of your life, and a part of the universe.

In fact, even if you are not stressed, just thinking that you have been granted more than enough gives you a sense of calm and you feel cherished.

With gratitude comes appreciation. So, when you truly feel thankful for relationships, career, job, money, or even health, you start to appreciate your current state in terms of these areas in life, even if it needs a little working upon. You start to consider whatever you have to be enough, which psychologically is a great stress reduction technique.

People often stress when their current quality of life or certain areas of the life do not match with their vision. So, if someone’s idea of a perfect body is a beefed up look with toned abs, they would not be happy at an overall healthy and fit body. When you feel grateful for whatever you have, this emotion and psychological feeling that ‘I don’t have enough’ tends to ebb away and you feel content.

This is the direct influence of practicing the act of gratitude. A secondary benefit is that the appreciation born out of gratitude leads to acknowledgement of the things that you have, recognition of its importance and the void that would have been in its absence, and expression of gratefulness either to you partner (in case of a relationship) or to God (for career, health, and other areas of life).

Isn’t it that when you truly feel happy in a relationship, you appreciate your partner more and express your love more often. This leads to better fulfilling relationships and hence less stress in that area.

Similarly, taking the time out to regularly practice the act of gratitude ensures that you keep stress at bay. Taking the time out once a week to sit in meditation and think about the ‘good’ things that you have, makes your subconscious mind aware of things that are important to you and which gives you happiness.

We tend to be so preoccupied in life that we completely forgo and take for granted even the most important things such as our health, relationships, and sometime even our own character traits.

So what do we do about it?

A simple way to practice the act of gratitude is to first realize everything you are grateful for. List down every small blessing, every materialistic and non-materialistic thing that you should feel grateful for and stick this up somewhere, on your wall, mirror, anywhere where you can constantly see this and be reminded of.

Another plus of adopting this technique is that when you are stressed you already have a list of things you feel grateful for, so it comes instantly to you or you can directly read from the list.

Counting your blessings and practicing the act of gratitude is not just a moral code, it actually helps to reduce stress, improves your mental and emotional health, and hence causes a marked difference in your physical health by improving the overall quality of your life.

So, the next time you feel you are about to come under pressure and feel stressed, start counting your blessings and you would instantly feel a sense of calm taking over you.

Want to take it a step further? Perform one kind action everyday and you would definitely have a lot of things to feel grateful for and happy about.

My name is Mulyadi Kurnia. I am a practitioner of meditation and yoga and has been experiencing the benefits of the practices. Having gone through the periods of stress and anxiety myself, I know first hand of how unpleasant this experience could be. Through this article, I intend to share my knowledge and experience on stress-related and wellness topics. For more information on stress management and wellness tips, visit http://www.stopstressandanxiety.com, http://www.howtotreatanxiety.preferredmall.com

Article Source: Practice the Act of Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Stress

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

3 Easy Shortcuts to Allow the Law of Attraction Work for You FAST!

3 Easy Shortcuts to Allow the Law of Attraction Work for You FAST!

By Vania Dimitian

There's no doubt about it- everything is energy and the energy you give is the energy you receive. So what are some sure-fire ways of absolutely knowing what kind of energy you're putting out and, more important, getting back? Glad you asked because in this article I'm going to share with you 3 easy (and fun!) ways you can be certain that the energy you're putting out is high vibrational and WILL- in the right time and in the right way for you- attract back to you the same high vibrations in the form of people, circumstances, and things. So let's get right to it!

1) GIVE, GIVE, GIVE! In order to receive whatever it is you most want, be it time, money, love, etc, you must first GIVE it away HAPPILY and FREELY. Now be honest, does that seem kind of crazy? I can just hear you now "Vania I am dead broke and in need of money NOW and you want me to GIVE money away and do it happily and freely??!" Well, yes that's exactly what I want you to do. I know it seems totally nuts and counterintuitive but when you really need something how do you feel? Desperate? Constricted? Needy? When you are sending those kinds of vibrations out into the universe what do you think you're going to attract back to you? That's right- more desperation, constriction, and neediness! However, when you give something away happily and generously that energy has no choice but to come back to you at a later time in the right way. So whatever it is that you feel you want or need most go give it away with a genuine smile on your face (and in your heart). One last thing before I move on to #2: NEVER expect anything from the person or place you gave to; that's you getting in the way of the universe and as I said before you WILL get back whatever you gave, but in the RIGHT TIME AND WAY DECIDED BY THE UNIVERSE. And trust me when I say the universe can give you SO much more than the person or place you gave to! So get to it- smile and give give give!

2) Dwell in the energy of love and appreciation: I'm sure you have heard the saying "what you appreciate appreciates". That about sums up exactly what I mean by dwell in the energy of love and appreciation. Feel love and appreciation, well, for anything and everything! Stop right now and think of 5 things or people that you really love and appreciate, really FEELING how much love and appreciation you have for them. Stay in that energy for even just 1 minute and you have already sent out some powerful, high vibrations that are already on their way back to you! There's no doubt that love and appreciation are among the highest, purest vibrations and when you consistently send them out into the universe they will always find their way back to you. So love, love, love, appreciate, appreciate, appreciate!

3) Choose to be happy and live in the present moment as much as you can! This kind of ties into having love and appreciation for anything and everything except it's about being present-i.e. get out of your head!- and choosing to be happy no matter what is going on around you. I can hear your screams once again "Vania, I'm totally out of shape and can't pay my bills and you want me to be happy about this?!" Well, once again yes I do actually. I don't want you to necessarily be happy about the fact that you're out of shape and can't pay your bills, I want you to do your best about those situations (go jogging, maybe get a second job, etc.) and then ACTIVELY SHIFT your focus on to things you are happy about, no matter how small or insignificant. It doesn't matter what you're happy about as long you are truly FEELING happy (about absolutely ANYTHING!) All that matters is you're sending out vibrations of happiness and feeling good. You can have a lot of fun with this! Use your imagination and visualize even for just a few minutes the way you really want your life to be. This is really simple yet really powerful! And fun! It will make you feel good and send out really high vibrations into the universe.

And there you have it- 3 reliable ways to ensure the energy you are sending out is exactly the kind of energy you want coming back to you. Try them out for the next few weeks and please let me know of all the wonderful manifestations occurring in your life! Until next time just remember... you are magnificent!

Vania Dimitian is an in-demand life coach specializing in the areas of law of attraction, relationships, and intuition. Visit her website at http://www.coachvania.com for a FREE report and to schedule your FREE "Manifest your Magnificence" strategy session. Vania also offers an AMAZING 6 month coaching program called "Let Love In: Manifesting Love from the Inside Out" which is geared towards individuals who are are really ready and serious about attracting their soulmates. Email her at vania@coachvania.com for all the juicy details!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vania_Dimitian

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do you wish you were more confident?

Do you wish you were more confident and assertive? Confidence is often seen as something you are either born with, or without - you are either someone who was born naturally confident, or naturally introverted.

Confidence, in truth is not fixed. It is true that some people do develop more outgoing, more confident personalities at a younger age, and this is why we often think of confidence as a character trait which is genetic / inbuilt, rather than something you can learn.

This however, is just not the case

Even if you are currently shy and introverted, if you struggle socially - you can increase your levels of confidence.

This Is Where Hypnosis Comes in.

Hypnosis is one really simple way you can get a helping hand to increase your confidence.

Confidence is a mindset. The only difference between yourself and these people who are “naturally confident” is two main things:

Firstly, your patterns of thinking. For example how you contemplate socialising, about meeting new people, about speaking in public, about sharing your opinion - whether you concern yourself with, or take pleasure in most of these activities can have a huge result upon your amounts of confidence.

Then there are your self beliefs. i.e. how you feel about yourself, whether you see yourself as somebody who is comfortable with yourself or not. Like the old saying, whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right. So a switch to more positive self thinking, will in reality lead to you starting to be more confident.. which will lead to more positive self views and so on. It will become an actual positive self fulfilling prophecy.

Hypnosis simply works to assist you in these 2 very simple ways. It can ultimately instil within you more positive self beliefs, and much more positive patterns of thinking which will naturally rewire your mind to make you more self-confident. It really works to supply you with the same kinds of thinking as these naturally self-confident people, so that you will grow in confidence too.

Try it by yourself with a brand new, more natural approach using this improve confidence hypnosis mp3s

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How do subliminal messages work?

The word subliminal itself really explains how the process works. It means “below threshold”, a person’s “threshold” or capacity regarding taking in something that they notice is what subliminal audio plays on.

When we are awake and aware we all can easily perceive the things around us, but only to an extent. There are many things that are constantly going on in the background of our daily activities that we unknowingly hear or perceive without realizing it. These kinds of background events demonstrate how subliminal audio works.

Say you are walking across the street and you hear the vehicles as well as men and women moving about around you. While walking, you hear your own thoughts, a car horn and a crowd talking. Those three things are the apparent perceptions, nevertheless , you may have unintentionally heard someone in the group state that they're going to start taking it easy and reduce their pace a bit.

You didn’t actually hear that voice shine through the others and also you didn’t take time to comprehend it either. You just keep walking on to your destination. When you approach the next intersection the light turns yellow, instead of rushing across the sidewalk as you normally do, you decide to slow down and wait for the next light. You have just been impacted by subliminal messaging, although all of this could have happened and you will never have known.

The same concept lies in purpose driven subliminal messaging. When there is a goal or topic to be absorbed via messaging, the subliminal suggestions play in the background of the track - you never notice they are there or become aware of them.

After enough of this unconscious perception, the topic or goal will start to 'unconsciously' play out in your daily everyday life all without any real practice or effort. Effective subliminal messaging does take a willing mind as with all self-help practices, but the effects and end results are amazing, just like the science behind it all.

For more information on subliminal audio visit SubliminalMP3s.com now - they have 3 free albums you can download to experience subliminal audio for yourself:

With 3 powerful Subliminal Audio Albums Worth $44.91 from SubliminalMP3s - The Market Leaders in Subliminal Messaging

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gratitude Lifts The Weight of Anxiety

Let me tell you why the art of gratitude is such a great tool for ending anxious thoughts.

A lot of people write telling me how their anxiety makes them feel very cut off or removed from the world around them. This sensation can be distressing as people fear that they will never be able to feel normal again.

This feeling is common and in my experience is mainly fueled by a cycle of anxious thinking.

A person with a panic disorder or a generalized anxiety disorder will spend much of their day mentally “checking in”.

Checking in is a term I use to refer to how people with anxiety constantly monitor their mind and body.

“Am I feeling ok?” “How are my thoughts ?”

“Am I feeling secure or on edge right now?”

The reason regular checking in happens is because anxiety has such a powerful effect on the mind and body.

People tell me that they can deal with the anxious bodily sensations but it is the anxious mind that causes them most distress. That is what I want to address today.

Anxiety can often feel like a thick fog has surrounded your mind. Nothing really seems enjoyable as you are always looking out at the world through this haze of anxious thoughts and feelings. This fog steals the joy out of life and can make you feel removed or cut off from the world.

The anxious thoughts act as a barrier to experiencing the world and this sensation of separation then leads to feeling even more upset as you fear losing touch with yourself.

So how do you get this anxious fog to lift from your mind?

When someone is very caught up in anxious thoughts they are top heavy so to speak. The constant mental activity they are engaged in has caused an imbalance where all of their focus is on their mental anxieties.

A powerful way to move out of this anxious mental fog is to switch your focus from your head to your heart.

By simply making a deliberate shift of attention to your heart you will find the anxious thoughts dissipate more easily and the mental fog starts to gradually clear.

You can make this switch by practicing the art of gratitude.

I am sure you have heard of people speaking about the art of gratitude and the benefits it can bring to you.

Did you know that it has now been scientifically proven that regular practice of gratitude can dramatically change your bodies chemistry giving way to a more peaceful body and mind.

The Heart Math Institute has 15 years of scientific research proving that a simple tool like the art of gratitude can dramatically reduce stress and improve performance for individuals and organizations.

Many Fortune 500 companies are now starting to use this technique to reduce work related stress.

I am going to outline the technique briefly in a very straight forward exercise so you can start practicing right now.

When you practice this exercise you will feel a lightness and greater sense of perspective on any matter that has been troubling you. This activation of your heart emotion will lift the sensation that anxious thoughts create.

This is a very simple exercise but it is really powerful. Print it off and try it someplace where you can be alone.

Are you ready?

-Begin by closing your eyes and moving your attention to your heart area.

-Imagine a feeling of warmth emanating from the center of your chest.

If appropriate place your right hand there. If you are around people or driving etc. simply imagine your right hand resting on your heart area.

Imagine this area glowing warmly for one to two minutes.

-Now, begin to focus on something in your life that you feel a genuine sense of appreciation for.

This can be one or more things that you really appreciate having in your life (e.g., family, health, friends, work, your home, a beautiful day etc).

It is important to focus on things that spark a real sense of gratitude and appreciation. If you really appreciate the thing you are thinking about, you will immediately feel a response from that area by way of a light warm sensation in your chest or an involuntary smile (remember those).

It does not really matter what you think about as long as it evokes this feeling of warm appreciation from your heart area.

Don’t struggle with this exercise. Everyone has something they can be grateful for. (Remember, the cemetery is full of people who would love to have your problems!)

Do not worry if you are thinking of your partner/family and you do not feel this. Some days it will be people close to you that will spark the heart feeling, other days it may be gratitude for very simple things like the fresh air you breath. It depends on the mood you are in, -remember it is the feeling you after.

The feeling we are looking to achieve is unmistakable, it is a positive change in your emotional state.

I say it is best to do this exercise alone because you will need to stay with this feeling for as long as you can.

Then, when you feel you have taken it as far as you can, open your eyes.

There is no time frame on this exercise, it can be a few minutes to half an hour. Again it is about establishing a heart/mind connection and getting your awareness out of the anxious thoughts and more into your body.

After a few attempts you can incorporate this into your daily routine.

Do it in the car. Do it sitting at your desk. Do it before you sleep at night.

You have to practice it frequently. Just like a muscle your heart will get more accustomed to this state and you will be able to switch into that feeling in seconds.

With practice you can also use this exercise in the middle of any stressful situation. You will be surprised at the positive outcome in terms of your own stress levels and the change in others around you.

This simple exercise can completely transform the outcome of interacting with other people, be it work or personal relationships.

This is especially true where there is conflict or misunderstanding between you and other people. Try it out, see what happens!

Be creative with it and make it your own daily ritual for yourself.

I am sure you agree that it is a worthwhile exercise to incorporate into your daily life. It is my experience that most people do not have the patience or time to make major lifestyle changes. By using this one simple exercise you can make a dramatic improvement to the quality of your life.

The simplest things in life are free and this is one of those gems.

Don’t pass it up

Kind Regards, Barry McDonagh

Learn more about Panic Away here: www.PanicAway.com

All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

Friday, April 12, 2013

3 easy ways to quiet your mind (and feel more joy)

Are you aware of a dominant feeling that runs like an undercurrent through your life?

Or maybe it's more of a subtle background state that seems to color everything that you say, do, and feel?

Maybe it's a persistent feeling that you have when you wake up in the morning?

(For example, you might feel a constant pressure to be busy and get things done. You might feel anxious about what the day might bring. You might feel confused or depressed about your prospects and possibilities.)

What if you could feel peaceful, positive, and clear?

Let me show you three simple ways you can bring that soothing power into your life.

How you feel in your life has a lot to do with what's going on in your head. If you constantly hear thoughts telling you that "Life is a struggle," "The economy is bad," and "You aren't enough," these have a powerful impact on how you feel.

These thoughts are like a proverbial "dark cloud hanging over you."

One of the defining moments of awakening is when you discover that you "are not" the thoughts you are "having." You witness the incessant chatter that drives you, distracts you, and seems like your constant companion and you realize that you don't have to be defined by that.

At that moment, you realize that those words in your head really have little to do with you. They also don't reflect what is actually happening in the world. You come to recognize that a majority of those words are just recorded messages from the past, the limiting thoughts of others, and random sounds from your environment.

Nevertheless, they are broadcasting through your head.

At that moment, you may get a strong urge to turn off that chatter, or at least turn down the volume, so it is less distracting. The truth is--you can learn to do just that.

And it doesn't have to take years of practice, just a little guiding of your attention. Here are a few simple ways to turn down the mental volume and quiet your mind. I encourage you to try them out as you read them.

Instead of just reading the words, pause at each one, and actually give it a try. You may be surprised at how effective they are. The great thing is, they take just a few moments.

3 Ways to Quiet Your Mind

1. See if you can listen to the chatter as an outside observer. See if you can separate "who you are" from those words in your head. Listen to them with an attitude of amused curiosity. Smiling while you do this can help.

Allow the words to come and go through your mind without hanging onto any of them. Just watch them come and go. You could say, "Hey, they're just thoughts; they don't define me or what I can do." As you give your thoughts less importance, they lose their grip on your attention.

Take a minute to observe your mental chatter with a smile.

Here's a guided audio that can help you:

2. Focus on something else. If you become completely immersed in paying attention to something besides your thoughts, you'll notice that your mind quiets down.

For example, place your hands on your abdomen and become aware of your breathing. See if it's possible to notice the moment when your inhale begins; follow your in-breath all the way through to a natural pause; notice the moment your exhale begins; follow that all the way through to a natural pause--and repeat.

Become absolutely interested in following your breathing as if nothing else matters at this moment. Within a few breathing cycles, your mind quiets. Try it for yourself.

3. Ask yourself the question: "Who is thinking?" Then sit and be content that you really have no answer for that.

Don't try to make up an answer. Just notice how your mind becomes quiet in the face of that question. Try it for yourself and see what happens.

Those are three great ways to get a taste of a quieter mind -- a mind that isn't consumed by incessant thinking, and, therefore, comes to rest in a natural peace.

As you get a taste of that, you may discover that you want to experience more of it--you want to go deeper and have the experience stay with you longer.

If so, I strongly recommend you get my Core Energy Meditation Program. It's the only truly holistic meditation practice that soothes and integrates all dimensions of your being - mind, heart, body and spirit.

Soon a quiet mind can become your dominant background state and your life can feel so much more peaceful, positive, and clear.

Check it out here

Enjoy your practice!

- By Kevin Schoeninger, Meditation Master The Mind-Body Training Company

This Free Audio Shows You How To Instantly Release ANY Unwanted Thought, Feeling Or Belief, And Connect To Your Heart's Inner Guidance”

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to Think Positive With Subliminal MP3s

Having a positive approach is crucial in life. Optimistic people get much more from life, they begin to appeal to other positive people, they enjoy themselves more, they look on the bright side of living, and so they have more positive experiences - positive actions really do attract more of the same.

If you think positively in challenging situations then this can not simply elevate your mood, but it will also help improve your life - you could for instance observe an opportunity where other folks see a problem, and it is often those who are enormously successful whether in business or their personal lives who see the opportunity in disaster, or the positives of a unfavorable situation.

Where 99% of the population crumble, these people look for the positive and achieve success.

Some people seem to have a natural capacity to think positively. They do not ever appear to get upset, they pick themselves up after a fall right away, and at the very worst they seem to accept an undesirable experience and learn from it instead of letting it continue to adversely affect them.

You might speculate how this is possible, you may admire them, or be jealous of their capability to do this. The truth is they're simply no different to other people. The only thing that differs is in their mind; the way they think, as well as the way they look at the world. This is not a built-in ability, but is something which all of us are able to change.

These people have naturally developed positive thinking tendencies over many years - perhaps due to early positive experiences in their childhood for example. They've naturally developed this capability, however you can master it all the same.

This is how subliminal messaging will come in helpful.

Subliminal downloads are increasing in reputation because of their ability to target the unconscious mind and swap confining and adverse beliefs. This happens progressively and in a natural way, and results in you adopting the kinds of beliefs shared by "naturally" positive people.

Learn to improve your mind right now with this positive thinking subliminal album - or if you're unfamiliar with subliminal messages you can try it for free:

Download your Three powerful FREE Subliminal Audio albums

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Think Your Way To Success With Positive Affirmations

Author: Priya Deelchand

Affirmations are statements that you think or say to yourself or others and they are based on your beliefs. These affirmations can be either positive or negative and have the ability to greatly influence your life and create your reality. In fact, affirmation is something that you are doing all the time. Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. All of your inner dialogues are affirmations. You are continually affirming subconsciously with your words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating your life experience in every moment.

You can achieve the success you desire by programming your mind with positive affirmations. In fact, most of the successful people in the world are not much different from you. The main difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one is that most successful people have a success mindset.  Their inner dialogue is one of success and accomplishment and they always focus on the positive rather than on the negative.

You can use positive affirmations to achieve the success you desire and through the regular use of this powerful technique, you will begin to see wonderful changes in your life you never imagined possible. With positive affirmations, you can conquer your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and make success a reality for you. Ralph Marston once said, "There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one."

In order to achieve success, it is very important for you to develop a conscious and focused affirmation process. You must become aware of exactly what you are affirming through your thoughts and consciously and purposefully focus those affirmations on positive and empowering statements. These positive affirmations will reprogram your subconscious mind and allow you to become more and more successful. By developing the habit of using positive affirmations regularly and consistently your subconscious will adapt to the new information it is being provided with. As Claude M. Bristol rightly said "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

For your affirmations to be effective, it is important that you create your own affirmations based on your specific conditions and circumstances. It is very important to remember that your affirmations are only going to be efficient if you can feel what you are affirming. It is the emotions that your affirmations create that will attract the success that you desire to you. The most effective positive affirmations are phrases that are in alignment with you, empower you and allow you to feel a shift in your emotions as you repeat them.

You can repeat the following affirmations to become more successful or you can create your own affirmations.

1.         I am very successful now.

2.         Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me.

3.         I attract success and prosperity with all of my ideas.

4.         Success comes very easily and effortlessly to me.

5.         Everything I do turns into success.

6.         My success is contagious, other people like it, seek it and respect it.

7.         All of my thoughts and ideas lead me straight to success.

8.         Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind.

9.         I am a success magnet.

10.      I am the example of success and triumph.

You can all become as successful as you desire by using positive affirmations regularly and consistently. Remember that success is a state of mind and if you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. As John Addison rightly said, "You've got to win in your mind before you win in your life."

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/think-your-way-to-success-with-positive-affirmations-3465876.html

About the Author

Priya Deelchand is a Corporate Trainer, Business Coach and Motivational Speaker and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. If you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life, please visit us at http://www.successstrategiesconsultants.com

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Create a Personal Development Plan

by Andrew Brown

The good news is if you are reading this you have already taken the first step towards improving your life - recognizing a need for change. All too many people go through their lives not seeing the opportunities just within reach with only a few changes in how they see and interact with the world. The other step you've taken is looking for help. A few people are blessed with enough talent that they cam be almost entirely self-sufficient, but most of us will need the help, support, and advice of people with more experience or resources than ourselves, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of these things.

A development plan is the next best step you can take towards improving your life. It doesn't have to be a difficult process, but it will help to give blueprint on how to go forward and cement your goal of where you want to be in the future.

First Questions

When you start to create your plan you need to begin with the most basic questions.

Where am I now?
Make a quick inventory of your life at this moment. What are you doing? What is it that is motivating you to want to change? You need to be honest here, and this can be a little frightening at times so feel free to jot down a few quick notes and come back to this.

Where do I want to be?
Write a clear statement of where you want to be after making your change. Focus on the results. You want more money? Try to write down instead what that money will bring you i.e. a feeling of security, more time with your family, the ability to help others.

How do I get there?
Outline a list of what you need to do in order to reach your goal. Is there a specific skill you need to learn? Something you need to clear off your plate first?

Filling in the Details

Now your the development plan is well underway. In broad strokes, your goal and how to get there has been outlined, but before committing this down to a final development plan it is worthwhile to work out some of the specifics.

What can help me? What will get in the way?
Look at things both in yourself, and in the world around you. List down the strengths and skills you have, as well as some of your weaker areas. Then think about the people and resources that are available. Who and what is there to help you if you need it, and who is going to get in the way. A common way to organize this information is in a S.W.O.T. chart.

What is the first step?
You may not know every step along the path, but you can almost always see the first step you need to take. Get this written down so you can get this done. Be realistic though, willpower and discipline are not infinite. Make sure each step you decide to take is an achievable one.

How will I know when I get there?
This is very important. Write a very clear description of what your life will be like after you achieve your goal. How will your life be different from how it is now? What will you have? What will you be able to do?Really take the time to think this through and be as specific as possible.

Putting it Together

After answering the questions above then next step it easy. Create the actual plan by looking back through what you've written down so far and organizing it into a coherent and logical process that you can follow on the way to your goal.

Why bother?

This is just one of many ways that you can use to help you reach your goals by taking firm steps to change your life. Writing down your goals, and the steps to reach them is a way of clearly defining what it is you want. The more clearly the final destination is in sight, the easier it will be to stay motivated.

Having a plan in writing is also a great way to see and celebrate your progress as you move forward. Goals such as 'make more money' or 'be a better person' usually fail because they are too general. There is no way to objective assess when the goal has been reached. Is more money $100 more, or $10,000? Is being a better person just spending more time with your family, or creating more memorable and meaningful experience with your loved ones? Without knowing where you are going you will never know when you get there.

With years and coaching and management experience, Andrew Brown built up an interest in personal development and growth after struggling to get better results both for his clients and himself.