Thursday, May 31, 2012

Become A Master of Change

When to change? - What to change? - How to change?

For most of us, the thought of change can send us into a panic attack. For some of us, we might fear change because it disrupts our sense of security and consistency by challenging our perceptions. As much as we crave stability and security, change is an inevitable part of life and we can either choose to embrace it or resist it.

From the minute we are born, our body remains in constant change and resisting it only makes it harder to get through it. Resistance to change isn't because we purposely want to go against the grain; we do it because we're fearful of the unknown outcome. We don't know what's on the other side and for no rational reason we resist it, thinking that will help us.

The fear of change comes from the fact that change challenges the perceptions and beliefs that our life is built upon. When change challenges our perceptions, we are forced to step outside our comfort zone, and that's uncomfortable. Additionally, when our perceptions are challenged, so is the ground our life is built upon. We are forced through change, to refine our perceptions and belief systems that we thought were true. Let's face it, when the very perceptions and belief system your life is built on is threatened, it can be uncomfortable. But it can also be very rewarding and exciting.

Change is the inevitable constant refinement of our being. Whether you want it or not, change is inevitable. Inaction and resistance cannot completely stop change; it will only lessen your personal growth and add frustration to your life. You will become stagnant and remain inside the boundaries of a very limited life while everyone and everything grows around you. You aren't reading this article to stay the same, and I don't believe we were put on this earth to be stagnant - you want to grow and improve. Wouldn't you like to discover your potential? What about becoming a better person for you, your family, and the world?

Life is really a series of changes and each change is a challenge. It's an opportunity for us to learn - to grow - to expand. Some changes might be small while others may be large, but they each bring the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.
With each new lesson you learn from the previous challenge, you become more adept at applying what you've learned to future growth and challenges. Change actually becomes much easier to handle because when you come out the other side, you gain valuable skills and experiences that you can apply to the rest of your life. Instead of being fearful, you may even have fun being more open to change because you know your life will be that much better.

With a constant refinement of perceptions and beliefs, change goes from sending us into a panic attack to being just another task we successfully complete. It goes from being a major incident to a whole new exciting adventure. With every change you make in your life, you become more adept at building solid ground no matter what the situation; and rationally dealing with your fear instead of allowing your perceptions to falsely magnify it. Change becomes fun and exciting, and you learn to actually welcome it.

Here's how you become a master of change:

Inaction and Resistance Carries Bigger Consequences
There's no way out and around it. Choosing inaction or resistance to change carries bigger consequences than choosing to face the change head-on in the first place. You are an ever changing person in an ever changing world and resistance just adds fear and frustration to every situation. Learn to be open to creating new and exciting adventures that change will bring.

Focus on the Desired End Result
Worrying about what might happen will not help you deal with what's at hand. Focus on where you want to be when the change is complete. The mind has an uncanny way of being a goal-achieving machine and will create your reality based on the thoughts you are focused upon. You want to keep your desired end result in mind at all times, and only think about what you want to happen not what you don't want to happen. What got you to where you are today isn't what will take you where you want to be. Look at your long-range desired results and embark on a new journey to even greater outcomes.

Rationalize Your Fear
Fear is a natural response, but try to identify what it is you are afraid of. Fear is usually the result of our mind creating hypothetical dramas that have no base in reality. If you find yourself fearful of the outcome of an impending change, ask yourself what you're afraid of. There is a solution to everything and when you rationalize your fear, you can see that you are going to be just fine. You can just suck it up, and as Nike says, "Just Do It." Do what you are afraid of doing and reap the benefits. You will quickly discover that the experience of change wasn't worth all that anxiety over the unknown. Each time you rationalize the fear, you will have greater courage to "Just Do It" in the future.

Break it into Manageable Pieces
For major changes, break it down into smaller manageable pieces. It's much easier to identify a solution when you can apply a strategy to deal with each step. When you know what you're going to do each step of the way, you can get to the end result with confidence and a rational strategy.

Last but not least, celebrate your victories. Each time you felt the fear and did it anyway, you were victorious and reaped the benefits of showing that you are a champion! Little by little you'll learn to trust your abilities more and to handle anything that comes your way. When you rationalize the fear and create successful strategies, you come out a winner on the other side. Look at change as a fun and exciting adventure. Reap the many rewards!

You can resist change, but only temporarily. When you resist the natural flow of the world, which is based on change, your life becomes a series of challenges that are amplified by your resistance. Resist them and you become a victim - embrace them and you become a true master of change.

I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened.
Celebrated American author

"Life and business are like the changing seasons.
You can't change the seasons, but you can change yourself."
- Jim Rohn

Anne M. Bachrach is known as The Accountability CoachTM. She has 23 years of experience training and coaching. The objective is to work less, make more money, and have a more balanced life. Anne is the author of the book, Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, and Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact Our Lives. Go to and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle Membership today and receive 10% off on all products and services, in addition to having access to assessments and resources to help you achieve your goals so you can experience a more balanced and successful life (

Monday, May 28, 2012

Three Steps to Guide You to a Positive and Prosperous Life.

By: Peggy Lamb

To obtain the goal of a positive and prosperous life you must control your thoughts. It is sad but true many of us see life as the glass as half empty instead of the glass being half full.
Negative thoughts draw negative actions like metal to a magnet.

Do you know the average person has seventy to eighty thousand thoughts each day? It is a sad reality, as I am sure you know, most of our thoughts are negative. Most of the time we are oblivious to the fact how important it is for us to make a conscious and diligent effort to concentrate on positive thoughts.

It seems much more comfortable for us to tell someone about our problems repeatedly over and over again. We also fall victim to listening to someone else tell us about their negative stories. It is so important that we take charge of our thoughts and action and turn negative thoughts and actions into positive and prosperous behavior.

How To Take Control In Three Easy Steps:

Step 1.

Read and recite positive affirmations daily.

Step 2.

Block negative thoughts when they creep into your minds eye. Remember replace all negative thoughts and actions with positive and prosperous thoughts and behaviors.

Step 3.

Share your positive thoughts with your friends, family members and peers whenever you can.
Dispel all negativity from your thoughts and surroundings. Keep your focus on positive and prosperous thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Remember you are the master of your universe.

Start each day with a positive focus. Tell yourself you are going to live a fantastic life, after all you deserve the good life. Keep your thoughts and beliefs on positive and prosperous actions for the entire day.

Remember our thoughts guide our life. And to have the positive and prosperous life we long for we must keep good thoughts and behaviors in our hearts and mind even when faced with negativity. So when you are ready to fire your boss, just remember that is not in the plan to achieve your goal of a positive and prosperous life.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Mindset Techniques for Your Journey to Success

by Roberta Mittman

There's no denying, the road to seizing a goal can be rough. And when the prize is something you've reached for before (perhaps even more than once) but not yet grasped, it can feel even harder. Past obstacles and underlying fears can sabotage our efforts, making the effort seem futile.

But that may be about to change for you! I've seen people grab success after the most difficult of struggles. My patients and telecoaching clients have uncovered the secret to meeting those seemingly impossible challenges: maintaining a healthy mindset. It's true: Changing your thinking can help you radically alter whatever it is in your life--relationships, career, health, or any other facet of your world--that isn't what you want it to be.

Feeling beaten down and defeated? Pull one of these tried and true techniques out of your bag of tricks. Better yet, incorporate them into everyday living, and watch your whole world brighten and expand.

Practice gratitude.
When you start to notice the universe doing something right, it changes your day. Gratitude moments needn't be earthshattering; even the small details are precious. Think of the sun shining after a lot of rain, or the smile from a stranger. Recognizing these gifts is like wearing an inner smile for the day.

Make time for yourself.
It can be just 5 minutes a day, but make this time solely yours. This little moment can refuel you for the rest of the day. Eating well, sleeping, exercising, and just quiet time all count when you embrace them. Please don't think of it as a luxury--personal time is a necessity. Without it, you'll feel even more overwhelmed and resentful, two obstacles to success.

Keep an inspiration archive.
One of my favorite places to go is a "quotes/inspiration" folder I keep on my computer. In just one click, all the thoughts that I found helpful, uplifting, and supportive are there for me to refresh my attitude, doubt, and second guessing. Whew.

Learn, but do not obsess.
Being fearful sometimes means that you need to educate yourself. It's like turning on a light in a dark room. Sometimes you need to consult an expert, read, or enroll in a class to tackle your fears. But always remember that balance is key. When we find ourselves asking "Dr. Google" for so much information that we become overwhelmed, confused, or even more fearful, it's time to take a step back.

Get a better script.
Negative self-talk is an ingrained habit that's hard to change. If your routine is to constantly blame, berate, or insult yourself, you need a new speech model. Need a few examples?

The old tape: "Figures this would happen to me. I have no luck."
The new message: "OK. It's all a test and now I know where I stand."

The old tape: "It was only a matter of time before I blew it again."
The new message: "There's no failure--it's just information to use for the future."

The old tape: "Nice, but what's the catch? Good things don't happen to me."
The new message: "I am deserving of the good and abundance that the universe has to offer me."

With practice, your new script will become second nature.

Know that there's only one you.
That's good news! Although having a mentor to guide you is beneficial, you alone are responsible for and the captain of your ship. It's what you think about and apply life's opportunities that really counts. Comparison to others will drag you back down to that "not good enough" place again, but the reassuring truth that you are doing your best and taking slow but steady steps is your ticket to success.

Don't let fears or a long-standing habit of negativity derail your efforts. You can reach your goals--you just need the right support. Take steps to strengthen the most important force of encouragement of all: Yourself.

Roberta Roberts Mittman, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., M.S., is a nutritional and lifestyle consultant, holistic mindset mentor, and nationally board-certified acupuncturist. Roberta believes in complete mind-body health and empowering individuals to be their own best healers. Ready to take that step? Call 212-686-0939, or visit online at

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Positive Affirmations: Why They Work

By Drew Graham

Most people are willing to accept that positive affirmations work, they are however often not clear on just why they work. The answer is actually pretty simple, they work because we can convince ourselves of almost anything if we really want to. Knowing this it is a simple matter to convince ourselves of things that will be helpful.

The reason that positive affirmations work is that the more you tell yourself something the more likely it is that you will believe it. You have almost certainly had the experience where you have managed to convince yourself of something that wasn't actually true simply by telling yourself that it was over and over again, positive affirmations work the same way. By repeating them over and over again you will convince yourself of what you are saying.

In order to understand why you are able to convince yourself of something by repeating it over and over again you have to look at how the mind works. Once we believe something we usually continue to believe even when there is evidence to the contrary. This is so that we are not constantly changing what we believe and running the risk that we will no longer believe things that we need to believe in order to survive, like running into a busy street is not safe.

To change what we believe we have to hear something that is contrary to what we already believe many times over, this is where positive affirmations come in. When you hear something that contradicts what you already believe your mind has two choices, it can choose to assume what you have heard is untrue or it can reappraise what you believe. In most cases it will choose to deny the new statement. However if you hear it enough you will eventually be forced to reappraise and consider that it might be true and eventually you will reach the point where you believe it to be true.

Once you have convinced yourself that the new statement is true you will have changed your beliefs and changing them back again will be very difficult. This is why you have to make sure that if you are going to use positive affirmations that you use them in the correct way. If they are not worded properly you may convince yourself of something different than you intended. It is therefore a good idea to use affirmations that have a proven track record of success.

The best way to use the power of positive thinking is by using positive affirmations.

Article Source:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to Celebrate The Joy of Everyday

By: Roseanna Leaton

Every day brings fresh happenings, unique situations and circumstances to those who look at the world with new eyes. Every day carries with it many opportunities to find and to create joy, so long as this is the outcome that you seek.

A gentleman in a store asked me the other day how the day was going for me. I provided a one-word answer - "perfect". A look of surprise came over his face and then he admitted that I was the first person who had provided that answer in the two year period that he had asked the same rhetorical question of every customer who stood on the opposite side of his counter.

Apparently most people respond that their day is pretty average, so-so or in fact pretty awful. Few people state that their day is going well, let alone that it is great or perfect. Don't you find that sad?

An octogenarian friend whom I admire greatly often quips, "If you're not having fun it's your own fault". Some people work their way through life with endless curiosity, humor and enthusiasm whilst others sadly do not. Living with an attitude of childlike wonder and joy makes life so much better in very many ways; it's more fun, more enjoyable and a whole lot easier on the mind and body.

The people who have this light and bright attitude do always acknowledge that their attitude is their own choice. They recognize that they have chosen to view their world in this way. In contrast, those who have a bleaker outlook on life tend to believe that they do not have a choice in this matter, that life has thrown them a tough, difficult or unfair hand.

Once you realize that you do have a choice in how you view circumstances, irrespective of how good or bad those circumstances happen to be, you will find that a huge weight is simultaneously lifted from your shoulders. You immediately step out from beneath black and threatening clouds and instead find that you can see blue sky and bright sunlight.

Happiness comes from within. Happiness does not derive from circumstances or events; rather, it comes from choosing to see your world in a relaxed, comfortable and positive manner. In choosing to take responsibility for the way in which you think, you free yourself to enjoy the inherent beauty of your world.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Is Hypnosis?

Here is a dictionary definition:

Hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly aware of suggestion or direction.

To give a comprehensive answer you could say that hypnosis is often over exaggerated. We use the term “hypnosis” to describe a trance like state.

However, in reality we all go in and out of mild “trances” every day; those moments when our minds wander and we fantasize, we even enter a hypnosis like state when we simply sit down to read the sunday paper and give it our full attention - going into a mini trance and blocking the rest of the world out.

These trance like states, and they are all natural and safe. Hypnosis simply puts you into one of these mild “trance” states purposefully - with the aim of sending powerful hypnotic suggestions to help you change your life.

Although you might not remember everything which is said to you once you enter a trance you are not actually asleep, hypnosis is actually a heightened state where you are both relaxed but have an open mind.

Due to this heightened way of thinking you can use hypnosis to rewire your self beliefs and patterns of thinking.

Hypnosis gains access the subconscious mind and reduces the unwanted traits that prevent personal growth.

What can hypnosis help?

Hypnosis has a history of treating phobic disorders and fears, or at least this is how it first started out. It then began to be used with great success for weight loss and stopping smoking.

Hypnosis is now used for the elimination of almost any negative belief, it is used to help a wide range of health problems, and has a massive place in helping people to achieve the "success mindset", to achieve their specific goals in life.

Get started with hypnosis today - the easiest way is to go through it for yourself . You can download 3 free hypnotherapy mp3s from Natural Hypnosis yes, the team who are changing the way hypnosis is practiced!:

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

What do you do when you lack motivation?

Personally, I have found that I lack motivation the most when my belief level in whatever it is that I am doing is low. That is basically the only reason why I believe that I don't feel like I'm capable of doing something or have the drive to even do it. If you are doing something, and you have a low belief in it, chances are you won't be so motivated to do it if you feel this way!

So, anytime you find yourself lacking the motivation and drive to do something, ask yourself how much you believe in whatever it is that you are doing. There is nothing more discouraging than just going through the motions in anything! If there is no belief that you will accomplish a certain thing, then odds are you won't be so motivated to do the required tasks.

Success will bring you motivation

Success will bring you motivation in anything that you set out to do. If you are doing something, such as working out to lose weight and you are not seeing any visible results, then your motivation will be lackluster to say the least. If you are doing something and you are seeing results, then odds are you will have more motivation to continue doing what ever it is to obtain your goal.

Keep your eye on what you want

What do you really want from whatever it is you are doing? If obtaining that thing excites and inspires you, then keep your mind focused on how you feel once you obtain that thing. We all want to live happier and fulfilled lives! We can do that by focusing on what makes us happy and then going after it. We find that we lack motivation when we see no visible evidence of getting any closer to what we want.

The trick is to find some evidence that you are experiencing success, whether big or small successes, along the way that will keep your motivation level high. When you are lacking that motivation that means you are taking your focus off of your successes and putting it on your failures. Whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on your failures, then you won't be motivated. If you focus on your success, then you will be motivated.

So if you are lacking motivation, simply shift your focus to things that are bringing you closer to what you want in life and your successes. You will find that by doing that you motivation level will always be through the roof!

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Simple Ways On How To Live Your Best Life Now

Many people exercise self help. Rather than trying professional methods, people resort to trying to use their own personal thinking to eliminate problems in their lives and make themselves better people. The harder the personal problem, the harder it is to practice self help. If you wish to use self help to eliminate a problem, then read the advice in this article.

On your path to personal development, remember that your whole self is made of many parts. For example, if you have any chronic health conditions, remember that these can absolutely affect your mindset and perspective. If you take care of your body, your body will reward you with positivity.

Overcome your personal fears with action. Take baby steps into overcoming your fears to either diminish their hold on you or to completely eliminate them. Convince yourself that you can be more than just afraid of the fears, and that you can take steps to bypass them. You are not limited by them.

To keep your motivation strong, remember that comparing yourself to others is a counterproductive process. Everybody comes from a different standpoint, and your position in life is unique. This means that your successes are just that -- yours. You should have pride in what you have already accomplished and only allow yourself to be inspired by others, instead of feeling intimidated.

Gaining knowledge is one of the best ways you can help yourself grow as a person. There is nothing wrong with going to the library and checking out books or audio books that can help you feel better about yourself and have a positive outlook on your goals and life in general.

Distract yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, try to distract yourself from your problem. If there is nothing you can do about what is bothering you, obsessing is just going to make it worse. Instead, try to shift your attention to something interesting that you can actually enjoy.

For many people personal development conjures up images of long hours spent working on an MBA or studying something else. While this is one option it is also possible to work on other aspects that are more interesting like learning how to cook or working on other practical life skills.

Taking a yoga class or purchasing a yoga video can be a terrific way to boost your personal development. This ancient exercise includes strengthening, stretching, and a cardiovascular workout to make it an all around wonderful form. Additionally, you will gain mental clarity and focus while practicing yoga. Try yoga today.

Breaking a complicated or seemingly overwhelming task into smaller pieces can make it much more manageable. Don't make your goals too broad or vague. Break them down into specific, achievable pieces and work through these in an organized and disciplined fashion. Before long, you'll look up and realize you've climbed that mountain.

Be aware of what brings out the worst in you and alter it. Perhaps you only smoke when you are on break at work. Perhaps your next door neighbor always inspires you to procrastinate first thing in the morning by sharing gossip over the fence. You can't eliminate the breaks or the neighbor, of course, but you can change how you respond to each.

When it comes to personal development make sure that you stand up for what you believe in but that you do not inflict harm on yourself or others in the process. It is important to not be too dominant or powerful because you cannot lead if others are afraid of you.

If you are turning to self help remedies to help out with your depression, a great tip is to make an effort to enrich your relationship with family and friends. Often times, your life will feel more fulfilled when you have strong connections with many people and this is a great way to accomplish that.

When working on your personal development be sure to keep a positive attitude. It may seem hard as you are trying to improve things that you view as negative, but put a positive spin on it, as negativity will make it less likely that you will succeed in making the changes you want to make.

The first step to personal development is to have the determination to improve. Without the motivation and drive, you are not going to get very far. Set goals on which aspects you want to improve on and do not give up, not matter how hard it may seem.

As was mentioned in the introduction of the article, personal development is not an easy task. However, if you are knowledgeable about how to improve yourself in a healthy way, the process of personal development becomes much simpler. Follow the advice in this article and you will be on your way to self improvement and a positive well-being.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Think Positively

The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Think Positively

By Drew Graham

Almost everybody agrees that thinking positively is one of the keys to being successful, this is why it is so frequently offered as advice to people. The problem is that it is not nearly as easy to think positively as a lot of people imagine, if it were everybody would be happy and successful. Learning how to have positive thoughts is a skill that has to be learned, the following tips should help you to get started.

One of the best ways to make sure that you are able to think positively is whenever you set out to do something always picture the task successfully completed before you start. This is fairly common advice in which you are told to picture the end results, the problem is that most people just leave it there. Obviously picturing yourself as being successful is not going to be enough, you will have to take action. It is however a very good start and is something that you should get into the habit of doing.

Another way to have positive thoughts is to learn about other successful people. This can be done in any number of ways but the most common are to read biographies of them or to watch television shows about them. When you see that other people have had success it will make it a lot easier for you to believe that you can do the same thing. Their success does not even have to be in the same field you are pursuing, it is enough to see other people who have succeeded.

Getting in the habit of using positive words every time you talk will go a long way to helping you think positive. It is common for people to say things like "I think I can do that" when really they should be saying "I can do that". This subtle change will have a huge impact on your thinking and you will soon believe that you actually can do it.

One last thing that you can do to help you think positive is to work on improving your posture. This may not seem like a bit issue but it is. If you stand up straight you will feel more confident and if you feel more confident you will believe that you can do anything. This is another one of those things that you will want to get into the habit of doing all the time. This will result in your being more confident all of the time and having positive thoughts all of the time.

The best way to use the power of positive thinking is by using positive affirmations.

Article Source:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Boost Your Self Esteem!

by Scott Beckstead

When you consider that low self-esteem is usually the result of negative messages being absorbed by the subconscious, it makes sense that feeding your mind more positive messages can make a powerful difference!

What stops most people is the uncertainty of what to say, and how to word affirmations for optimal effectiveness. Below you'll find some simple tips to help you write effective affirmations for improving your self-esteem.

1) Present tense. First, it's helpful to word affirmations in present tense, not future. You wouldn't want to say, 'I will learn to love myself' because that makes it sound like you'll get around to it someday. Instead you could say, 'I choose to love myself'. The wording of that affirmation does two things: it empowers you with the addition of the words 'choose to', and it puts the timeframe in the present moment.

2) Believable. At the same time, your affirmations should be believable to you. If you tried to say, I am a wonderful person with a lot to offer the world, you may not really believe that, so your subconscious mind might reject it. Instead, try to focus on a process rather than an end result in your affirmations. Say something like, I am learning to embrace my uniqueness and share it confidently with others.

3) Use the right tone. When you recite affirmations, you can do so aloud or just mentally, but you should focus heavily on the TONE you use. Rather than saying the words without emotion like you were reading a newspaper really inject an element of love and tenderness into them. Your subconscious mind picks up on the emotional aspect of what youíre saying more than the actual words. Imagine the difference between saying the words, ìI really love myselfî with a tone of love and compassion, or sarcasm. Which do you think would have a greater impact on your subconscious mind?

4) Repetition. Once you've got some affirmations formed to work on your self-esteem, try saying them several times a day. Remember, your subconscious mind is constantly playing back old, negative messages so you want to counteract those as much as possible. Keep reciting your more positive thoughts on a regular basis - especially when you become aware that youíre thinking negatively about yourself.

5) Give it time. Finally, remember that it will take time to change those old, negative messages in your mind to something more positive. It may take a few weeks or even months before youíll notice an obvious difference in how you feel, and you may be tempted to think it isn't working. Keep with it, and you will begin to see a difference eventually! Most likely it will be a gradual change. Little by little you'll start feeling more positive, and notice that you're feeling a bit happier and lighter. That's your signal that it's working!

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Article Source: Boost Your Self Esteem!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Attitude for Greatness

What is attitude? It is what you think, believe, feel, expect, act, in relation to yourself, life, people, and your goals. Attitude can be positive or it can be negative; it can be limiting or it can be expanding; if you have a positive attitude, you feel alive, well, loved, happy, liked, confident, feel good; if you have a negative attitude, you feel angry, resentful, fearful, depressed, anxious, hopeless,... you feel bad. Your feelings are your thermometer to your attitude and, as we will see below, your life is the mirror to your attitude.

Now, how is your attitude, how is your dominant attitude? Is it positive, and expanding, or is it negative and limiting? What do you think you can achieve? Who do you think you are? What do you think about yourself? What do you think about other people? Do you think they are out there to get you or to help you? Do you expect to be liked by people or do you expect to be 'judged'? Do you expect to be lucky? Do you expect to achieve your goals? Do you expect that life is going to be difficult, that you will have to struggle to make money, or do you expect life is wonderful and enjoyable?

Your expectations determine what will happen in your life, as very simply, what you expect, you get. So, if you are not sure of what your expectations really are, take a look at your life: whatever you have in your life right now is a reflection of who you are inside and the vibrations you send out. If you are struggling with money, with your health, with a relationship, with your job, with people, it means that somewhere your attitude is not healthy. So, if you want to change your life, you need to change yourself, you need to change your attitude.

In fact, a healthy attitude is when you feel good about yourself, when you know that you will achieve your goals, when you know people will like and love you, when you know that things will work out, when you know you are precious and the Universe is conspiring to your happiness. A healthy attitude is when you love people, when you love yourself, when you thank God for who you are and for all the wonderful gifts you have, for all the people you have in your life, for all that has happened to you, because that has made you the person you are today.

So, your attitude towards yourself has a strong impact on your self-love, on the way you treat yourself, and so, on your health- mental, emotional, and physical. Your attitude towards people will have a strong impact on the response you will get from them, because if you love them, if you are grateful, if you appreciate them, if you are kind, they will love you back. So, three emotions are a key to great relationships: gratitude, kindness and love. In fact, as the most important needs of any human being are the need for connection, the need to feel appreciated and the need to feel loved, and everything that happens in your life happens through people, whether is in your personal or professional life, you need to have a very positive attitude here. And this means always, really always, look at the positive and best in people, you included. Look at the positive in people and circumstances, and they will become that, you will take out the best from them, and you will attract more of that. And look at the best in you, in how extraordinary and unique you truly are, look at your gifts, qualities and strengths, and you will develop a healthy esteem and love for yourself.

And your attitude towards life will determine your success or failure, whether you will achieve your goals and be the best you can be, or whether you are going to struggle. Now, your attitude towards your goals is also something more than that, because the expectation of achievement whether is the person you want to become or a goal you want to achieve, makes you become that person and achieve what you want before you actually have done it. It is the Law of Attraction. And the more you have expectations and you take actions to achieve your goals, the faster you are going to achieve them. So, let us suppose you want to be confident or you want to be successful, if you have the attitude and the expectations of being confident and successful, you are going to feel confident and successful already now. It is simply a shift in your consciousness.

Now, let us suppose you have developed a healthy attitude towards yourself, life, people, and your goals. What do you do when you encounter negative people or negative circumstances? What do you do when somebody gets angry at you? What do you do when you are driving and someone cuts in your way? Well, we need to develop an immune attitude, learn to be immune to negativity. You need to learn not to let anything disturb your peace of mind. You can simply ignore it and smile it away. And think that things are temporary, that if you have a great attitude, you will create a life where you have all that you desire and deserve, a wonderful life, guaranteed.

So, what is the attitude you are going to choose?

Source: Free Articles

About the Author
Piercarla Garusi is a Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotic Practitioner, Director of PG Coaching Ltd. She is passionate about helping you be well, and create a life that makes you truly happy. Please visit:,