Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What Is Self-confidence and 5 ways that you can build it.

I looked up the Collins English dictionary for a definition of self-confidence. It says ‘Confidence in one’s own powers, judgement, etc’. The same dictionary defines confidence as a ‘belief in one’s own abilities’. So self-confidence can be said to be a belief in your powers and abilities.

So now we know what it is, how can you build on it? Here are five ways that might help.

1. Smile
This might sound silly but you don’t smile if you’re feeling unhappy or nervous. The simple act of smiling, even if you have to force it at first, will make you feel better. A smile is something everyone associates with positive feelings, so by smiling you make yourself feel better, you will appear confident, other people will notice and they too will feel less nervous and more confident. Before you know it you will fit right into the situation that you were nervous or lacking in confidence about.

2. Good Posture
How you carry yourself tells a lot about you. If you slouch or walk around with your shoulders slumped forward with your head down, you don’t give off any feelings of confidence to yourself or anyone else. So always stand up straight, with your head up and make eye contact with everyone you meet. This will make a positive impression on those you meet which will reflect back on you making you feel more confident.

3. Be Grateful
When you thing about what you want, your mind comes up with reasons why you can’t have it e.g. you don’t have the money, you don’t deserve it, you don’t need it. This leads you to think about lack and brings on more negative thinking which does nothing for self-confidence. The best thing to do is to focus on what you have and be grateful for it. It is something you should do daily and you should go through a list of things you are grateful for. Think about the friends you have, good things you have done in the past, any skills you may have, good relationships you have or had. This will bring about positive thoughts and when you are having predominantly positive thoughts you feel better, more motivated and definitely more self-confident.

4. Appearance
I don’t know about you but I know when I’m wearing tatty old clothes (we’ve all got that part of jeans and shirt covered in paint with holes in that we use for odd jobs around the house) I don’t feel that good. I look at myself and think ‘you look a mess’ and then I don’t feel that great either.
Nothing beats getting out of the old clothes, having a shower and a shave and getting into something clean and tidy looking. The improvement to your confidence is amazing.

5. Say Something
Now strange as it may seem, if you are with a group of people you have just met, one of the best ways to help increase your confidence is actually to say something. You’ll quite likely find that other people in the group are just as nervous about speaking as well. If you make the effort to speak, even once, within a group you’ll become better at speaking in public and become more confident.

So there you have 5 pretty easy ways that you can use to help build up your self-confidence. As with all things it takes a bit of perseverance, but even if all you do is smile and stand up straight that is a good start to developing your confidence.

If you would like more ideas to help improve your self-confidence and other useful information have a look at

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Simple Ways To Improve Memory

by: Alexanes Leeny

Are you seeking ways to Improve Memory? The human mind is undoubtedly a wonderful tool but memory is a skill that can only be cultivated with some practice and a lot of patience. Anyone wanting to improve memory can learn memory sharpening skills and problem solving techniques with only a little effort. 

No one actually has "bad" memory. The problem is that people unknowingly end up developing bad memory habits as early as infancy itself. Because of bad recall habits, people often face problems during examinations, interviews and other circumstances that require efficient memory. 

Many people believe that they possess a poor capacity to remember facts, information and experiences in life. However, many ways and techniques, which can be applied at any age, aid in memory improvement. In fact, improving memory is just a method of modulating certain personal habits in order to practice skills that can help in strengthening recall power. 

If you are also looking for ways you can improve your memory then the best way to start is by visiting the By visiting this website, you will be able to draw the maximum advantage of the free memory improvements articles, videos and resources. The website features interactive and skilled audio techniques that can help those suffering with problems of memory loss. 

Who would not like to sharpen his/her cognitive function and improve their ability to retain information? Memory improvement techniques are endless and it is very important to effectively navigate through these techniques so that life becomes even easier thereby increasing brainpower. 

All of us know that neither memory loss nor the ability to improve memory is dependent on age. Regardless of your age, you can successfully improve your memory. Below are a few ways that can help you to improve your memory. 

Proper Diet and Sleep 

It is very important to have a highly nutritious diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. Following a proper diet and adequate sleep is also extremely important. Both these things help to optimize learning abilities and keep the body healthy. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been proven to improve brain activity. 

Stay Organized 

Staying organized helps in reducing stress and simplifying life. Staying clutter free will help you get rid of trivial matters. You will be able to channel your mental energy and focus on things that are more important. Staying organized will also increase your ability to retain more information. 

Exercise Your Brain 

In order to function at a high level, our brain needs adequate exercise. It is extremely important to keep the brain active and give it enough opportunities to grow. You can involve yourself in crossword puzzles, Sudoku and in playing strategy games such as chess or checkers. 

Use Brain Foods 

According to studies, certain food items help in improving memory. Some of these items are grapes, apples, blueberries, onions, whole-grain puffed rice, spinach, curry, orange juice, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish and caffeine.

About The Author

For more information on how to improve memory, visit the site . The website provides interactive and skilled audio techniques and memory articles that can help people of all ages sharpen their memory.
The author invites you to visit:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Increase Your Self-Esteem and Increase Success

By: Anne Bachrach

Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall “self-appraisal…their own level of competence, beauty and worth.” Interestingly, self-esteem can involve a person’s belief system, as well as their emotion. Self-esteem can be tied in with a person’s desires and belief-obligations, as well as what they feel is their own level of competence. Emotionally, self-esteem can be affected by feelings of pride and shame as well as joy and despair. You can tell a lot about a person’s self-esteem in the way they carry themselves. Body language as well as tone of voice and facial expressions can reveal qualities of assertiveness, shyness, confidence or nervousness.

Many people suffer from low self-esteem as well as other self-limiting beliefs, which pummel them into a state of non-action. Self-esteem is not limited to one aspect of a person’s body or mind, nor is it all-inclusive. Some people may hate their physical appearance but still hold their mental prowess to be average to high in ability. Others may discount their abilities or their worth, even though they enjoy showcasing their body for attention. Some people may hate every aspect about themselves. Whatever the case, these personalities are said to have low self-esteem. Because of these limiting beliefs, people have been known to sabotage their own future by putting forth careless efforts.

High and Low Self-Esteem

What does the opposite of low self-esteem really mean? It doesn’t imply arrogance, though the term self-confident has occasionally been used to describe vain characteristics. A high level of self-esteem essentially means respecting yourself as a person, treating yourself with the same attitude that you would give one of your own friends or peers. This is an important step to increasing your level of self-esteem: viewing your life objectively. If you look at yourself through someone else’s eyes, you may find plenty to love and little to hate. You may also be able to better pinpoint negative behaviors that can be changed, assuming you want to change.

High self-esteem has been called the “immune system” of the soul, something that can help a person to cope with life’s problems and sidestep problems. What builds self-esteem in the first place? Self-esteem is very hard to fake. People who try too hard to be self-confident usually give themselves away. Self-esteem is an internal peace that exudes to the surface of a man or woman’s skin. Self-esteem evolves along with the human organism, starting from a child’s developmental process into adulthood. The child learns to be happy and confident with his or her abilities because of positive reinforcement learned early on. Beyond this stage, self-esteem is increased the more success an adolescent (and eventually and adult) enjoys in life. Success naturally makes people feel good about the world and about their own capacity to contribute to it. The more challenges they overcome they more energized they feel. You could say that success is like a healthy vitamin, as opposed to the addictive drug of failure. Your body has to cope somehow with its surroundings. Better that you nourish it with positive feelings rather than expose it to chronic misery!

How To Be Successful

How does one ensure success, though? Isn’t it true that it’s hard to become successful in life and that, as many inspiring success stories as there are out there, there are twice as many depressing stories that don’t amount to anything? Yes, it is true that bad things happen and that some visions of success are unrealistic. It would not be wise to covet the riches of a movie star or the fame of a national figure. This is an unrealistic expectation for most, propagated by the media, an institution that relies on the sensational and the unbelievable in order to sell their product. Before you start to define what success really means you have to determine your own personal definition. What do you want out of life, in the short-term and the long-term?

Setting goals is a must. I believe in setting ambitious goals that are in alignment with what you want in your life. When you set short-term goals, you are giving your mind more consistent reinforcement. You are not focusing on one monumental feat every 5 years, but little goals perhaps every week or even every day. It’s about progress and achieving milestones along the way to your long-term and life-time goals. The more goals you fulfill, even if they are relatively small, the better you will feel about yourself. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and forgive yourself for your mistakes. This is what makes or breaks self-esteem. Increase your self-esteem by measuring your progress. You know if you are making progress you are on the path toward achieving your goals.

Monday, August 20, 2012

What Everyone Should Know About Happiness and How to Achieve It

What Everyone Should Know About Happiness and How to Achieve It

By Kelvon Yeezy

Are you a Happy Person?

Two things for certain, you are not a happy person and you really do not know what a happy person is.

The concept of "Happiness" is misunderstood by many. On the one hand, you find a lot of people spending countless hours of their lives in order to earn enough money to achieve the state of happiness or to stay away from factors that might bring to them unhappiness.

On the other hand, you find people who are struggling to get the meaningful state of happiness, thinking that attaining high achievements and prospects, such as, fancy cars, beautiful apartments and high payment jobs can bring them into a happy life.

Everyone wants to be happy, if you have the fancy life you always desired and you are still an unhappy person, then all your major achievements are worthless. A doubt emerges on everyone's mind - What is Happiness and how to access to its grand state.

Happiness is a satisfactory state of emotion. So are love, excitement, interest and passion. All the emotions have causes and methods to control and manipulate them. It is not a satisfactory emotion caused by fulfilling your whims.

The following tips are worth being implemented to swerve to the grand state of happiness. Here they are.

Always Be Optimistic

Optimism towards life is very important to achieve happiness. Life is dynamic, we go through good and bad times, ups and downs and we still have the strength to overcome its variation.

Looking only at the negative sides of your life assuming that the whole world is against you, will have a negative consequence on your life and will eventually divert you from attaining happiness.

Let go of the past, stay focused on your present and look ahead of your future

If you have gone through a lot of disappointment, compunction, suffering and pain in the past, it does not mean that your present will be fulfilled by the same painful moments. Forget about the past, that will not make any progress in your life. You should look towards the present and your surroundings and plan a sparkling and happy future.

Life is too short... enjoy it while you are still breathing

Enjoy every single moment that life offers you. Avoid being pessimistic, which will only make you remember the negative sides and block you from focusing on solutions of major problems that impede you from cultivating the state of happiness.

Happiness can be achieved by fulfilling one's value. Paying attention to your personal needs, indulging your passion, finding lovely and optimistic friends, enjoying a simple life, are among the practices that help to bolster a feeling of happiness.

Article Source:

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts

The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts by Don Schoolcraft

Positive thoughts foster desirable images, conceptions, words, sentiments, emotions, energy or vibrations of joy, happiness, achievement, expansion and development.

The brain is a strong instrument in bringing about life changing effects so nourishing it with positivism pulls in what it wants.
The cosmos is made up of good and bad energy. If yours is a positive one, you emanate it and like a magnet, you will get all the favorable results.

Some will call it luck. Others might call it success achieved through hard work.

But have you noticed that truly successful people seem not afraid to go wrong? Why is that? Because they don’t think they would fail in the first place. This attitude makes a great difference.

Positive thoughts are as powerful as negative thoughts so it is important to keep your emotions and mental attitude towards all aspects of life under control. Of course, you can’t always eliminate negative thoughts in your life, but you can certainly minimize it by training your mind to view the bright side of things.

In other words, you should harness the power of positive thinking to be successful.

Change don't happen overnight. Positive thinking takes focus, practice and determination. No matter how things develop, problems are simply a part of life and giving in to your emotions is only normal.

What you should keep in mind is to make a switch as soon as you acknowledge any negative thoughts. Don’t dwell on it too long. Instead think of happy and cheerful events in your life. Smile frequently to break a gloomy situation.

Positive thoughts become effective when reinforced. Affirmations tend to help a lot. Repeat one affirmation every day. You may also learn inspirational quotes or stories. Listen to a happy song and if you feel like it, start dancing. Create a list of positive words and repeat each several times.

Envision what you want to have in your life and how having those things or situations may benefit you.

Maybe you want a new car because you want to shuttle to and from your work and home effortlessly? Then think about the comfort of hassle-free traveling. You wouldn’t be late for your work anymore and more significantly; you’ll be more productive. When you get more productive, you will be up for promotion shortly.

See, how these thoughts lead to bigger and beneficial results? Once you have mastered this method, you can easily aspire for anything and get it.

Don Schoolcraft has been using the laws of the universe for several years and now runs a successful business and a number of websites. On he shares with us "The New Thought Manifesto" by David Cameron Gikandi who was one of the consultants of the movie "The Secret". The manifesto has the power to change lives.

Article Source: The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Break Bad Habits Now With Affirmations

by: Amy twain

Affirmations can be really helpful to break bad habits if you are persistent about it.

In order for you to really break bad habits you must: a) be aware that the unconscious mind exists and b) learn how to manipulate its existence.

And affirmations are great and powerful techniques in which, if used effectively, could bring out and address directly to your unconscious being.

By uttering simple positive statements of the way you wish to live your life, then reiterating them out loud daily, you teach your unconscious thoughts in order to guide you to a better path to be reflected by your whole senses.

You can use:

1) Situational statements: one of a kind affirmations which provide a definite aim in your life. Some examples are:

a) "My heart and lungs are healthy."

b) "I am very happy to be earning $120, 000 per year."

2) Timeless affirmations. These are statements which can be made use at any point in your life.

a) "My body is healthy and strong."

b) "I am so happy in every aspect of my life"

In speaking these words over and over daily, they penetrate into our subconscious mind till it becomes our reality.

Moreover, the positive language of these "feel-good" affirming sentences blocks off negative thought processes, and in effect, fosters positive attitude.

To fortify this belief, each day, every morning, when you get ready for the day, you can try to spare at least 10 minutes of your time in uttering these affirmations out loud. Simply listen to your own voice as you speak these and try to be detached and unemotional as you can.

And lastly, it is very important that you must try to obstruct any negativity and concentrate 100% of your language and attention to the affirmations that you are saying out loud.

About The Author
The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. Click here to get more info about her Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You.
The author invites you to visit:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 Ways to Foster Self Growth

By: Katrina Briggs

Self growth is essential for every single person’s health and wellbeing, because everyone needs to progress one way or another in their lifetime. Not to do so—to remain stagnant for a long period of time—is definitely going to result in a lot of frustration and regret.

Here are some ways to grow into yourself:

1. Take things one step at a time. Self growth and personal success are attained slowly but surely. Don’t try to work on too many facets of your life at the same time; otherwise you will become overwhelmed, frustrated and possibly even burned out. Focus on one thing – two maximum – at a time. Don’t be the equivalent of those “helicopter moms” that are all over the place trying to tend to home, work, kids and soccer practices, or even those ridiculous overachievers in college who pride themselves on juggling the proverbial multiple balls in the air. That is a one-way ticket to burn out!

2. Learn to deal with people from all walks of life. If you’ve been living your life surrounded only by the same familiar people, then you need to get out more! Meet other people and visit new places to broaden your horizons and hone your social skills, which are critical to self growth, professional and personal success. If you want to become the best person you can be, then you need to prove to yourself that you can thrive in any social environment and adapt to different personalities.

3. Get rid of vices that may be harmful to your self growth. Are you quick to turn to painkillers when you feel the slightest muscle twitch? Do you tend to gorge on sugary snacks and drinks to keep your energy levels up as you slave over a very important project? Remove all self destructive habits from your system and start living clean! You won’t be able to enjoy personal success if your health takes a nosedive and renders you bedridden most of the time. So go have that physical check up and get tips from your physician and nutritionist on how to live a healthier and more wholesome lifestyle.

4. Assess your own attitude. How have you been behaving by your lonesome? Are you a person of integrity – always doing the right thing even when no one is looking? How are you with other people around? Do you exercise kindness and consideration for others, or are you being fueled by your own selfish needs for personal success? Bear in mind that in order to succeed at self growth, you must possess a mature disposition and a kind heart. Aim to be a caring and morally upright person no matter where you go. The universe has a way of rewarding people who treat others well and punishing those who won’t hesitate to trample on the feelings and rights of others.

5. Stay on the straight and narrow. There will always be temptations along the way – people who will try to convince you to take shortcuts and compromise your principles for the sake of achieving personal success and professional gains quickly and easily. Never engage in anything that will destroy your integrity, self growth and self respect. Never do anything that will bring your loved ones shame and disappointment. Always think of the consequences of your actions and remember that you can never have peace knowing you attained your goals through dubious measures.

The need for change has to be instigated by you, and you alone. To grow as a person is a truly individual journey; no one else can do it for you. So, do not hesitate to jump into the endeavor will all your might. The more enthusiastic you are, the better the results.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How Anyone Can Achieve Goals And Grow As A Person

by Steve Ian

Though the definition of self help may change slightly depending on who you're asking, the best ways of pursuing it are the same. The advice and techniques listed in this article, give a look at effective methods for you to develop a sustainable, calculated, self-help strategy.
When seeking to develop your personality it is key that you seek purity as opposed to seeking eloquence. In other words, seek wisdom that is both pure and powerful. Learn how to discern the difference between truth and wickedness. Once you distinguish the difference between these two you will gain both understanding and insight.
When dealing with the emotional downers in your life, self help is many times the solution for people. Like anything else in life, it requires dedication to succeed, but there is always room for improvement and you should always strive to better yourself. Remember to always keep your head up.
No matter what aspect of yourself that you decide to improve you can be sure that there are other people out there working on the same thing. Try to find these people either in every day life or in online forums so that you can share tips as well as have support.
Once you have decided to better who you are as a person or even your career or family situation, you must stay focused and on track with your goals. Make daily goals and objectives that you can easily complete. Small steps will eventually get you to where you want to be.
Assess your life and decide what things are working and which ones are not. Don't spend your time kicking yourself for the things that haven't been working. Look at them objectively, and find ways to learn from them. Imagine how you would counsel a friend to do things differently. Become a detective and a problem solver.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. This can be one of the most important things to know on your self help journey. Asking for help from those around you who are qualified is in fact a sign of strength. You get the benefit of someone who is objective and a bit more experienced than you are.
In some cases people recognize their life is not what they would like it to be. The first tip to change your life to something that is more desirable is to recognize that there is a gap, to list what's missing in your current situation, and to outline a plan to get from the old life to the new one. You will feel better once you start moving toward your new life.
Connect with your surroundings by celebrating each season. Be sure to take time to observe and appreciate the changing of the leaves in fall, the first snow in winter, the new blooms in spring and even the blazing sun in summer. By recognizing the natural passage of time, you will attain a greater sense of the process and purpose of your own life.
Do not ignore what your body is telling you. Spirit and body are usually approached as two different aspects of a person, but your health definitely influences your mind. Make sure you get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. Do not ignore pain or signs of hunger or tiredness. You will be more efficient with a body in good shape.
While personal development is a very intimate process, remember that no man is an island. Working on your teamwork skills will only lead to great things since large problems are best tackled by many people. You might find yourself with stellar references or even a stronger tie to your community at large.
Enlist the help of a homeopathic remedy for situational upsets. A relationship breakup or death of a loved one can send your emotions into a tail-spin. This sometimes results in a depressive response, called situational depression. A homeopathic remedy, Ignatia amara, is derived from the Saint Ignatiur bean and helps dissolve feelings of grief or hysteria.
To improve your life, cut out the unimportant things, and replace them with more meaningful activities. It is not uncommon to watch multiple hours of TV everyday or spend time on social media sites. Think of better ways to spend your time. Times spent practicing a musical instrument or developing a talent will add richness to your life!
Changing habits can be challenging yet very rewarding in your quest to find balance. If you would like to change any habit, it is important to create a goal and a plan to get there. You also need a way to track your progress. If you wanted to quit eating junk food for instance, a good way to get to this goal would be to save up all the money you saved on junk food any buy yourself a nice reward to remind you of your success.
As you can see, personal development is extremely important not only in today's job market, but also in society in general. People with good personal skills who are well-rounded individuals tend to be more successful. Hopefully this article has given you valuable information that you will be able to use in your quest for personal development!

Are you looking for ways to improve yourself but not know where should you be beginning? Then you have to take a look at funny quotes about being single.

Do you want to start improving yourself today? Then you can take a look at depressing quotes now.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Are You Happy With What You See, When You Look in the Mirror?

Are You Happy With What You See, When You Look in the Mirror?

By A Horton

When you look at yourself in the mirror in the bathroom every morning, do you like what you see? Do you feel satisfied and content that the person staring back at you is living a life of meaning and fulfilment, in all areas of their life? Are you asking yourself questions like, "How did I get here" and then not liking the answer or the picture you get in your mind? Yes I am sure that there are areas in your life that are working and you are on track, but I am sure that there are areas in your life, which you feel could be improved.

The secret to start moving your life back in the direction you want it to go, is to realise that the areas of your life, which are unsatisfactory, did not become like that in an instant. You did not go to sleep one night with everything on track and wake up the next morning in a very different place. The way our lives go off track, is as a result of one small bad decision at a time. The gradual decline in our lives is the result of numerous poor decisions repeated over a very long time.

Does your Tyre have a Slow Puncture?
The flat tyre we experience in our life is the result of a very slow puncture and very seldom the result of a blow-out. The slow leaks of air from your tyre, every day or rather the poor decisions, where you felt it was better to enjoy pleasure in the moment and to watch 5 hours of television every night, rather than reading and educational, inspirational or transformational book. All add up over time into the unsatisfactory results you get to enjoy.

So if your tyre is flat because of years of neglect and poor decisions, today is the day to finally make a better choice and to choose to replace the tyre, with a new version. One, which will make better choices and eliminate all bad choices, one which will apply daily discipline to everything they do and slowly pull their life back on track. You can't change the fact that the tyre has gone flat or even the way it went flat, but you can choose to replace the tyre and make better choices from this moment forward.

Reverse the Damage
The beauty of this process, where you slowly moved yourself off track, with consistent poor decisions and got yourself into a place you did not like. Is that it does not only work to destroy, it can also be used in a positive fashion to build too. Make the right decision today and remove your need for instant gratification, accept that by delaying your gratification and introducing a dose of daily discipline, you can gradually pull your life back on track.

My message today is really simple. If you are not happy with the person, who stares back at you in the mirror every morning, then it is time to make that crucial shift away from neglect and consistent poor choices, towards daily discipline and positive activity. Do not wait until your tyre is completely flat, before you begin the journey to get your life back on track. Make a positive choice right now and use the very gradual process, which got you into the place you hate, to slowly and inexorably move you back on track. Those daily positive actions, when repeated over time will gradually re-inflate your tyre and put you on the path of success and meaning.

Action Idea:

  • Know what you want
  • Examine your life. "Do you have that in your life right now"?
  • If you do not, then examine your daily routine. Is it aligned with what you want?
  • If not introduce a few new daily habits to support your vision and goals.
  • Keep taking action, every day.
  • Measure your progress
  • Reward your progress
  • Gradually pull your life back on track

This process is really simple to do, but unfortunately, it is also easy not to do. Make the choice to finally get your life back on track. Make the few crucial changes you need to make today and over time you will gradually evolve into the person you want to be.

Hi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message, by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at

Article Source:,-When-You-Look-in-the-Mirror?&id=7210969

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Create The Life You Want!

Create The Life You Want! by Ed Morrell

Why do some people go through life creating wealth? Why do other people go through life creating poverty?

In the hundred-yard dash at one of the Olympic games, the difference between an Olympic gold medal and last place was only 1/10 of a second. 1/10 of a second separated a person who will always be remembered as an Olympic gold medalist, from the person who finished last. A person nobody will remember.

Some people have the idea that some people are much better because they enjoy a life filled with abundance. They are living the life they want.

That idea is absolutely wrong.

You are as good as they are. The only difference between you and them is in the area of accomplishments. That you can control.

When they make a movie, they have stand-in's for the star actors. The stand-in's do the hard grueling work, while the stars do the rest.

The stand-in’s and the star actors will resemble each other very closely. The star actors may be only slightly more talented than their stand-in's.
However, there is one tremendous difference between the star actor and the understudy.

The amount of money each makes.

The star actor makes many times the salary of the stand-in.

There is a false idea that the wealthy person had some kind of major advantage. Studies actually prove that the difference between the wealthy person and the average person just trying to make a living, is very small.

One person comes extremely close to starting a project. The wealthy person starts the project. One person comes extremely close to completing a project. The wealthy person completes the project.

One person barely flunks the exam, another person barely passes the same exam. The difference in their scores may be slight, but that small difference makes all the difference in the world.

The famous coach Vince Lombardi taught his players a concept called, “Second Effort”. It simply meant when the opposing team stopped the player he always gave a second effort and surged forward.

Both in the Olympics, and in real life, what separates the person who will always be remembered as a gold medalist, from the person nobody remembers, is usually very small.

People look at the tremendous difference between the remembered gold medalist and the person nobody remembers, without realizing how slight the difference between the two was.

You do not have to make a tremendous change in your life to achieve real success.

The reason is:

When most people become proficient in the basics of their field, they usually stop learning.

Obviously, from that point on they quit improving. That is true of the majority of people. The small minority of people in a field who go on to become the acknowledged experts, receive most of the money in that field.

If you are motivated to study an extra hour every week, that is more than six, 8 hour days a year. Since you are improving and your competition isn't, you are the winner.

Being motivated to do a little extra can pay off tremendously in what you accomplish. Being motivated to do just a little extra can make you the wealthy person, not the person everybody forgets.

Making a habit of doing that little bit extra can make you the one who starts the project.

Doing a little bit extra can make you the one who completes the project.

Doing a little bit extra can make you the winner everyone knows.

Only 1/10 of a second separated the Olympic Gold medalist and the person who finished dead last.

Only 1/10 of a second separated the Olympic Gold medalist who will always be remembered from the person no one will remember.

Doing that little bit extra will Create the Life You Want.

It may only take a little extra help. That extra help can change you from being stuck in the life you have now, into creating the life you want. Motivational thoughts can give you the extra help you need. Start creating the life you really want today. Please check out: Thank You

Article Source: Create The Life You Want!