Monday, May 27, 2013

Self Growth Techniques for Personal Success

By Katrina D Briggs

What is self growth? It is about shaping yourself to become a better person with solid values, ethics and a well balanced approach to life.  It is the process of working on your areas of improvement and turning them into areas of strength and opportunities. Just how can you do that? Here are five simple techniques for starters:


  1. Learn from others. Start with your immediate family and closest friends. What are some of their traits that you admire? What have they accomplished that makes you want to be like them? Talk to them and ask them what they did to achieve self growth that led to their professional and personal success. Then check out famous people whose work you admire and read articles on how they got to the top of their profession. Learn as much as you can about their individual techniques and see which ones you can adopt for yourself.


  1. Observe admirable people. Look at how they conduct themselves, from the way they walk, talk, sit and generally behave in public. Such refinement can only be a product of effective self growth techniques, which include polishing one’s looks, movements and skill sets to complete the overall package of the person. Look at how they treat others and are treated in turn. You can take a page out of their demeanor to propel yourself towards personal success and professional recognition. This isn’t to say you should mimic their every move; just derive the best practices possible from them that you can employ for your own good.


  1. Assess your own attitude. How have you been behaving by your lonesome? Are you a person of integrity – always doing the right thing even when no one is looking? How are you with other people around? Do you exercise kindness and consideration for others, or are you being fueled by your own selfish needs for personal success? Bear in mind that in order to succeed at self growth, you must possess a mature disposition and a kind heart. Aim to be a caring and morally upright person no matter where you go. The universe has a way of rewarding people who treat others well and punishing those who won’t hesitate to trample on the feelings and rights of others.


  1. Envision the kind of person you would like to be one day. This is a great self growth exercise that can provide you inspiration on your journey to professional and personal success. Paint a picture of the Ideal You – the kind of individual you wish to become in the future. How do you see yourself in that image? Do you see a nation-building politician, the next Mother Teresa, or the next Steve Jobs? Use your imagination as your mood board to guide you as you work on your greatest ambition.


  1. Get rid of vices that may be harmful to your self growth. Are you quick to turn to painkillers when you feel the slightest muscle twitch? Do you tend to gorge on sugary snacks and drinks to keep your energy levels up as you slave over a very important project? Remove all self destructive habits from your system and start living clean! You won’t be able to enjoy personal success if your health takes a nosedive and renders you bedridden most of the time. So go have that physical check up and get tips from your physician and nutritionist on how to live a healthier and more wholesome lifestyle.


The change starts within you. Find your purpose, work on it and remember to enjoy the journey as well. Good luck and may you serve as an inspiring role model to others.

About the Author:

There are many self growth techniques. It's just a matter of you choosing those that suit your personality and can easily be incorporated into your life. Your journey to a better you starts today!

Articles Source: Self Growth Techniques for Personal Success

Friday, May 24, 2013

Simply Take Action

The time to take action on any new idea, which comes into your head, is now. The sooner you take action, while the idea is still hot and the emotion is strong, the greater the level of inspiration and the better your drive will be to succeed.

Example: As you know a commitment towards lifelong learning, is crucial, if you want to achieve anything meaningful with your life. So in line with this commitment, let's say you decide that you want to start to build your new library, filled with all the right personal development books, to support your commitment towards your personal growth. While the idea is still fresh and the desire is strong, you should either go straight to the bookstore to buy the books you need or immediately go online and order them from Amazon.

Law of diminishing Intent
Take action while the iron is still hot or before the great idea you had dims. If you don;t, you will fall prey to the 'LAW OF DIMINISHING INTENT'. This law is simple. It is all about intention and lost opportunities. You intend to take action when an idea comes to your mind. You intend to do something, when the emotion is high, but if you do not translate that intention into action fairly soon after it comes into your mind, the urgency starts to diminish and the intent and drive diminishes. As time passes the passion dies, the urgency goes cold and eventually the idea just fades away like it never even existed in the first place.

Take Action
The immediate cure for the Law of diminishing intent and the way to make things start to happen in your life is to learn the discipline of simply taking action, whilst ideas are still hot in your mind. The sooner you learn the discipline of taking action immediately, while any idea is still fresh, clear, strong and powerful, the greater will be the clarity around what you want to achieve.

If you hear someone speak about good health and it inspires you to finally do something about improving your own health. Immediately buy a good book on nutrition and place it in a visible place, where you will see it and actually read it every day. While the idea is still fresh and the passion is high, join a gym and schedule time into your dairy to attend gym sessions. Get an accountability partner to support you and to join you at the gym, to workout with you. This will encourage you to actually go to gym and improve your health.

Don't waste the wisdom
Unless you take action on any great idea the wisdom it brings will be wasted. The strong emotion brought on, by any new great idea, is soon wasted, unless you have the discipline to actually get off your butt and take action immediately. Discipline is the catalyst, which allows you to capture the wisdom and translate it into action and finally success. The key to increase your level of inspiration and to successfully turn any wisdom, which comes to you into success, is to learn the art of discipline. When an idea comes to you, flex your discipline muscles immediately and convert the idea into action as soon as possible.

Build your Self Esteem
One of the greatest benefits, which flows from discipline, is self-worth or self-esteem. Discipline, drive, keeping all the commitments you make with yourself and taking action, are all key elements needed to build your self-esteem and belief in your ability to succeed. A lack of discipline or consistently letting yourself down, erodes your psyche and damages your self-esteem. The temptation to ease up and not deliver your best, breaking those crucial commitments you make with yourself, is a sure-fire way to destroy your self-esteem and to destroy your belief in yourself.

Neglect Compounds into Regret
There is a huge problem with allowing even a little bit of neglect and poor daily discipline to creep in to your life. The lack of daily commitment and neglect adds up over time and compounds into regret and bad results. Any neglect, no matter how small, has the ability to add up into poor results over time.

Discipline Compounds into Meaning and Fulfilment
The price of neglect is, failure, regret, divorce, bankruptcy, retrenchment etc. whilst the price of daily discipline, weighs almost nothing at all. The rewards of consistent daily discipline are huge though and add up into a life of value, filled with meaning joy and satisfaction. Act now and invite discipline into your experience. The rewards are well worth the small daily price required.

Andrew Horton is one of South Africa's top sales training experts. He will support, uplift and inspire sales professionals to explore the limits of their potential and awaken the sales giants, which resides within all of them. His sales training presentation is aimed at inspiring sales professionals, helping them to become re-energised and eager to achieve their sales targets. The sales tools and powerful tried and tested practical sales techniques, they will be introduced to during his presentation, will help any sales professional to immediately up their game and to become a real sales giant, within their markets. Visit my website at

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Make Your Way to Success with the Power of Visualization

by Keith Conwell

The power of visualization should never be underestimated. This is a method wherein successful men and women have applied to achieve their goals. Well, it is not surprising since positive thinking and focus on what you want to achieve can be attained.

There are many ways on how to visualize your dreams, whether this is to attain your goals or to make a person get attracted to your positive attitude. Remember that successful testimonials from popular individuals are related on the power of visualization because their mind is positive in attracting definite goals in their life.

Turn imagination into a fulfillment where it has to be done in a correct way. The only thing to do here is to have a positive mind and you will know that things will come along the way. Whatever you are dreaming about, make it real with your positive visualization.

Keep in mind that there are goals that can be impossible to reach. However, it is not that quite hard to achieve. For instance: you are dreaming that one day, you will have your own home. In your mind, it is just a figment of your imagination only. But with the power of visualization, you can do this realistically.

Motivate yourself and be positive that you can do it and you are already claiming it in your mind. Strive hard and do all the necessary things just to attain your goal in having a brand new home. Well, this is not just an experiment so do it right. In the end you will attain it with flying colors.

An effective way on how to visualize is through the use of audio and visual programs. You can record your own thoughts in achieving your goals or you can draw it or simply use pictures. In this way, it is visualized in your mind that that certain image or sound is achievable.

Let your subconscious mind practice on the physical details on what you like. This will automatically let your physical being move and implement the things you would want to achieve. This is just like wanting to reach an apple on a tree and you can definitely reach it with the use of other instruments like a stick, chair or any picking tools without second thoughts because you already know that it can only be reached though these things.

The power of visualization is more achievable once you have a clear mind. This means that you don’t have to think of negative ideas. Remember that you are just like creating an “imaginary black board”. Simply write the goals you want and erasing the things that are not necessary.

It is also a great idea to synchronize your senses all together. Meaning, to achieve your visualized goal; use all your senses so that the things you want are achieved successfully.

Practice your power of visualization and you will see the results. Hence, dreams can really come true with positive thinking and realizing the things you want to achieve. Wishing you all the success!

Discover many useful articles and valuable information about power of visualization at my blog today,

Article Source: Make Your Way to Success with the Power of Visualization

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Practicing the Power of Now - 5 Simple Strategies To Get Into The Present

By Lorna Kring

In Eckhart Tolle's seminal book, The Power of Now, he identifies the greatest obstacle to experiencing enlightenment as being that of "identification with your mind, which causes thought to become compulsive" - this compulsive thinking is what creates the barriers to experiencing our natural state of inner peace and connection with God as well as creating a false egoic sense of self that seems to live in a state of fear and suffering. The solution he offers to free ourselves from the compulsive thoughts of mind is, of course, practicing the power of now.

But what exactly is the power of now? According to A Course in Miracles "Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist.... And the present extends forever. It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there. No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are NOW." (Emphasis is mine.) So, this power of the present instant, now, is the release from fear which allows us to access our own conscious, higher presence. It is the release from identification with our mind; our past conditioning and self-concepts, beliefs, limitations, judgements and guilt - our sense of self as being small, separate and vulnerable. It's freedom from the delusional belief that you are your mind. And freedom from creating the future in the mold of the past.

Mr. Tolle states that learning to dis-identify from mind as the single most vital step in the journey toward enlightenment. It is the process of changing our perception about ourselves, our relations to others, to God and to life itself; it is liberating ourselves from the tyranny of addictive, destructive thinking and all of the ensuing effects and emotional turmoil that leave us in a state of perpetual conflict and personal grief.

Practicing the power of now is the systematic removal of self-imposed blocks to knowing and experiencing our deeper truth that we are spiritual beings on a physical plane and, as such, is a powerful tool for consistently living a life of joy, significance and fulfillment. The practices offered in his book are drawn from a variety of spiritual teachings giving us a buffet of strategies that can be suitably tailored to meet individual needs, and all are flexible enough to be adapted to serve the demands of a busy lifestyle.

Following are five simple strategies to maximize your efforts when applying the processes outlined in the Power of Now:

- when "watching the thinker" it is crucial to remain detached from the thoughts that you're watching. Becoming engaged in judging your thoughts, analyzing them, labeling them or trying to change them while observing is simply another antic of the ego mind to move you out of the present moment. Being there as the observer is enough to loosen the mental grip of identifying with the thinker and will begin to create space for Presence.

- many find practicing "present moment awareness" difficult in the beginning; if you find agitation arising, try placing your focus on following your breath. Make no attempt to regulate or change your breathing, simply note all of the sensations as they come into your field of awareness... the feel of the air going in and out of your nostrils, the movement of your chest and abdomen, the fragrance in the air, the depth or shallowness of your breath, etc.

- "feeling your emotions" from within the inner energy field of your body can be quite a challenge as we're trained from an early age that certain feelings, such as anger, doubt, weakness or confusion are "bad"; and we develop beliefs that having these feelings then makes us personally "bad". Allow yourself to become conscious of the tendency to bolt, or run away, from feeling these emotions - instead of bolting, try giving these emotions some space and attention. Acknowledge them, allow them to be and recognize that you are more than the sum of your emotions and thoughts, negative or positive.

- "acceptance" of the present moment is a key to dissolving resistance, but not always an easy task. If you find your mind dictating how things "should" be, realize that your acceptance does not mean they have to stay this way - accepting and allowing the present moment to be as it is will free up tremendous energy to give to inspired actions on making the necessary changes to improve your situation.

- "dissolving the pain body" is another practice that can raise the specter of fear in our minds. When observing the pain body at work, ask yourself what the purpose is of engaging in this painful mental activity; initially, your egoic mind may come up with surface reasons such as "I'm right, they're wrong" or "I/they deserve it" but if you persist in questioning its purpose and take your attention deeper, you'll recognize the only purpose is to create more pain for yourself. At this point, you've broken your identification with the pain body and can now release your attachment to it. Asking empowering questions about what we believe and why we believe certain thoughts about our identity will lead to the recognition that most of our limiting beliefs are assumptions we've adopted from our parents, school and society and have nothing to do with who you are in Truth - when you let go of these restrictive assumed beliefs, life begins to flow and grow in ways miraculous!

In practicing the power of now, as with learning any new skill, daily application and persistence are attributes that will help push you through the challenges of reconditioning your thought processes - do whatever it takes to get over the hump because each and every one of us is worth the consistent effort necessary for effective change, both personally and for the greater good of all.

About the Author:

Lorna Atkinson is a writer and advocate of reclaiming personal power through the alignment of personality and soul and is dedicated to freeing the mind from limitations learned in the past.  Click here for a free guided excursion to remove limiting beliefs NOW.  If you'd like to experience permanent freedom from old, out-worn beliefs that no longer serve your present life, visit us at to get started.

Articles Source: Practicing the Power of Now - 5 Simple Strategies To Get Into The Present

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What Is in Your Mind Will Determine Your Destiny

Author: Jahiel -yasha- Kamhi

We need to be honest with ourselves!

We are sometimes angry, frustrated, envious or simply unsatisfied with everything in our life because we do not want to accept a reality: Often, our own mindset has kept us away from success and satisfaction.

Our life decisions did not come from nowhere; they came from inside us, from our own way of thinking and understanding how life works. Unfortunately, many times we are simply wrong. We are ready to blame everything and everyone except the main cause:  Ourselves! 

But this is natural! It could be your subconscious mind and thoughts that are against you and you do not know that. Sometimes you cannot understand your own subconscious mind, and I cannot understand my subconscious mind, as well.

That is the way minds work. 

Your conscious and subconscious minds plant the seeds for a successful or unsuccessful life. 

If you cannot see solutions, possibilities or opportunities in your life, your mindset will keep you stuck in a still position, unfortunately sometimes this is forever! Understandably, you may blame life, family, friends or a government. Of course, you do not want to feel responsible for your own life. It is the easiest, but the wrong way, not to feel guilty. 

 If you open your mind and see and understand how your life and mind works, you are on your way to a much better life. If you change your mindset, struggles, envy, resentments and other obstacles will be the past tense for you. 

This is not an easy job to do. It will take time, effort, patience and support from your side. Your determination and desire for change will keep you on the pathway to a better life. 

Your thoughts are energy. Your determination and desire for success and your visualisation of success will create energy, and life itself will take care of the rest! That's how life works.

But, do not forget just one small step: ACTION. 

Dreaming, planning and preparing, without action is fruitless and useless. Theory works on paper, but only action works in reality. Changing your mindset is not a theory; it is an action. 

If you did not achieve your goal, think about what you said to yourself about your goal.

Did you have positive or negative thoughts, too low or too high expectations about your dream? How strong was your focus and determination for achieving your dream? The thoughts you constantly hold in your mind are very powerful tools. They may give you a push to success, or hold you in a rut indefinitely. 

As I said: What is in your mind will determine your destiny. 

Jahiel Yasha Kamhi

Article Source:

About the Author

Jahiel holds a degree in Medical Biochemistry and a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. He is passionate about writing, and conveying positive ideas that help people live life with more passion and purpose. His mission is to promote a good mental and physical health. Jahiel's core message is to inspire and encourage people, to give them hope and help them live their everyday life. Being thankful for what is good in life rather than focusing on the negative is his message. With hope, all things are possible. Yasha can be contacted at jasakamhi AT

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Simple Meditation Guide for Beginners

Simple Meditation Guide for Beginners by justin wood

The art of learning meditation can prove to be easy if you master the techniques thoroughly. The beginning or the starting point is always the crucial thing. So take the first step for experiencing a peaceful transition to your mind, body and soul.

At first, search for a place where you are not likely to get disturbed. This could be an open place like your garden. Your bedroom can also be an ideal place for meditation provided it has enough circulation of air. It has to be a quiet place. You would not be able to relax if your room is placed beside a highway. However, gentle natural noises like chirping of birds or a running stream can prove to be the perfect foil for attaining a relaxed state of mind, essential for meditation. So, the issue of how to meditate for beginners becomes easy, once you get through this criterion.

Start relaxing slowly, after you have successfully achieved in finding a quiet place for meditation. The relaxation part is the most important in meditation. However, this cannot be achieved easily if your mind is preoccupied with stress. Breathing exercises are considered as the best meditation techniques for stress. Early hours in the morning is the best time for practicing the technique of deep breathing. This is because the air remains absolutely fresh and pure during this period. Try to relax each and every tensed muscles, starting from the eyebrows, down your neck, spine and finally to your feet. Remember to relax your hands and arms as well. Create positive thoughts in your mind and breathe deeply. Continue the process of inhaling and exhaling for at least fifteen minutes. However, successful execution of this age old exercise will require considerable time and effort on your part. This is because our hectic daily schedule has almost erased our notion of relaxation, and also we have learned to an extent the art of coping with our busy schedule.

Once you attain the state of relaxation, close your eyes slowly. Also slow down the breathing process. Make a conscious effort to count your breathe. This is the initial phase of how to meditate for beginners. You would be surprised to find how your mind gets filled with an air of peace and you heart rate and blood pressure comes into normal manageable proportions. This is the magic of meditation techniques for stress. Again, creative visualization through meditation can help us to relieve a significant proportion of our anxiety and stress. It cannot be achieved overnight. You need to develop positive thoughts within your mind to strengthen your creative power. For this you can take the help of a reliable friend, watch a video or listen carefully to an audiotape, describing intricate details on this subject. You would also find a good amount of reading material covering this topic.

To be precise, how to meditate for beginners becomes easy when you develop the power of producing creative images within your mind. It also becomes easy when your mind is completely free from all distractions in the backdrop of a tranquil, serene surrounding.

Justin Woods is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on meditation techniques for stress & how to meditate for beginners. For more information he always recommends to visit

Article Source: Simple Meditation Guide for Beginners

Monday, May 6, 2013

Our Attitude Toward Life Determines Life's Attitude Towards Us!

Author: David H Evans

There's a well-known quote that goes "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us." Attitudes do make a difference. Salesmen using the ideal attitude beat their sales quotas; students using the proper attitudes make A's. Suitable attitudes pave the way to a truly happy married life.

Correct attitudes make you powerful in coping with other people to ensure that it is possible to be effective as a leader. Among the very first qualities men and women notice when they meet you is what you attitude is towards whatever you're responsible for. If your attitudes are negative, then you might want to undergo an "attitude tune-up".

Fully grasp the importance of attitude.
Your attitude impacts every little thing you do, feel and say. If you wish to turn your attitude about and get into action towards your destiny, you might want to have the ability to resist negative or pessimistic thoughts that creep into your consciousness. surround your self with positive men and women, and maintain in mind your ultimate objective of achieving the, respect, good results and wealth which you deserve.

Opt to remain positive.
Power to choose is God given. You are going to encounter some hurdles and encounter some failures in life; but is really crucial that you simply manage how you respond to whatever takes place, and maintain your positive attitude , whilst working towards your objectives. The bible says "I have set before of you blessings and curses, life and death. So choose life" What will likely be your choice? Program" your attitude by training your self to remain upbeat. Identify negative attitudes that continually set you back.

Assess your present day attitude and identify aspects of which could be stopping you from becoming prosperous. What are the underlying causes of one's negative attitudes? Remind your self that you simply are far better than you believe. Take a walk if you are frustrated. Just look at life as you walk until the disappointment is out of your system.

Determine to live your life with purpose and passion.
Reassess exactly where you wish your life to go and all which you would like to accomplish. Get a clear vision, to ensure that you've got some thing to reach for. When you have got your objectives firmly established, then you'll be able to turn your new positive attitudes into action.

Create a method for sustaining the proper attitude. Prepare your self to deal with any difficult scenarios that may well threaten your attitudes and throw you off course. You ought to create some self-motivation tactics like affirmations, visualization, positive talk, enthusiasm and heightened expectations Read books and articles on these subjects and build understanding and abilities to boost your attitude.

Follow the five steps outlined above, and create attitudes which will transform your life and assure that you get the success you deserve

Article Source:

About the Author

Should you wish to discover more on this topic and what other attributes that will result in a more successful business career click on and get  more information on building belief from the hot new course: Business Success Made Easy. Discover how the first 85 to enroll will save 80%.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A powerful technique to dissolve stress and increase joy

How would you like an easy technique that you can use anytime to release your stress, feel more joy and connect to your Inner Guidance?

I call this "Inner Smiling" and it is a very powerful way to connect to the healing power of your heart. 

You can use the technique I'm about to show you to quickly reduce stress, improve your health and immune response, stay calm in the midst of chaos, and connect with inner clarity and intuitive guidance.

("Inner Smiling" is actually a key part of Core Energy Meditation - a truly holistic meditation practice that balances your three major energy centers - mind, heart and body.  Full details on that Program here: )

The basis of Inner Smiling is actively self-generating acceptance, gratitude, care, and trust. Here are some of the benefits of Inner Smiling.  

It can lower your blood pressure, calm your nervous system, improve hormone balance, improve your brain function, and give a positive feeling of well-being.  

These effects begin by bringing heart rhythms into balance. This facilitates coherent brainwaves and integrated whole brain function.  Generating an inner 
smile also brings your parasympathetic nervous system online, which is your relaxation and recovery mode.  

When your "relaxation response" is active, your levels of muscle tension decrease, your digestive system receives more blood for doing its job well, and your immune system gets the energy it needs to function at a peak level.  

Your higher level brain functions also come online.  This is in contrast to when you feel fear and stress, which actually shuts down your higher brain functions.  

As your body relaxes, you decrease production of the stress hormone, cortisol, and increase production of DHEA, which regulates your body's ability to heal and repair itself.  Pretty exciting stuff!  

Not to mention it feels pretty darn good too!

So, how do you practice Inner Smiling?

Here are four simple steps:

1.  Close your eyes and take several slow deep breaths.

2. Imagine that you are breathing in and out through your heart to focus your attention there.

3. Smile into your heart with acceptance, appreciation, gratitude, and care.  

4. Imagine and feel your Inner Smile expanding from your heart to infuse every cell in your body.

To help you generate Inner Smiling in your heart and your body as a whole, you can bring to mind someone whom you care for unconditionally, such as your parent, spouse, child, or pet.  Or recall something that you love to do or someone who makes you smile.  

Bring your appreciation for those people, pets, or events, into your heart and then send it outward into your whole body.

If you find this challenging at first, you might spend a little extra time focusing on breathing deeply in and out through your heart.  Allow any feelings of tension or irritation to dissolve in your breath.  

Then, imagine someone or something you effortlessly appreciate or simply accept yourself and whatever is happening unconditionally.  Be grateful for "what is."  

Just putting a subtle smile on your lips may be enough to bring an Inner Smile into your body.  Inner Smiling is a doorway to feeling your inner essence and
transforming your life from the inside out.  

Enjoy your practice!

- By Kevin Schoeninger, Meditation Master
The Mind-Body Training Company

This Free Audio Shows You How To Instantly Release 
ANY Unwanted Thought, Feeling Or Belief, And Connect
To Your Heart's Inner Guidance”

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