Friday, May 25, 2012

Mindset Techniques for Your Journey to Success

by Roberta Mittman

There's no denying, the road to seizing a goal can be rough. And when the prize is something you've reached for before (perhaps even more than once) but not yet grasped, it can feel even harder. Past obstacles and underlying fears can sabotage our efforts, making the effort seem futile.

But that may be about to change for you! I've seen people grab success after the most difficult of struggles. My patients and telecoaching clients have uncovered the secret to meeting those seemingly impossible challenges: maintaining a healthy mindset. It's true: Changing your thinking can help you radically alter whatever it is in your life--relationships, career, health, or any other facet of your world--that isn't what you want it to be.

Feeling beaten down and defeated? Pull one of these tried and true techniques out of your bag of tricks. Better yet, incorporate them into everyday living, and watch your whole world brighten and expand.

Practice gratitude.
When you start to notice the universe doing something right, it changes your day. Gratitude moments needn't be earthshattering; even the small details are precious. Think of the sun shining after a lot of rain, or the smile from a stranger. Recognizing these gifts is like wearing an inner smile for the day.

Make time for yourself.
It can be just 5 minutes a day, but make this time solely yours. This little moment can refuel you for the rest of the day. Eating well, sleeping, exercising, and just quiet time all count when you embrace them. Please don't think of it as a luxury--personal time is a necessity. Without it, you'll feel even more overwhelmed and resentful, two obstacles to success.

Keep an inspiration archive.
One of my favorite places to go is a "quotes/inspiration" folder I keep on my computer. In just one click, all the thoughts that I found helpful, uplifting, and supportive are there for me to refresh my attitude, doubt, and second guessing. Whew.

Learn, but do not obsess.
Being fearful sometimes means that you need to educate yourself. It's like turning on a light in a dark room. Sometimes you need to consult an expert, read, or enroll in a class to tackle your fears. But always remember that balance is key. When we find ourselves asking "Dr. Google" for so much information that we become overwhelmed, confused, or even more fearful, it's time to take a step back.

Get a better script.
Negative self-talk is an ingrained habit that's hard to change. If your routine is to constantly blame, berate, or insult yourself, you need a new speech model. Need a few examples?

The old tape: "Figures this would happen to me. I have no luck."
The new message: "OK. It's all a test and now I know where I stand."

The old tape: "It was only a matter of time before I blew it again."
The new message: "There's no failure--it's just information to use for the future."

The old tape: "Nice, but what's the catch? Good things don't happen to me."
The new message: "I am deserving of the good and abundance that the universe has to offer me."

With practice, your new script will become second nature.

Know that there's only one you.
That's good news! Although having a mentor to guide you is beneficial, you alone are responsible for and the captain of your ship. It's what you think about and apply life's opportunities that really counts. Comparison to others will drag you back down to that "not good enough" place again, but the reassuring truth that you are doing your best and taking slow but steady steps is your ticket to success.

Don't let fears or a long-standing habit of negativity derail your efforts. You can reach your goals--you just need the right support. Take steps to strengthen the most important force of encouragement of all: Yourself.

Roberta Roberts Mittman, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., M.S., is a nutritional and lifestyle consultant, holistic mindset mentor, and nationally board-certified acupuncturist. Roberta believes in complete mind-body health and empowering individuals to be their own best healers. Ready to take that step? Call 212-686-0939, or visit online at

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