Personally, I have found that I lack motivation the most when my belief level in whatever it is that I am doing is low. That is basically the only reason why I believe that I don't feel like I'm capable of doing something or have the drive to even do it. If you are doing something, and you have a low belief in it, chances are you won't be so motivated to do it if you feel this way!
So, anytime you find yourself lacking the motivation and drive to do something, ask yourself how much you believe in whatever it is that you are doing. There is nothing more discouraging than just going through the motions in anything! If there is no belief that you will accomplish a certain thing, then odds are you won't be so motivated to do the required tasks.
Success will bring you motivation
Success will bring you motivation in anything that you set out to do. If you are doing something, such as working out to lose weight and you are not seeing any visible results, then your motivation will be lackluster to say the least. If you are doing something and you are seeing results, then odds are you will have more motivation to continue doing what ever it is to obtain your goal.
Keep your eye on what you want
What do you really want from whatever it is you are doing? If obtaining that thing excites and inspires you, then keep your mind focused on how you feel once you obtain that thing. We all want to live happier and fulfilled lives! We can do that by focusing on what makes us happy and then going after it. We find that we lack motivation when we see no visible evidence of getting any closer to what we want.
The trick is to find some evidence that you are experiencing success, whether big or small successes, along the way that will keep your motivation level high. When you are lacking that motivation that means you are taking your focus off of your successes and putting it on your failures. Whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on your failures, then you won't be motivated. If you focus on your success, then you will be motivated.
So if you are lacking motivation, simply shift your focus to things that are bringing you closer to what you want in life and your successes. You will find that by doing that you motivation level will always be through the roof!
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