Saturday, June 1, 2013

Where Do You Put Your Focus?

By W Timothy Johnson

This is something I have been carefully monitoring for the last couple of months. The focus that I refer to is not what's on your mind, but rather what is your frame of reference?

Do you have a lack reference or an abundance reference? Do you say the following things a lot?

• I need to speak to more prospects.
• I want to have a million dollar a year income.
• I should clean my office.
• I wish I were already successful.
• I want a better lifestyle.
• I should have a better relationship with my spouse.

Do you notice the common thread there? All the sentences are about things that you have no conviction about. You may NEED to speak to more prospects. But will you? You may WANT a larger income, but will you get it?

Each of these statements uses phrases that evoke images of the past, as in I didn't do it before and I am not going to now. The words need, want, should and wish are all tools that will keep you from success. They show that your focus is on what you do not have, are not doing nor will do. They reinforce that you have made bad decisions in the past and will do so again.

When you say that you need to do something, do you do it? Sometimes, but not always. These words are common among those that have no real goals nor a direction. These words are lack based. They show that you do not believe in the things the sentences are about.

Try these:

• I will speak to more prospects.
• I will have a million dollar a year income.
• I will clean my office.
• I am successful.
• I require a better lifestyle.
• I desire a better relationship with my wife/husband.

Notice that these are about the same things. Only there is certainty about them and they evoke surety of results. The person who talks like this will be one who is positive about where they are going, because they already know the destination. They may not always have a specific plan, but they are generally headed in the right direction. Speaking and thinking with conviction changes your attitude which affects your actions which affects your results.

So keep an ear out for the way you use words. It is one of the most powerful tools you have, your vocabulary, yet most have no idea the real meaning behind what they say and think.

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