The most popular aspect of the law of attraction is creating prosperity, for good reason too. Wealth can't buy you happiness, but I'm willing to bet most people would rather choose wealth and misery over poverty and misery. Because of the way our society works, wealth becomes the most powerful tool used to help people craft the life they want.
Despite its popularity, it is the subject where most people get stuck. I'll give you 7 tips to help you get your attraction to prosperity "unstuck."
1. Keep focus on what you want. This is the most important one. When you keep focus on what you want, you occupy your mind with goal oriented thoughts. It makes you more focused and helps curb procrastination.
2. Focus on being positive for most of your day. Think about it. Feeling happy for the majority of your life, results in living a happy life. Living a happy life is essential if you try to attract prosperity into it. And you don't need to feel happy all the time either. All it takes to make a huge impact on your life takes 51%. That 1% turns out to be all that's needed to be considered the "majority."
3. Practice gratitude as much as possible. When we feel grateful for what we already own, it tells the universe that we want more of it. Whatever you focus on expands, so when you focus on the good things you own already, your reality will expand on more good things. Heck, you can feel gratitude for things that you don't even own yet. Gratitude will help you get them much faster.
4. Take inspired action when the opportunity presents itself. My favorite. When you feel that intuitive push that tells you that you need to do something, (Like start a business, read a particular book, or make a phone call.) you need to do it. There's a popular saying that goes, "Your intuition is right 100% of the time." The trick, knowing the difference between your intuition and your emotional responses. If you follow these seven tips, makes it easier to tell apart.
5. Realize that you make up reality as you go. Your perception and beliefs literally create the physical world around you. If you'd like more info on this, go to Youtube and search for "The Double Slit Experiment." You'll feel fascinated with what you find.
6. Stay in the moment. All of our problems lie in our memories of the past and our thoughts about the future. Neither of these are actually real at this very moment. Right this very second, as you read this, life is perfect and peaceful. It's a perfect staging ground for creating wealth.
7. Have as much fun as possible. Celebrate every little success you can. When we acknowledge the good things in our reality, it will bring in more good. We all get a limited time here and life is too short to not enjoy it.
Just a few of the tips I know that will help bring prosperity into your life. There are many more techniques and methods for creating abundance, but these being the simplest and most straight forward. A great place to start!
Jeff Balagosa is the chief writer for the • Prosperity Online Resource• : Powerful FREE resources that will help you create prosperity in all areas of your life.
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