Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Manifest What You Want

Let's face it. We all wish we could wave a magic wand and have whatever we want magically appear in our lives. The truth is that you are creating your reality moment by moment each day, whether you're consciously aware of it or not.

Manifesting your desires is easier than you think once you get the hang if. Think of it this way. Have you ever shot a basketball through a hoop? Have you ever made the shot more than once?

Of course you have, once you understood what your goal was, which was to make the ball go through the hoop. You can learn this skill also in your personal life too.

Let's say you are a salesman for a local car dealership and you decide that you want to make 25 sales this month. The problem that you see is that you have never made more than 10 sales in a month, and that was a long shot back then.

So, if you were one of my coaching students I would teach you to first get a clear focus on your outcome. The outcome here being selling 25 cars this month.

Next, I want you to feel like it would be like to earn the commissions from selling 25 cars in a month. What would it feel like to you, and what would you do with all that extra money?

Actually write out on a piece of paper what you will do with the extra money. Would you pay off some bills? Would you buy yourself a new car? Would you take your family out on a shopping spree? How about helping out someone less fortunate then you.

The wonderful thing about having extra money is that it not only expands your experience in life, but it allows you the opportunity to expand the life of someone else too.

If you find yourself having difficulty earning more money then you believe you should then ask yourself the following question.

What negative beliefs/thoughts/ attitudes do I have about money that is preventing me from allowing in the abundance that I know I deserve?

You would be surprised to learn that limiting beliefs you have about money is the culprit behind your lack of financial abundance.

It's not hard to figure out the belief once you start digging into your thought system. Keep asking yourself questions about money until you feel an emotion or very strong feeling. That strong feeling is an indicator that you have a negative belief or beliefs about money.

Don't worry about these negative beliefs about money because you are not alone. The majority of people on this planet have limiting beliefs about money in one way, shape, or form.

All you have to do is shift your beliefs about money and watch as your financial reality shifts too.

I'll give you an example.

My old limiting belief about money was that I would have to work long, hard, hours in order to achieve it.

My new belief about money is that it is not work when I love what I do, and I am having so much fun doing what I love, while earning money doing it, that I don't even notice the time.


Imagine the outcome you desire by feeling what it would be like to have what you want. Secondly, if you notice any internal resistance to having what you want, check your limiting beliefs about that.

Justin Mazza is a blogger who has committed himself to being a life-long student of conscious evolution and he wants to share his knowledge with you. You can discover more manifesting tips like the secret of deliberate creation of your reality at his blog Mazzastick.

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