Sunday, February 3, 2013

Achieving your Personal Success

by Clifford Watson

Undoubtedly you might have already heard Einstein's definition of insanity? He stated "Insanity: Doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results". Just what does this have to do with you? Simple...achieving personal success is focused on change...change your views therefore you change your actions. Change your actions, and you also change your results!

One thing that you could find helpful in aiding this change is having your own personal 10 tips.The way in which this works is you want to have a list of 5 various daily "do's"and 5 various daily "dont's". I would recommend setting up a checklist for each day of the month on paper (not online) and check off which daily do's and dont's you do everyday. By doing this you can monitor your progress!

O. k., so if our personal 10 tips are just like the building blocks of our house, the next phase in the constructing process will be for us to develop a plan of action! The best way to create a solid action plan is to start with your goal and after that work backwards! Assuming (for example) your goal is to lose X amount of body weight then you are going to come up with specific action steps to take on a daily basis with regards to both your diet and your workout regimen. No matter if your action steps include walking around the block, or maybe getting a gym membership is completely your choice. One of many secrets that ultra-successful people use to ensure they achieve their goals is to create a support system! A good support system is crucial to achieving your personal success. It can help you by praising you through the difficult times, and not letting you beat yourself up to much during the times whenever you fall behind.

However the challenge of improving oneself is in the end a personal ordeal, having frequent support from individuals who want to see you be successful is definitely an important piece of the puzzle. As you're working towards your desired goals, you will encounter occasions when you might need a gentle nudge forward or a little bit of a tongue lashing to ensure that you "stay on the horse". Without having good friends who can hold you responsible is amongst the biggest mistakes that many people make whenever deciding to move forward with their goals. But how would you build your support system? Can every one of your family and friends participate in your support system? Selecting the most appropriate people to join your personal support system is as necessary as actually having one.

Here are some tips for setting up the right support system

1. Survey your friends and family members. See who shares the
same interest in personal development ideals as you do.

2. Look for positive people...those who are always telling
you that you can do it! Not that you can't.

3. Look for people in your circle of friends who have already
achieved (or are doing well with)their self improvement goals.
These people will know what you're going through and you can
also look at what they've accomplished as constant motivation.

Upon having developed a support system it is necessary that all of you vocalize your goals to one another! Bear in mind, the ultimate responsibility with regards to whether or not you achieve your goals is yours... using the "strength in numbers" idea. You are able to drastically improve the chances of achieving your personal success! So go ahead, start putting together your team

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