Sunday, March 31, 2013

No Longer Bound - Breaking Free From Negativity

No Longer Bound - Breaking Free From Negativity

By La Shan Yvette Njie

Self-perception is one of the most important factors in living a fulfilled life. The manner in which we view ourselves affects our relationships with other people and also our relationship with ourselves. Whether negative or positive, the way we perceive ourselves is usually the product of outside influences. Perhaps when you were a child you were told that you were not pretty, handsome, smart, funny or talented enough to be who you wanted to be or achieve what you desired to achieve. Maybe your experience was exactly the opposite and you were always encouraged to pursue your dreams and you were told you were just as good or better than the next person in your space. No matter what type of influence was received or where it came from it affected how you think today.

Those of us who were constantly reminded of our many capabilities are not afraid to strive to succeed. We go after what we want and often achieve our goals because those we encounter are attracted to the confidence that drives us. On the other hand, the ones who were fed negativity tend to shy away from success by not even trying. Disappointment has repeatedly shown its ugly face time and time again. So, instead of attempting to move ahead, we are paralyzed in a holding place due to being spoon fed with negativity for so long.

I would like to address the person that lacks self-confidence because of the unfavorable comments that have been spoken into your life. Here are a few tips that may pull you out of the pessimistic way of thinking that you have fallen into.

1. Be confident in who you are. There is only one you and no one can replace you or the gifts and talents you were born with.

2. Never change for people. Always please yourself. People change more than the seasons. One moment they love you and the next moment they may hate you. Usually people change because of adverse circumstances they may be dealing with or because they may not be content with who they are at the time. This is why it is important not to change to please people. If you are pleased with yourself and you treat yourself with respect everyone else will follow.

3. Take time to find out who you are. There are treasures in you that you have to share with others. You were not born by accident. There is a Divine destiny for yourself. Look for it and you will discover who you are.

4. Take care of you. Make sure you exercise and eat right. Learn how to love yourself and take care of the equipment God gave you.

5. Make sure you incorporate a little "Me" time into your week. Remember to treat yourself like royalty every once in a while. Buy yourself something nice or take a long bubble bath with your favorite aromatherapy candle. It does not matter what you do as long as you carve out time to pamper yourself.

It is not easy to undo years of negativity. However, we need to start somewhere.

Article by La Shan Yvette Njie, Founder of Listening Ears. I am dedicated to the cause of propagating positivity across the Earth.

Article Source:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Your Guide To Meditation

Your Guide To Meditation by Cedric Loiselle

Meditation is a method of relaxation, but those who meditate regularly say that it has more benefits than just mere relaxation. For many people, it is the best way to relieve stress and get better sleep. Meditation is more than just a means of relaxation. It is also a means to better health. This is why many people want to learn how to meditate. Some people think the process is difficult, but it actually isn’t. This life-transforming relaxation method can be done in simple steps, and it is also a key to understand yourself more and help you fine-tune your body and mind.

The first thing to do is find an appropriate environment. The key to success in meditation often rests in the kind of environment you have. The right place is one that is quiet and free from distractions, as these can ruin a meditation moment. You need at least 15 minutes of silence for meditation to be successful. You need this length of time to just sit down and relax. There is no need to sit on the floor with your legs crossed. If you feel like meditating in a chair with your feet resting on the floor, you are free to do so.
Posture is important in meditation, so make sure that you keep the right curvature of your back to avoid slouching.

Proper breathing is essential as well. Take slow, deep breaths with your eyes closed. The relaxation process is possible by inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. This should not include laborious breathing, as you must let your breaths happen naturally. You can start by taking a few shallow breaths, but gradually increasing the amount of air you take each time. Later on, you can start taking bigger, deeper breaths.
As you breathe deeply, you will feel a sense of calmness. This is a sign that you are doing the steps right. Bring your attention towards your breathing. Focusing your attention on a task at hand is one of the hardest things to remember, but you will get used to this as you repeat the process again and again. However, do not get frustrated if the first attempt is tough.

Meditation is done with eyes shut. This way, you can get more focus. When you are about to end the session, open your eyes, but do not resume to your normal activities just yet. Instead, get up slowly and do some stretching exercises. Then, you can go back to your normal routine.
This relaxation technique can be facilitated by an instructor if you wish. A guided meditation can get you to a better relaxed mode. Aside from seeking an instructor, you can also have the benefit of brainwave entrainment techniques and meditation CDs. These audio guided relaxation tools come with step-by-step directions for proper meditation.
Do not hesitate to ask advice from people who have had several experiences in meditation, because they can provide helpful approaches that will make your session easier.

Proper meditation can improve your wellbeing, improve your sleep, and reduce stress levels. It is a key to good health, and also helps you manage your emotions better and it frees your mind from unwanted thoughts. Many disorders can be eased through this method.

For more information about how to meditate and brainwave entrainment visit our website

Article Source: Your Guide To Meditation

Monday, March 25, 2013

Awakening the Power of Your Subconscious Mind With Hypnosis

Author: Saipriya Viswanathan

Do you often doubt yourself on your own abilities? Many of us do not experience the real success we deserve, only because we do not truly believe that we indeed CAN! There is unlimited power and strength lying dormant within us. All we have to do is awaken that power and strength and lo! We would soon be absolutely unstoppable in our respective spheres of life!

Now how do we go about bringing out that kind of energy from within us? The answer is pretty much simple. We have to start developing the power of our subconscious mind. We are practically capable of changing our own world with the power of thought – we only need to re-program our thought process and set right our mind.

Up until now, your subconscious has faithfully stood by you and followed all orders you gave to it. Believe it or not – your life circumstances as of the present are brought about entirely by that part of your mind. Further, this impervious aspect of you will be there with you till the end of your very life!

In order to gain control of this subconscious, you have to first understand that it has all the true power and strength, but sadly lacks the creative imagination, the direction that is required to move it forward. So it holds the entire blueprint of your success, but in the final analysis, YOU alone are responsible for steering it in the right direction.

There is an old adage which says, "Thinking is being" and that is so true, because you INDEED ARE what you think you are! If you think negative, then negativity is what you ultimately get from the universe. This is because the whole universe is a perfect balance of negative and positive vibrations. If you feel negatively about something, your subconscious immediately reflects it to the external universe. The micro is reflected in the macro and so you receive the negativity you give out.

On the contrary, if you endeavor to think positive all the time, your subconscious is projecting positive vibes to the outside world, which means, you also receive positive experiences in life.

All of us have an extremely powerful subconscious. It is just that some of us get so discouraged by our negative experiences that we just tend to resign to fate, thinking that a life of comprise is all we deserve. So we learn to live with a dissatisfying job, poor salary and so on.

Negativity is like Satan, just waiting to get you in his grasp. No matter how hard you try to remain cheerful, he would be right there, patiently working out some strategy to get you down. But fear not if the tide turns against you temporarily. Just focus on keeping your chin above the water and swim on ahead in the knowledge that all would be set right soon.

Remember, what you want to be is really all in YOUR hands. If you merely learn to think right, you will see your life transforming the right way for you. You then will get to experience the best events in your life – happiness, peace, prosperity, good health, great relationships, love and much more.

How hypnotism can help your subconscious mind

Is it actually possible to awaken the subconscious mind with hypnosis? The answer is, yes. No matter how much negativity a person has accumulated over the past many years, it is indeed possible to set it right with the help of a Certified Hypnotherapist.

A lot of people have experienced a great amount of good in their lives after having resorted to the method hypnotism. Since this technique delves deep into the subconscious, it can easily find out the root cause of the problem and set about rectifying within just a few seconds. Some, who had tremendous self-doubt, learnt to believe in themselves, thus experiencing a constant shower of success in their lives. Yet others, who had crippling phobias, learnt to grow beyond them, rid themselves of the fear and lead completely happy, normal lives again. Hypnotism can also help calm a restless, hyperactive mind, which otherwise causes a tirade of problems in its victim.

Are you frustrated with far too many things going wrong in your life? Would you like to experience the sweet taste of the success you truly deserve in every aspect of your life? Turn toward Hypnosis and you will never have to look back and rue anything ever again!

Click here to know about how hypnosis can help awaken the power of your subconscious.

Article Source:

About the Author

Saipriya Viswanathan is a Performing Artiste, also Internet Marketer and owner/publisher of, a website that focuses on positive thinking as a way of life. Do visit Inner Power Positive for useful tips, articles and products on all-round wellness.

Friday, March 22, 2013

3 Tips For Successful Meditation

Meditation Tips No. 1: Time & Habits
When meditation was imported into the West, the myth of the 20 minute meditation was borne. This short amount of time made the task of selling meditation easier, and it formed a part of the packaging which encouraged Western people to try it.

In fact, there is no prescribed set-in-stone duration for meditation, just the simple common sense view that like anything else, the more you practice the greater the benefits will be. As a rule of thumb, anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour per meditation session, will be very beneficial to your physical and mental health. Sitting in meditation for longer than an hour is normally only done in special retreats, as it can damage the joints of the body by doing so repeatedly.

Initially the key objective, is to form the habit of meditating on a daily basis. That way the benefits can accrue regularly through time, and you will carry on meditating whether you happen feel like it or not, on any given day.

By committing to a daily meditation practice, it will become like brushing your teeth, or going to sleep; you don't think about it anymore - you just do it. This may well take some mental effort for the first few months, until your daily meditation habit is established.

The best time of day for meditation is very much up to you and your life-style. Some people find early in a morning ideal while the day is fresh and their minds are relatively quiet. For others, the end of the day suits them most and it relaxes them for a good night's sleep. If you do two meditation sessions per day, then a morning and an evening time session would be ideal.

Meditation Tips No. 2: Thoughts
Some meditation methods give the impression that one of the purposes of meditation is to stop thinking. And this approach can lead some people who try meditation to feel as if they have failed, because there is always one (or often several dozen) more thoughts appearing in their mind, when they do their meditation practice.

The thing to understand is that your mind is where your thoughts manifest themselves, and it's perfectly normal to find them there.

The real aim of meditation, as far as thoughts are concerned, is to notice their arising and passing away without getting caught up in their flow. And through this observing process, you will become aware that you, the Observer, are not your thoughts. And that your thoughts turn out to be as transitory as passing clouds on a windy day.

If you do find yourself getting caught up in a stream of thoughts, just notice this has happened, and then come back to your object of meditation.

If you were to take the trouble to count the number of thoughts you have in a week, and I'm not suggesting you do, it would probably come to several thousand.

So here you are, sitting in meditation minding your own business, when thought 7,209 of this week appears. What do you do? Run after it like you are a puppy following anything that moves, like it's the most important, amazing thought that you have had this year? Like these thoughts control you?

No. You observe each thought as it arises and passes away, as you would a plane in the sky, or the sound of a passing car. You don't mentally run after a plane or a car, and you don't mentally run after your thoughts.

And, in time, in dawns on you. Thoughts are just an endless stream transient inner impressions, largely based on what happened today, at work, or what I saw on the TV, or what a friend said etc.

And with daily meditation practice, your thoughts will begin to quieten down, from a lack of your attention and your lack of interest in them. Then you can experience great inner peace and tranquility.

A peace and tranquility which is always there, only without meditation, it is obscured by the activities of your thinking machine.

Meditation Tips No. 3: Conscious Experience
Meditation, contemplation and self-reflection, whatever you chose to call it, is a very natural activity for consciously aware beings such as ourselves. And meditation techniques can be very straightforward for us to learn and to apply.

However, there are a few common difficulties we can encounter in our practice of meditation.

1. The first of these is fear of what might happen, or could happen to you. Or, perhaps, the meditation process does begin to transform you and you are now afraid of losing friends because you've started change your interests and your priorities.

2. Another common difficulty, are your expectations of what you should be experiencing. Maybe you have read stories of yogis and their amazing mental feats. Or perhaps you have heard accounts of altered states of consciousness being achieved through meditation, and you expect to achieve these easily.

3. Or it could be that you over analyse your experiences and you become over judgmental of how you are doing, compared to some imagined ideal person you have read about in a book.

All of these difficulties are false-hoods that you are laying on yourself, which are making your meditation way more difficult and challenging than it needs to be.

The 'knack' to meditation, if there is such a thing, is to lay to one-side your fears, expectations, judgments and analysis, and to simply enjoy the meditative experience. It is what it is, on any given day.

In some ways, that is what mediation is all about, the conscious experience of being alive in the moment. And within that simple experience, is the elegant beauty of your unfolding life.

© David R. Durham

I am a spiritual healer.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Help To Make Changes To Deep Rooted Habits

Help To Make Changes To Deep Rooted Habits

By Roseanna Leaton

Making changes to a habit is not always an easy process. A habit, by its very nature, is an automated process. You don't even think about what you are doing or why. You just do it instinctively and automatically.

Habits come in many different shapes and forms. You might respond in conversation with certain phrases that just pop out of your mouth when certain triggers are encountered. Your response is purely habit.

You might always eat everything upon your plate no matter whether or not you are hungry or even if the food is particularly to your taste. Conversely, you might always leave half of the food upon your plate. You might habitually try new types of food or refuse to do so. Whatever you do instinctively is just a matter of habit.

Habits are extremely useful, in the main. For example, a good driver automatically scans the road in front, to the side and behind as a matter of habit. Most people get up in the morning and brush their teeth as a matter of routine, and this is pretty useful if you want to have good teeth. You probably don't even know which side of your teeth you brush first; you just do it.

Every single day you probably do more things as a result of habit than as a result of unique and conscious planning. Habits make your life run more smoothly and save yourself conscious brainpower and effort. When the habit is good this is a fantastic phenomena. But, when the habit is one that has detrimental or negative effects it can be the cause of much discomfort, disappointment, anxiety or failure.

It is these latter types of habit that you wish to change but can find extremely difficult to adjust or adapt. The reason for this is that they are automated behaviors. They happen before you have the time to consciously make a decision to change them. They are so deeply ingrained within your subconscious that your conscious effort does not seem to reach them.

Thus to change a habit you need to find a way to break into this subconscious pattern of cause and effect. Hypnosis provides such access. Hypnosis unlocks and opens the door to your subconscious mind.

One of the main misconceptions about hypnosis is that you will lose control and allow somebody else (the hypnotist) to take over. This is not the case. In fact, with hypnosis you gain so much more control of your mind that you are otherwise able to access. You can with hypnosis access your subconscious mind, take control of your deep-rooted habits and make changes to them.

You don't even have to visit a hypnotist. You can employ the natural state of hypnosis simply by listening to a hypnosis mp3 recording, totally safely and remaining in total control of your own mind.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads to help change deep-rooted habits.

P.S. Discover how you can relax and change habits with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from and check out her library of hypnosis downloads to help change habits.

Article Source:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Creating Money Using the Law of Attraction: Why Most People Fail!

Creating Money Using the Law of Attraction: Why Most People Fail! by Suzanne Glover

When creating money with the Law of Attraction, many people are led to believe that if they say a few money affirmations or a particular wealth affirmation over and over again, they are building the foundation for wealth. However, many times there is a key element left out of their practice of the Law of Attraction and this article discusses this key ingredient to making the Law of Attraction work consistently.

While many people "sell the Law of Attraction" as a magical potion or as one of the more creative ways to make money, creating money from nothing takes a bit more than just reciting money affirmations, learning how to attract money or using the Law of Attraction for money goals that are not in line with our deeper commitments and beliefs.

The key term here being "Commitment." Why? Because there is a magic to the energy of commitment that, if you use it, it will make the Law of Attraction work consistently for you.

Why is this? I think Goethe says it best:

"... the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What does this mean exactly? That commitment has a certain "energy about it" to which the Law of Attraction responds and "energy is key" when creating money using the Law of Attraction.

In fact, energy is key when trying to manifest anything with the Law of Attraction, but is frequently missed because people are so focused on reciting money affirmations or doing other "intellectual" ways to invoking the Law of Attraction, which have "hit and miss" results. This can be frustrating and is why many people give up before reaching their goals.

If you want to get the Law of Attraction's attention, you want to speak to it "energetically" and commitment is one of the key energetic ways of enlisting the Law of Attraction's help to manifest money and discover the secret of wealth that comes from having a deep sense of certainty inside of yourself because you know, without a doubt, that you have found the true power for making the Law of Attraction respond to your "every whim."

Commitment is especially key when creating money using the Law of Attraction because just like learning to ride a bicycle, there are things to learn about how to attract money using the Law of Attraction, which means there is a learning curve to building the foundation for wealth.

Staying committed throughout the learning curve of learning how to manifest money is how money is created because as you get better at learning the art of the Law of Attraction through your continued commitment to learning the process, you get better and better at creating money.

Sadly, though, many people lack the belief and commitment to stay the course and give up when they are "three feet away from the prize" because they don't realize how important commitment and self-responsibility are to making the Law of Attraction work.

Commitment is also important because it gives you that internal "nudge" to keep you going, while at the same time "nudges" the Law of Attraction to keep going for you.

Suffice to say that once you are committed to making something happen, it usually does happen... no matter what. Especially if you keep the "no matter what" in mind. Another great quote I've heard about commitment is:

"Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, no matter what." ~Joe Neid

Many people fail to make the Law of Attraction work for themselves because they are not guided to "stay consistent throughout the learning curve" or to use energetic techniques in place of the more common intellectual techniques. Having a deep sense of commitment makes things happen energetically, whether you are intellectually "thinking about your goals" or not.

While there are other energetic means of making the Law of Attraction work, when creating money using the Law of Attraction, it is essential to use the "energetic signature" of staying committed to your goal because it is through energetic means such as this that the Law of Attraction responds... no matter what.

Watch Suzanne Glover's The Secret to Money video where she explains the importance of working energetically with the Law of Attraction. Suzanne also gives more free tips and advice at

Article Source: Creating Money Using the Law of Attraction: Why Most People Fail!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Benefits Of Goal Setting - Why Set Goals?

Author: Koz Huseyin

Are there any real benefits of goal setting? Why set goals in the first place? These questions can easily crop into our minds, especially if we are new to goal setting or even a seasoned goal setter with doubts and wanting some benefits of goal setting.

There are many benefits of goal setting. The process of setting goals enables you to focus your mind on what you want exactly. For example, if you consider going on vacation, there is no point in getting on an airplane, before considering where you want to go! After all, how would you choose which airplane to get on?

You can't buy a burger from McDonalds before you decide on what you want to buy. So, the essence of the benefits of goal setting comes down to what you want. Focusing your mind to the point that you can move forward to get what you want.

Sometimes you will find that you say 'what is the point'. And here is where more benefits of goal setting come into effect. For example of those that set goals and achieve, compared to those who do not achieve; we see that the ones who achieve are those who have a big enough why.

The benefits of setting goals can only be found when you have a big enough why. Why do you want that goal? This is important, because so many people who do set goals, and don't achieve, have not figured out why they want something.

We find many people want to get rich. Many will dream about it, even fewer will set goals on achieving the goal. Even fewer will try, and even fewer will succeed. The marked difference is in the why.

When someone truly has a big enough reason to get rich, guess what; they ultimately get rich! A person, who is in the process of losing there home, is more likely to get rich in a shorter period of time, than someone earning $30,000 per year.

Getting comfortable is a big key of failure. So, to get success, we need to utilize the benefits of goal setting. We need to set goals, and work to achieve them. But, this all comes down to the why.

Some other benefits of goal setting include increasing self confidence. For example, it is generally a good idea to start on small goals, and gradually increase. This allows you to gain confidence on the smaller goals, and gradually work to bigger goals. The initial confidence will work great wonders.

This is what athletes and Olympians all around the world do. They set small targets, small goals, and gradually increase. No one tries to do record breakers every day. Simply, they increase slightly often, and as a result gain the benefits of goal setting.

You can see the benefits of goal setting, when you do what athletes do. You can become an Olympic champion business man, entrepreneur or whatever else you want to do, be or have.

Article Source:

About the Author

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality! * How to goal set * Meet your success coach * Personal Development Articles

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do You Believe That Your Potential Is Limited in Any Way?

It is mistakenly believed that your potential is limited by your current abilities, knowledge, skills or even your current circumstances, whereas, in reality, your limits only exist within your own self-imposed comfort zone and restrictive beliefs. You can completely remove any perceived limits and swim in the sea of abundance, which flows all around you, if you are able to believe in yourself and build a crystal clear picture in your mind about all the possibility, which exists all around you.

Your Mind Does not come with a user's Manual

Napoleon Hill once said:

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

Your mind is the most incredible and powerful tool available to you as you travel down the path towards the success you desire. If understood and used correctly, it will deliver literally everything you can imagine to you. All that you need to do is believe with absolute conviction that it is possible for you and then you must commit to take inspired goal specific action daily and a world of possibility opens up to you.

Henry Ford said:

"Whether you think you can or think you can, both ways you are correct"

A great example of the power of the mind is shown in this story.
Doctors in Texas, studying the effectiveness of arthroscopic knee surgery, assigned patients with damaged, painful or worn-out knees, who agreed to participate in the test, one of three different surgical procedures. They either scraped the knee joint, just washed it out with saline or did nothing. During the procedure, where the doctors did nothing, they actually made an incision and pretended to have carried out the procedure on the patients.

Two years later the patients who never received any treatment at all, or who just had their knees washed out with saline, but believed that they had been operated on, showed exactly the same improvement as the patients, who had actually had their knees operated on. The patient's brains expected the surgery to have helped and to have improved their condition and so it did. This process shows the existence of expectancy theory. If you really believe that you can do something, you believe it is possible and you expect it to happen, it is very likely that it will.

What do you see as possible in your future right now? It is very unlikely that you will ever exceed your own expectations about what you believe is possible for you to achieve. So if you want to begin the journey towards super achievement, it starts right now, by you allowing yourself to dream once again and to give yourself permission to have huge expectations about what is possible for you. You are truly magnificent, now it is up to you to believe it and you will finally start to achieve it. Create an expectation about what you believe is possible for you and according to the expectancy theory, your mind will eventually make it possible for you.

Dare to Dream Big
Bruce Lee was arguably one of the greatest martial artists of all time. He understood the value of dreaming big and having huge expectations. When I visited Planet Hollywood in New York City a few years ago, I saw a letter written by Bruce Lee in 1970. In the letter Bruce wrote, as follows: 'By 1980 I will be the best known oriental movie star in the United States and will have secured $ 10 million dollars. In return I will give the best acting I could ever give, every single time I am in front of the cameras and I will live in peace and harmony'. Despite his life being cut short, he managed to realise all his goals in far less than the ten years he thought it would take. Are you dreaming really big dreams and taking inspired action every day to make them real for you?

It is seldom, if ever, that anyone exceeds their own belief in their potential or their own vision of possibility. You will never rise above the image you hold in your mind about what is possible for you. So in reality you can and will only ever live the vision you have of what is possible for you.

In fact the life you are living right now is exactly what you have envisioned in the past, as being possible for you. The subconscious belief and picture, which you hold in your mind right now, has shaped who you are and will continue shaping who you will become. How you see yourself or the vision you hold of your potential is exactly what will turn up in your life. Don't you think it is time you stopped leaving this to chance and you finally made the conscious decision and put in the effort to picture the actual future you want?

Andrew Horton is one of South Africa's top sales training experts. He will support, uplift and inspire sales professionals to explore the limits of their potential and awaken the sales giants, which resides within all of them. His sales training presentation is aimed at inspiring sales professionals, helping them to become re-energised and eager to achieve their sales targets. The sales tools and powerful tried and tested practical sales techniques, they will be introduced to during his presentation, will help any sales professional to immediately up their game and to become a real sales giant, within their markets. Visit my website at

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How To Start Your Day In A Positive Way

How To Start Your Day In A Positive Way

By Kimberley Cohen

It's a new dawn, a new day, a clean slate so to speak.

You CAN start your day in a positive way!

Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. A brand new day that holds promise, new possibilities, and new insights on ways to do or think about things is unfolding before you.

A new day offers an opportunity to readjust your attitude and embrace a new beginning.

Yesterday is over but today starts anew and is waiting just for you.

Before going to bed, or when you wake up, take out a piece of paper and on the top of the page write the words, "Today I will... "

Allow your imagination, excitement, anticipation, creativity, vision, and love to soar.

Here are some of the ways I like to start my days:

Today I will...
Look in the mirror and say, "Good morning; I love you", and then appreciate something about myself.

No matter what, I will try and remain positive, calm, and centered. (victorious)

Do my best to be my best.

Not judge myself and others. If I do, then I ask myself what else I can think or say that would be constructive.

Adjust my attitude when need be and see things from a different perspective.

Smile often.

Laugh more.

Hug someone.

Sing, hum, whistle, or dance.

Stretch physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, and personally.

Really listen when someone is talking and be curious and interested in what he/she is saying.

Tell someone I appreciate he/she, the job he/she is doing, or say something kind or positive.

Learn something new about myself, another person, or anything at all.

Enjoy the simple pleasures in my day. A cup of tea, my meals, the sun, a song, etc.

Not take for granted who or what is in my life today.

Be kind to myself and others.

Take a step towards forgiveness if I'm holding onto anger, hurt, or resentment towards others or myself.

Slow down. Pause as often as possible, take a look around, check in with myself or others. How am I or are they doing?

Lend a helping hand where I can.

Enjoy something in nature.

Take some deep breaths and relax.

Drop my expectation of how things "should be", and go with the flow of how things are.

Love myself and others.

Face my fears the best I can.

Feel and be confident.

Open my heart.

Listen to the quiet voice inside me that knows what I need to do or not do.

Believe in myself and others.

Have hope that today holds the promise of great things and of being the best day of my life; even if it feels like the worst.

Imagine the possibilities in tough situations.

Enjoy as many moments during the day as I can.

At the end of the day, write down the things I am grateful for today.

You can start your day in a positive way by reminding yourself of what is important for you.

You may want to re-read your intentions a couple of times during the day, as it helps keep your focus on what's important.

Your day may not always be rosy. In fact, some days may have a few thorns, but that doesn't mean that what you have intended cant still be followed through the best you can.

Often when you do shift your thinking or way of doing things, things change. If nothing else, you are being proactive as opposed to being passive or pessimistic.

Today could be the best day of your life; you just never know. You certainly will be more open to receiving positive outcomes if you believe it's possible and are working towards that.

Enjoy the day the best you can because you don't know if there will be a tomorrow.

The Insight Technique assists you in seeing how your days could be different and then experiencing them in a new way.

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.

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Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.

Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Positive Affirmations and Your Happiness in Life – What’s the Connection?

Positive Affirmations and Your Happiness in Life – What’s the Connection? by Nelson Berry

How many goals do you have in life? How many things do you still want to achieve in life? You may want to become the most successful person in your field, or you may want to simply improve your life in general. Whatever your goals are, I’m sure there are lots of them, and most of them are crucial to finding your complete happiness in life.

The Missing Link. Most successful people have certain things in common, and through these you can guess what has helped them achieve success so far. And one of these things is their positive, proactive, and empowered attitude towards life. They know what they want and they go after it with passion and gusto. They work hard and keep their motivation despite all the challenges.

If you want to attain the same attitude, you can rely on positive affirmations. Using positive affirmations may seem like a small thing to do as a way of striving towards your happiness, but they can have such a profound effect that you may not be fully aware of.

What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are positive thoughts or statements about a particular outcome that you want to happen. They are subliminal messages that are communicated directly to your subconscious. These affirmations need to be repeated constantly until they make such a strong impact on your subconscious mind, which will then produce actual results and accomplishments out of mere thoughts.

Doesn’t it sound so simple? It’s surprising that a lot of people are still living lives they are not happy with, when all along the way to achieving happiness lies in simple positive thoughts.

What’s keeping you from living a happy life? The problem with the human mind is that it finds negativity attractive for some reason. Don’t we often find ourselves intrigued by tragic events? When we hear of an accident, we often get curious and start asking questions about what happened. This may seem like a normal reaction, but in truth, it is a clue as to why we are wallowing in negatively laid out lives. We have the tendency to be easily caught up in negativity; negative thoughts and beliefs have a one-way ticket leading straight into our minds. And the worst part is, we let them in freely without even knowing that we are already sabotaging our own happiness.

What can you do? The solution to this problem is to focus the mind instead on positive affirmations. This takes a good deal of self control and self discipline. After all, positive affirmations don’t have the same tragic appeal like negative ideas do, and since we have been exposed to negative ideas for a long time, they usually lay down their roots in our minds and can fight against the positive affirmations we try to install in our minds.

Reminders on the use of positive affirmations. So here are a few reminders on how you can let positive affirmations do their magic work to make your life the happy life you’ve always wanted:

• Focus on them. By focusing on positive affirmations, this means you should also consciously brush away negative ideas as much as you can or as often as you catch yourself thinking of them.
• Constantly repeat them. The easiest way to programming the mind is by constant repetition. The mind loves patterns, so if it starts to recognize a pattern due to your constant repetition, it becomes more receptive.
• Don’t stop. If you stop for a single minute, negative talk from outside can easily penetrate right through.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video!

Article Source: Positive Affirmations and Your Happiness in Life – What’s the Connection?

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Set a Goal in 6 Easy Steps

Author: Simon Lim

We've all set goals in our lives, some have been accomplished, and others have been broken. Although a number of variables plays a part in whether or not a goal is achieved, a sound goal setting process is integral to creating the momentum required to succeed. Regardless of what your current short term and long term goals are, in order to achieve them you need to have set them in a manner that will guarantee your success. These are the ‘six Ps' that will teach you how to set a goal you will always achieve.

1. Be Precise

Your goals need to be precise. How much money do you want to make in your business over the next year? Where do you want to be with your career in five years? What countries do you want to visit over the next few years? You need to know exactly what it is you want to achieve. More importantly you also need to set a deadline for when this goal must be accomplished. Without this time component there is no sense of urgency to achieve the goal, and you might just compromise by thinking you've got plenty of time left, only to realise that the opportunities to progress have passed you by. You must know exactly what you want and when you will achieve the goal.

2. Know The Purpose

Once you know what your specific goal is, you must understand the purpose behind why you want to achieve this goal. Setting a goal to become a gazillionaire one day is nice and dandy and all, but if your reasons are not strong enough, then they will not get you through the difficult times where you need to fight just that extra bit to succeed. What are your reasons for achieving your goals? Why must you achieve this specific goal? Your reasons need to be emotional; they need to get your heart racing, your blood rushing, and your toes twiddling. In a word, they need to get you pumped! If that goal and the reasons for pursuing it don't get you excited, then it isn't something that you really want to achieve. It's just something that seemed like a good idea. Make sure that the purpose behind your ambitions gets your adrenaline pumping each and every time. These first two steps alone will get you half way to achieving your goals, but by no means does that guarantee you will achieve them.

3. Always Be Positive

Your goal also needs to be said in a positive manner. Rather than setting goals like "I want to be financially free be the age of 30 so I don't have to work for somebody anymore", or "I will not lose money in this business this year", or "I will not look like an idiot, again", restate these goals in a positive light; instead say, "I want to be financially free by the age of 30 so I can play golf everyday and visit remote countries", "I will make x-amount of money in the business this year", and "I will show them how it's done, yet again." Give yourself the best possible chances of succeeding, by pursuing the goal with a positive attitude, rather than a limiting attitude.

4. Create Parts

Additionally when you set a goal it needs to be broken down into parts. Your goal is the end result, but what will get you from where you are now to where you want to be? You need to be able to set sub-goals and objectives over a shorter period of time, which will allow you to progressively achieve each aspect of your dreams. These are the checkpoints that you must pass through to ensure you reach your desired destination. If you want to become filthily rich through your business, you need to set a financial target for the end of the current year, the following year, and onwards, as well as the activities you will perform to acquire these riches you so desire.

5. Get It On Paper

Having to set a goal and keep it in your head can be a disastrous activity; we all have brain cramps from time to time, so you need to write your goals down on paper. There is something magical about writing your goals on paper; only about five percent of the adult population in most developed nations takes the time to write their goals down. If you are in this percentile, or you want to join in on the fun, you are setting yourself up for success. This small percentage of people who actually think deeply about their goals, and takes the time to write it down on paper are also the people who achieve great things in life. Make sure you are one of them.

6. Take Action In The Present

The final step you need to take in this goal setting process, which actually is more a beginning than a finale, is to take action in the present to move you towards your goal. After you've sat down, thought about your life, thought about your goals, thought about your dreams and ambitions, had a brain cramp or three, and managed to jot it all down on paper, you need to do something, anything, now, that will prove to yourself that you are serious about achieving this goal, and you will relentlessly pursue it until you achieve it. Do something right now to move you closer to where you want to be, and start to create that momentum that will take you towards your goal.

These six steps are integral to your success in setting a meaningful and achievable goal. You need to be precise with your goal and the purpose of achieving it. You need to be positive about your goal, and after you have broken the goal down into manageable parts, you need to take the time to write your goals down on paper. Once you have accomplished these steps, you must take the first of many actions to generate the momentum that ensures your success in achieving your goal.

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About the Author

Want to learn more about the power of setting and achieving goals? Want to find out more about how you can maintain your momentum while chasing your dreams? Want to develop an unconquerable mentality for success? Download your free copy of the '501 Greatest Quotes Of All Time' at and gain greater insights into how you can ensure your success in life.