Thursday, April 19, 2012

Motivation - Ability to Accept 100% Responsibility

Author: Michael Lowe

Simply by accepting the fact that our choices have created our conditions in life, there is a special power that instils us. Sure, there are certain things that may be beyond our control. Get an insight into the various things that can actually motivate you!

Every aspect of getting motivated involves, you! However, there is an unbelievable aspect which is common for each human being. The ability to shift blame from one person to another is something which has been going on since ages. Right from the earliest civilisations or even since the beginning of time when God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of a specific tree, this has been a prevalent aspect. It seems that over thousands of years we have changed very little. In fact, at the core of human nature resides an exceedingly great ability to shift blame. So often we feel quite justified to accuse the government, financial situation, company policy, society and even our spouse for our current state of affairs.

One thing is for sure: victims always pin their bad luck or personal misfortune on someone or something outside their own sphere of control. You can pick them the very moment you hear them say, "It's not my fault!" However, some people accept 100% responsibility for everyone else but themselves. It is important that you accept the entire responsibility of yourself. At the core level every successful individual believes that "I am where I am in life because this is where I chose to be!" Therefore, the first step in making your mission possible is to realise that "the buck stops here". That fact is that ultimately, we are responsible for what we do. Even if somebody's advice turns sour and causes us great pain, can we really blame them? While they may have given us bad advice, we took it!

Thus we are responsible for our present conditions. For instance, you see your current weight problem as something outside your sphere of control, then there's nothing you can do to change it. It's not your fault! You're just fat! However, if you want to bring your problem of being overweight as your own responsibility, you should just have the power to change it. The lesson here is that there are no such things as circumstances, there are only results.

"Man is not the creature of circumstances. Circumstances are the creatures of men." - Benjamin Disraeli

Simply by accepting the fact that our choices have created our conditions in life, there is a special power that instils us. Sure, there are certain things that may be beyond our control, but just for a few moments, consider few of the things that you can choose. For instance, you can control:

• Your thoughts
• What you believe
• Your attitudes and behavior at any given time
• What words that you select and your tone of voice
• How you use your imagination
• Whether to act now or continue worrying

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Consider how your life would change if you were to make better choices in these areas. Life is a series of choices, so choose life! Choose a better way of living and a better quality of life! Motivation instils the aspect of choosing for yourself and for your children a future that will bring you richness, joy and inner fulfillment all the days of your life.

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