Monday, April 16, 2012

Using Quotes For Stress Management

Author: Limuelle Santos

Stress clouds your view of the world and your purpose in it. That's why you have to constantly feed yourself with positivity. Stress management and inspirational quotes are one quick and easy way to do just that. When you hear positive messages, words of comfort and encouragement; your spirit is refreshed and renewed. Meditating on these words can bring you peace and a chance to disconnect from whatever is causing you stress.

Inspirational quotes give you a new way of looking at things in life, a new perspective that maybe you hadn't considered before. Someone else who has already gone down the path you're going and has experienced a good deal of stress in his or her life offers a reprieve and a way to deal with it better.

There is a childhood saying: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." So untrue. Words do carry power - the power to harm or to help. So rather than surrounding yourself with negative, hurtful words; fill yourself up with positive, motivating words that will bring healing to your very soul. The idea is to flood yourself with so much positivity, beginning with words that you tell yourself or that you hear from others, so that there's absolutely no room for any negativity in your life.

The right words at the right time are like a refreshing spring to the soul; they can be life-changing. Suddenly your mind is open to new possibilities and you don't feel so closed in. You begin to see your situation with fresh eyes. The good is illuminated in the midst of the bad, and your strengths from past situations are remembered.

One quote on stress management, by Richard Carlson, that many people are familiar with is: "Don't sweat the small stuff... and it's all small stuff." How powerful is that one, little statement! We trivialize the minutest things in our lives and then find ourselves in debate with those we love.

The rise in blood pressure and temperature and the headaches that often ensue after a heated argument aren't worth it - and did you know that stress is one of the leading causes of heart disease, stroke and other illnesses? Stress accelerates illness, makes healing more 'difficult, makes the body toxic, and just leaves you feeling awful - if you let it.

You can have more successes, happier days and better relationships when you actively choose to be positive. Inspirational quotes can become your mantra and can be chanted aloud or silently within whenever you feel a surge of stress or a feeling of being overwhelmed. Keep inspirational words with you wherever you are - on the walls at home, on your car's bumper stickers, on your keychain, on your PC, on your t-shirts, on bookmarks, on post-it notes at work, in your e-mail signatures, etc. Literally surround yourself with inspirational quotes that you can pull from when you're facing a challenging moment situation, and positivity will become a lifelong habit.

I leave you with these great words that I know will encourage you wherever you are today:

"He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger." - Japanese proverb

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

"When we commit to action, to actually doing something rather than feeling trapped by events, the stress in our life becomes manageable." - Greg Anderson

One sentence can change the whole day.

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About Author:

Gain inspiration by reading Quotes On Change and Quotes On Love.

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