Monday, July 30, 2012

Staying Positive is the Secret of Attraction

By: Dr Robert Anthony

The secret of attraction is wholly dependent on practicing positive thoughts and actions. The more negative you are about your endeavors, the less likely it will be for you to succeed in them. Just be more assertive and aggressive with your behavior and you’ll be amazed by how much you can achieve. Just check out the examples below if you want a clearer idea:

1. The secret of attraction to win people over to your cause. Let’s say you’re promoting a cause. It may be something that has to do with the environment, choosing to become a vegetarian, or voting for your political candidate. Such platforms can be pretty tough to promote in a polarized nation such as ours, but if you want to attract people to your cause, you need to first believe in what you’re fighting for. Believe it or not, people in general can ascertain if you’re truly passionate about the issue or just a paid mouthpiece! But when you radiate passion and enthusiasm and speak with authority on the subject, the higher your chances of convincing them to join you.

2. The secret of attraction to having more money in your life. If you want to attract wealth, you need to stop letting your money control you and instead, learn to control it to suit your goals. For example, all your life, you’ve seen how your mother could not control her spending. Shopping was a way to make her feel good, no matter how much debt she was accruing year in and year out. You need to stop equating your self esteem with how much money you can spend to impress your friends, which is a negative no-no. Start viewing money as neither good nor bad, but as a tool to help you live a stable and comfortable life. Using positive thoughts and actions like moderating your spending and paying bills on time are just some ways to bring in more money –not debt – into your life!

3. The secret of attraction to help you win a client: If you’re in sales, you know what a cutthroat industry it can be. Many sales people would sell their grandmothers down the river just to nab an important client. On a less exaggerated note, they would even try to steal a fellow salesperson’s client by encroaching into the transaction. Don’t play dirty like those people, for in this universe there is such a thing as karmic comeuppance. Strive to be ethical and upstanding in your occupation. Carry out only positive thoughts and actions when conducting your business and pretty soon you will build a good name for yourself and attract clients. Leave the monkey business to your less ethical colleagues who will only end up having a reputation for being unscrupulous and irritating.

4. The secret of attraction to attaining inner peace. You don’t need to go to a temple and surround yourself with silent monks to achieve inner peace. The first step to achieving it is by choosing to focus only on positive thoughts and actions, which include forgiving yourself and others. In order to move on, you need to let go of the past. Even something as recent as yesterday’s mess up in the office should be treated as history. Learn from your errors and think of corrective actions rather than telling yourself, “I wish I hadn’t done that.”

5. The secret of attraction to get the body you want. Yes, the doctor said you need to lose fifteen pounds. And no, pinning a photo of a supermodel on your refrigerator is not going to help you lose those fifteen pounds no matter how many times you stare at the image. The photo, however, may serve as a daily inspiration and reminder on the kind of body you’re aiming for. As you watch your food intake and carry out your daily exercise regimen, look at that picture to push you into sticking to the program – and stop you from popping a few pieces of chocolate in your mouth.

If you have concerns similar to the ones listed above, then you should know by now that you should just harness the secret of attraction to make things work out well for you. Positive thoughts and actions are far more potent than you could ever imagine, so go on and try them out for yourself!

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