Thursday, October 4, 2012

Keeping Your Chin Up - How to Be Happy When Things Are Bad

Keeping Your Chin Up - How to Be Happy When Things Are Bad

By Frederik Kreijmborg

We all experience times when things are bad. Keeping your chin up is not easy but it's manageable if you really want to turn things around.

Let me introduce four simple methods to be happy when things are bad which work for many people every day.

1. Recall some of the good things

Life has not always been bad. When you're feeling sad about something in your present it helps tremendously to remember something from your precious past that makes you smile again.

In order to feel good you have to move on. Recalling some of the good things that happened in your life will help you regain trust in yourself. You're in control of your emotions and you should not forget that.

2. Concentrate on today

Most people feel bad about things that happened days, weeks or even years ago. But why even bother? You can't change the past. It's gone. You have to deal with the fact that your only option is moving on. Everything else will corrupt your mental health and lead to a downward spiral of sadness.

Today is the day you should live in, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Just today. This is not easy and it takes some time to get used to live in the present instead of the dreaded past or the frightening future. Once you've learned to concentrate with today (each and every day) you'll be able to feel happy again in a matter of minutes.

You should concentrate on things that you're looking forward to or that you were looking forward to before things were bad. Stimulate your positive feelings connected to any of your plans for today (or any day in the future). Stick with your plan and don't let yourself bumped off track by negativity.

3. Surround yourself with happy people

It's much easier to be happy again after something bad happens if you surround yourself with other happy and relaxed people who enjoy their own personal to-days.

We tend to stick with sad people when we're sad but this behavior is unhealthy as it creates some kind of vicious circle which makes everything much more complicated. Instead of seeking other sad people you have to find people who have a higher level of energy than yourself at the moment.

Don't be afraid: you won't steal their energy or destroy their good vibes. It's a win-win situation as the other people will probably enjoy to support you with finding the bright side of life again. People love to make other people happy because they can give themselves an imaginary pat on the back, saying: "Well done. You've done your good deed for today."

Exploit that behavior; you won't do any harm by doing so.

4. Be creative

Another very efficient method to get rid of bad feelings is being creative. Drawing, singing, writing, gardening, scrapbooking, building and all sorts of creative activities will give you a nice boost of self-esteem because you see the (positive) results of your work immediately.

If you can create a picture, a song or a poem you can also create non-physical things, e.g. emotions.

Realize that you can create something out of nothing and utilize this ability to create happy thoughts for yourself.

If this sounds like stupid mumbo jumbo you're partly right. But it doesn't hurt to try one of two of the above methods, does it?

Frederik Kreijmborg is a personal growth coach and motivational speaker at He'll help you to make the best of your life. You can find out all about him here:

PS: Look out for his motivational newsletter which you can receive for free after subscribing!

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