"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
Doug Firebaugh
Are you doing something every day to take you toward where you want to be, or are you drifting through life being buffeted from one crisis to another?
Maybe things are not that bad. Maybe you just have a feeling that something could be better.
It's a sad fact that many of us find ourselves trapped in lives we didn't choose. We may have had vague ideas at some stage about what we were going to do, but somehow life just came along and overtook all our plans.
Life has a way of getting in the way of our hopes and dreams and the pace of life can be so fast that it can feel as if we have to expend all our energy on just standing still. This means we don't have the time or energy to do anything about making changes. It feel almost impossible to just carve out the time to just stop and think about where you are going.
Do you recognise yourself in this pattern? Do you feel that somehow life has conspired against you and you're now stuck on a treadmill with no idea of how to get off?
Well, the good news is that you can do something about it. No matter how bad things seem, there are things you can do to make it better. Maybe you find that hard to believe, but it really is possible and there are a few things you will have to do.
First of all, and this is really important - you need to recognise that you are responsible for your future happiness. You are the only one who can make decisions about what you are going to do and how you are going to spend your time. You may have commitments to job, marriage, family, but you have made these commitments. There is no point in trying to blame someone else, you made the decision, so you need to take action to make the changes you want to make.
Think about how you choose to spend your precious time - how much time do you spend at work? Too much? No-one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office." Think about where your priorities lie. Maybe it's time you made some adjustments to change your work/life balance.
And how do you relax? Spend time with the family? Go to the gym? Watch tv? All of these are great, but are they taking you toward where you want to be. Are they inching you toward your goal. Anything that is not taking you toward your goal is taking you away from your goal.
Remember, only you get to decide about how you spend your time and what you do. Maybe you need to make different decisions and free up time to make the necessary changes.
If you found that a difficult concept to accept, then this next one may be more challenging. Sometimes if you are going to improve your life you need to let something go. We all know you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
Maybe there are some things in your life which are holding you back from living the life you want.
That's the real challenge. If you are going to free up the time to allow you to make the changes what are you going to stop doing?
You need a way of sorting out what you want from life. You need some kind of help, because if you could have done it by yourself, you would have. That sounds blunt, but it's a fact. The real sign of failure (or madness) is to keep on doing the same things and expecting different results.
You need to make changes. If you were happy and successful you would not have found this article. You're here for a reason.
So what kind of help is available? Well you could get a Life Coach. Coaches will work with you and help you set some goals and then give you the help, support and encouragement you need so you can achieve them.
The disadvantage of Life Coaching is that it can be expensive and, while a good Life Coach will pay for themselves over time, that may not help you if you don't have the money to pay for one until you get there.
Alternatively you can work on yourself. This is cheaper, but you don't have the back up support that a good Life Coach can bring.
Either way, you will have to make some changes. If something isn't working for you, then stop doing it. Only a fool keeps on battering their head of a brick wall. If something isn't working you need to change.
Now you don't need me to tell you that change is hard. People like the familiar, no matter how uncomfortable something is, there is still a tendency to think that it's 'better the devil you know'. That means that when you get ready to make the changes you may meet with some resistance from the significant others in your home, personal and professional life. So you need to find ways of communicating with them that will allow you to help them see where you are going and to take them along with you.
So, are you ready to make the changes you need to make?
- Ready to plan for a successful future?;
- Ready to maximise your opportunities for success.: and
- Ready to explore new possibilities and clear out the old, restrictive, thinking.
Change is certainly possible - but it will only happen if you make it happen. It doesn't have to be hard, but it does need some effort.
Are you ready to make the changes? Maybe you're ready to read more about how You Can Achieve Anything. Click the link now and get started.
Audrey Finch is CEO of Better Life 4u. Committed to helping you break through the barriers to achieve success.
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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