Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why Getting Motivated Is Simple by Alice Hive

I sometimes meet people who tell me that they're "just never motivated". It's like they're hoping that motivation falls from the sky and hits them on their heads before they finally start doing something.

Some even listen to CDs and read motivational books but they just never take action. They have hundreds of apologies for why they can't be motivated - as if motivation was something very difficult.

However, motivation isn't difficult. Motivation is simple. Not necessarily easy but simple. But before I explain to you how to get motivated, let's think about what the word "motivation" literally means.

The English word "motivation" originates from the Latin word "movere". "Movere" means "to move". "Motum" is the past participle and means "moved". That's also where the word "motion" comes from.

Being motivated literally means "being moved" or "being in motion".
So the key to motivation is to be in movement.
Now, what does that mean?

Just like I said before, it's simple. In order to be motivated you have to be already in motion = You have to do something at first so you can get motivated.
So, this is the big question:
How can you do something when you're not motivated in the first place?
And this is simple, as well: Start small.

Get Your Thoughts Moving
Think about what you want to do. What are the reasons you want to do it? What will be the reward? How is it going to change your life and the life of others? What will it be like when you have achieved your goal? How are you going to do it? What are the (baby) steps that you need to take? What is the next step? What are you going to do?
Let your mind start working on your goal.

Get Your Feelings Moving
Examine your feelings. How are you going to feel when you have achieved your goal? How is the process of "doing" going to feel like? How will it feel when the world appreciates and rewards your work?
Use the power of visualization to create an inner film in which you play out the details of your success. Fill your head and heart with pictures of glory, joy, peace, success, health and wealth. The more good feelings you can associate with accomplishing your goals the better.

Why are you getting motivated when you read books and listen to speeches about motivation? Because the speakers and authors are moving your thoughts and emotions in the direction of action.

However, if moving your thoughts and feelings is all that you do, you will achieve nothing. Now it's time to actually do something.

Start Small
Start as small as you have to. Bring out some trash. Answer an email. Cook a healthy meal. Do 10 push-ups. Write a short blog post. Take a shower. Make a phone call. Do your first baby step. Do whatever you feel you can do.

Continue Bigger
Excellent! You have done something. Now do more. Do something that is a little bigger. Do 20 push ups. Write a long blog post. Clear out your email inbox. Make a more difficult phone call. Clean your bathroom. Do your second baby step. Go on!

Keep Building Momentum
After having done a few things you will already feel more motivated. Of course - because now you're "in motion".

You will always have to get over some resistance when you do something more difficult so don't expect any miracles. But at least it's easier to do something hard when you already built the momentum for it.

The more difficult/hard things you do the more power you will have to do even more difficult/harder things. That's the reason why personal development experts often choose to begin their day with doing something scary/hard first thing in the morning. After checking this task off their to do lists, they will feel proud and motivated for the rest of the work day.

Motivation doesn't fall from the sky, you have to do something for it. You will need to exert power to get to the next motivational level and you will have to be brave. You will have to get out of your comfort zone. But be patient with yourself if you don't get from 0 to 100 in a short period of time. Managing your motivational level is just another skill that you will learn with time. So if you don't get to 100% today although you've done quite a few things, I won't let you use it as an apology. Just keep up the good work!

Find more motivational articles on . Don't forget to download the free ebook"Why You Haven't Changed Your Life Yet"!


  1. I have recently learned about getting motivated and then actually doing something about and like you post says - I started small by making a herb garden (this may seem like nothing - but from PC games all day every day to growing herbs was a catalyst for me to start doing more), then I achieved some bigger things like publishing a small book and taking up tennis - and now I am in the process of starting my own business - that best thing is I am doing stuff every day that is getting me closer to my goals instead of just sitting around dreaming about them - Thank you very much for this post, it is always nice to read something that I have or I am in the process of doing. Keep up the great writing.

  2. Hi RD,
    Nice blog site! I, too am getting motivated and trying to help others get motivated. My blog site (I won't put the URL here in the comment) is dedicated to helping people get healthier and happier. I just started the site a few weeks ago and it's a lot of hard work but working on promoting the site in itself keeps me going and highly motivated. I like your words and I have linked into your blog from my site as well! Take care and good luck with everything!
