Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Manifest What You Want

Let's face it. We all wish we could wave a magic wand and have whatever we want magically appear in our lives. The truth is that you are creating your reality moment by moment each day, whether you're consciously aware of it or not.

Manifesting your desires is easier than you think once you get the hang if. Think of it this way. Have you ever shot a basketball through a hoop? Have you ever made the shot more than once?

Of course you have, once you understood what your goal was, which was to make the ball go through the hoop. You can learn this skill also in your personal life too.

Let's say you are a salesman for a local car dealership and you decide that you want to make 25 sales this month. The problem that you see is that you have never made more than 10 sales in a month, and that was a long shot back then.

So, if you were one of my coaching students I would teach you to first get a clear focus on your outcome. The outcome here being selling 25 cars this month.

Next, I want you to feel like it would be like to earn the commissions from selling 25 cars in a month. What would it feel like to you, and what would you do with all that extra money?

Actually write out on a piece of paper what you will do with the extra money. Would you pay off some bills? Would you buy yourself a new car? Would you take your family out on a shopping spree? How about helping out someone less fortunate then you.

The wonderful thing about having extra money is that it not only expands your experience in life, but it allows you the opportunity to expand the life of someone else too.

If you find yourself having difficulty earning more money then you believe you should then ask yourself the following question.

What negative beliefs/thoughts/ attitudes do I have about money that is preventing me from allowing in the abundance that I know I deserve?

You would be surprised to learn that limiting beliefs you have about money is the culprit behind your lack of financial abundance.

It's not hard to figure out the belief once you start digging into your thought system. Keep asking yourself questions about money until you feel an emotion or very strong feeling. That strong feeling is an indicator that you have a negative belief or beliefs about money.

Don't worry about these negative beliefs about money because you are not alone. The majority of people on this planet have limiting beliefs about money in one way, shape, or form.

All you have to do is shift your beliefs about money and watch as your financial reality shifts too.

I'll give you an example.

My old limiting belief about money was that I would have to work long, hard, hours in order to achieve it.

My new belief about money is that it is not work when I love what I do, and I am having so much fun doing what I love, while earning money doing it, that I don't even notice the time.


Imagine the outcome you desire by feeling what it would be like to have what you want. Secondly, if you notice any internal resistance to having what you want, check your limiting beliefs about that.

Justin Mazza is a blogger who has committed himself to being a life-long student of conscious evolution and he wants to share his knowledge with you. You can discover more manifesting tips like the secret of deliberate creation of your reality at his blog Mazzastick.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gaining Self Confidence - Top 7 Tips To Building Confidence

Gaining Self Confidence - Top 7 Tips To Building Confidence

By Dr Jitesh Arora

Do you want to improve your self confidence? If the answer is yes then you are at the right place. In this article I have compiled some tips which will definitely help you to boost your self-confidence.

1. Act Confidently

Project yourself as a confident person and people will take you seriously. You may feel yourself as an imposter sometimes but you will feel confident as time will pass. There is a famous saying- "Fake it until you make it."

2. Everyone Cannot Be Your Best Friend

We should never be afraid of annoying someone or being misunderstood by our friends and family members. In fact you will find too many people who will not like you. Fear of not being approved by everyone will stop you from realizing your true potential. One can never develop self-confidence if he constantly thinks about the opinion of other people.

3. Learn To Cope With Rejection

Don`t ever take rejection personally. There is no benefit of getting over concerned about the things you can`t control in life. Don`t make a self-image on the basis of what other people think about you.

4. Never Talk Negative About Yourself

Build a positive self-image. Condition yourself to talk positively about yourself. Try to make the list of all the good things which God has put in you. Accept all the compliments given by people. Remember all your past accomplishments and consider doing them again.

5. Don`t Compare Yourself to Other People

Do you compare yourself to others? If the answer is yes then stopping doing it now. You don`t have to be the smartest person to be happy. Stop competing with others but try to keep getting better.

6. Building Confidence is a Process

You can not build self-confidence in one day as it is a process. Sometimes you may feel that you are starting from square one. Don`t get discouraged by the hurdles in your life. Remember the hurdles you have already cleared and keep pressing forward in your life.

7. Be Thankful

Sometimes the root of insecurities is feeling of discontentment. Start appreciating the things you have in your life. Get into a state of gratitude as this will make you complete and satisfied.

There are many more tips which are needed to build a healthy self-confidence. Pick couple of tips mentioned above and start practicing them today.

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If so, Download my brand new free ebook on Maintaining a Positive Attitude toward life.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Jitesh_Arora

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Positive Phrases: Why Most People Do Them Wrong!

Positive Phrases: Why Most People Do Them Wrong! by Suzanne Glover

Positive phrases are easy to master when you know a couple of tricks. The first thing to keep in mind when choosing positive words and phrases is thinking about the end result you desire. This article gives you tips on how to do positive phrases correctly and why keeping positive thoughts works so well in making you happy.

WHY POSITIVE THOUGHTS WORK SO WELL: The first thing to remember when learning how to use positive phrases correctly is that positive words and phrases carry with them a “positive energy” that can get embedded into your mind and body. In fact, the more positive thoughts you think on a consistent basis, the more you are actually changing your body's chemistry to create more positive thoughts. If you can keep it up long enough, your body will actually become addicted to having a mindset full of positive words and phrases that will make it easier for you to stay happy.

HOW PEOPLE DO POSITIVE PHRASES INCORRECTLY: Many people think that they are correctly reciting positive phrases when they say things like, “I am losing weight,” but the reality of this phrase is that it focuses on “weight.” A better choice when using positive thinking phrases for weight control would be to get down to your core desire, which is to be slim and beautiful, and instill positive thoughts of “I am rapidly becoming slim and beautiful.”

FAMOUS POSITIVE THINKING PHRASES NOT TO USE: Ever hear the term, “Don't worry, be happy?” Well, when I say to you “Don't worry,” your mind automatically picks up the subject of that sentence, which is worry. Why not drop the first two words of that sentence which focus your mind on “worry,” and instead focus your mind on being happy by just saying “be happy?” The same is true with, “No pain, no gain.” Does that motivate you to think positive thoughts, or thoughts about pain?

POSITIVE THINKING PHRASES THAT ENHANCE YOUR DESIRE: The bottom line that you want to get to when doing positive thinking exercises such as creating positive phrases is that you want to choose positive words and phrases that tell your subconscious exactly what you want it to do. One way to get to your core desire is to journal out your thoughts about the change you'd like to make in yourself and see what words come up.

WHY PEOPLE DO POSITIVE PHRASES WRONG: Another reason many people are not successful at instilling positive words and phrases into their minds enough to make substantial change is because they don't see the positive words and phrases consistently enough to get absorbed on a level that makes a difference. This is where having positive thinking quotes around you either on your computer screen, on your desk or on your walls will keep the “positive flow” going into your mind enough to make change.

HOW TO GET STARTED WITH POSITIVE PHRASES THAT WORK: First, get down to your core desire. Second, learn which words not to use when creating positive words and phrases, and lastly, keep all your positive thinking quotes and positive phrases around you enough to have them be completely absorbed by your mind and body enough to get addicted to them and make your journey to becoming positive run on auto pilot.

Suzanne Glover tells you which words not to use as well as gives examples of effective positive phrases and more insight on how to create positive thinking phrases that work at effective-positive-thinking.com.

Article Source: Positive Phrases: Why Most People Do Them Wrong!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

11 Tips for Staying Focused and on Track to Achieving Your Goals

Author: Anne Bachrach

As an entrepreneur, there are things you must do in order to accomplish your goals so you can have the kind of business and life you have dreamed of having. From managing a team to handling clients - and everything in between - it can be easy to lose complete control of your day. We all have the same 24 hours available each day; it's how we chose to use those 24 hours that's makes the difference.

Meetings, client services, and a To-Do List a mile long are frequent daily tasks in the world of running a business. The key is find an effective way to handle our daily routine to stay focused and on track to achieve your goals in the shortest amount of time and the least amount of effort.

Tip #1: Break Goals Down Into Daily Action Steps - and Track Them

Somewhere between running a business and having a personal life, it's not uncommon for our goals to fall by the wayside. Sure, we write out a Goal List, but it ends up at the bottom of a large stack of papers on our desk or filed away in a drawer. If you are not paying attention to your goals on a daily basis, you're probably taking the long way around. Break goals down into daily action steps and put them into your daily calendar/diary/planner. Those action steps should be labeled high priority and handled as early on in the day as possible, or at the best time that leads to the best result. No excuses.

Tip #2: Remove Distractions and Interruptions From Your Life

Wasting time on low priority tasks is one of the most common sources of interrupting your success. Email - texting - social media - internet surfing - personal phone calls - chatting - etc. are time wasters for many of us. Work hours should be reserved for work. Distractions need to be a thing of the past and not the present, if you want to achieve your goals in the timeframe you have set. (Close email and internet outside specific time blocks. Turn off the ringer on your phone or filter calls through a team member. Remove paperwork that you are not currently working on from your sight.) Create a system that works best for you - and stick to it.  Consistent execution of new habits that put you in the highest probability position to make better progress so you can create the business and life you want is key.

Tip #3: Be Aware of Sabotaging Habits

No one is ever completely free of self-sabotaging habits, which is why it's important to be aware of your tendencies. When you are aware of your sabotaging habits, you can easily spot them - and stop them - from distracting you from your success. Whether you create procrastination, overwhelm, emotional crisis, physical exhaustion, relationship drama - or a host of other common habits - you're creating self-sabotage. Achieving your goals becomes a lot easier when you can spot troublesome habits, and consciously and quickly get yourself back on track.

Tip #4: Get Clear on the Why

When you get clear on why you're working on any particular task, you can intellectually grasp whether you really need to be doing it at all or having someone else do it. Try this exercise: Ask yourself, "Why am I doing ___________________ (insert task)?" If your answer isn't a good enough why, you know you shouldn't be spending your valuable time on it.

Tip #5: Chunk Like-Tasks Together

Prep time and pre-task setup can eat up huge amounts of your time, so chunk like-tasks together. Another benefit to chunking? Reducing the "scatter-brain" effect. Multi-tasking and jumping between tasks reduces your brain's ability to maintain focus, effectiveness and efficiency. Examples of chunking your time include: Listening to voicemail/returning important phone calls - reading emails/replying to urgent inquiries – making prospecting calls – seeing clients in your office – creating marketing materials - coordinating off-site meetings with other appointments/errands - etc. 

Along this same line of thinking, consider scheduling time to really prepare for the meeting on your calendar (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes).  This helps to ensure you have the right way of being to get the result you want and make sure you aren't thinking of something you just finished or anything else.  Also, schedule time after your meeting to complete any actions you need to so you don't have to try and remember them later in the day, two days later, or at the end of the week. Get things done and the move on to the next meeting with a clear head for that meeting.

Tip #6: Create a Block Schedule

Create hour blocks in your workday where you focus on a single task or a chunk of like-tasks. During that block of time, nothing else gets your attention, except the task or tasks in front of you. (Remove all other distractions by clearing your desk, turning off your phone, closing email, etc.) At the end of the block (1, 2, 3 or 4 hours) whatever was on your calendar is now finished. Let it go and move on to the next scheduled task.

Tip #7: Live Life By Appointment Only!

When someone calls in, have your assistant take a complete and in-depth message, and schedule a time you will return the call. I have never heard of anyone who says the life ‘phone tag.' So stop phone tag!  Meet with your assistant and other team members by appointment only to reduce interruptions.  One exception to this rule that I can think of is that the building is burning and someone needs to tell you to get out – you don't need an appointment for that…  As much as possible, live your life by face-to-face or phone appointments only. You'll be amazed at how much more efficient you are by applying this one concept.

Tip #8: Ready-Set-Go!

For intense task completion, use a timer and set it for 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Using a timer allows you to create a game or healthy competition against the clock - giving your focus and energy an edge. You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish when you create a fun or somewhat competitive environment.

Tip #9: Do What You Do Best, Delegate the Rest

You should only be focusing on the tasks that you complete with the greatest efficiency, effectiveness and results. Everything else should be delegated to a team member, assistant, or virtual assistant who produces the best results.  Ask yourself, "Could someone else do what I'm doing, if I just assigned it to them, told them how or gave them a process to get it done?"  Too many entrepreneurs I talk to hold on to things way too long just because they have always done them.  Successful entrepreneurs are good delegators!

Tip #10: Leverage Your Peak Energy

Each person has their own unique time of the day when they are at their peak energy. Whether you're an early bird or night owl, tackle the tasks that require the most energy and focus to complete during your unique peak energy - you'll get more done in less time with optimal results.  Ask yourself, "When is the best time to get the best result for the various activities you do each day?"

Tip #11: Eat Healthy for Real Energy

Being an entrepreneur requires real energy; sugar, caffeine, and processed foods only offer a false energy and the afternoon energy crash can be severe. Reduce or eliminate sugar, caffeine, and processed foods as much as possible, while boosting raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains to maintain steady and consistent high energy.  Some studies suggest having a small snack/meal every 2-3 hours.

Review these 11 tips and decide which ones you will implement first for even greater success.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-help-articles/11-tips-for-staying-focused-and-on-track-to-achieving-your-goals-6445955.html

About the Author

© Anne M. Bachrach. All rights reserved.

Anne M. Bachrach is known as The Accountability Coach™.  She has 23 years of experience training and coaching.  The objective is to work less, make more money, and have a more balanced life. Anne is the author of the book, Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, and Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact Our Lives. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle Membership today and receive 10% off on all products and services, in addition to having access to assessments and resources to help you achieve your goals so you can experience a more balanced and successful life (http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/). 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts

The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts by Don Schoolcraft

Positive thoughts foster desirable images, conceptions, words, sentiments, emotions, energy or vibrations of joy, happiness, achievement, expansion and development.

The brain is a strong instrument in bringing about life changing effects so nourishing it with positivism pulls in what it wants.
The cosmos is made up of good and bad energy. If yours is a positive one, you emanate it and like a magnet, you will get all the favorable results.

Some will call it luck. Others might call it success achieved through hard work.

But have you noticed that truly successful people seem not afraid to go wrong? Why is that? Because they don’t think they would fail in the first place. This attitude makes a great difference.

Positive thoughts are as powerful as negative thoughts so it is important to keep your emotions and mental attitude towards all aspects of life under control. Of course, you can’t always eliminate negative thoughts in your life, but you can certainly minimize it by training your mind to view the bright side of things.

In other words, you should harness the power of positive thinking to be successful.

Change don't happen overnight. Positive thinking takes focus, practice and determination. No matter how things develop, problems are simply a part of life and giving in to your emotions is only normal.

What you should keep in mind is to make a switch as soon as you acknowledge any negative thoughts. Don’t dwell on it too long. Instead think of happy and cheerful events in your life. Smile frequently to break a gloomy situation.

Positive thoughts become effective when reinforced. Affirmations tend to help a lot. Repeat one affirmation every day. You may also learn inspirational quotes or stories. Listen to a happy song and if you feel like it, start dancing. Create a list of positive words and repeat each several times.

Envision what you want to have in your life and how having those things or situations may benefit you.

Maybe you want a new car because you want to shuttle to and from your work and home effortlessly? Then think about the comfort of hassle-free traveling. You wouldn’t be late for your work anymore and more significantly; you’ll be more productive. When you get more productive, you will be up for promotion shortly.

See, how these thoughts lead to bigger and beneficial results? Once you have mastered this method, you can easily aspire for anything and get it.

Don Schoolcraft has been using the laws of the universe for several years and now runs a successful business and a number of websites. On http://www.thoughts-of-wealth.com he shares with us "The New Thought Manifesto" by David Cameron Gikandi who was one of the consultants of the movie "The Secret". The manifesto has the power to change lives.

Article Source: The Life Changing Power Of Positive Thoughts

Saturday, February 9, 2013

10 Wonderful Ways to Ignite Your Creativity

By Lawrence Neal Katzman

Each of us is born with a unique set of talents and gifts.

Whether you paint, write, sculpt, dance, compose, sing or play music... whether you're an entrepreneur or an aspiring leader in your field... or looking to be more fulfilled in your chosen profession...

When you get your creative juices flowing you feel more alive. When you express yourself in some creative fashion, you feel more joyous, fulfilled and free. We are all born to create and be creative.

With that said, here are some wonderful ways to help you get those juices flowing...

  1. Connect to the place of wonder and awe within - Play with crayons and let your inner child out. Watch the sunset. Find the awesomeness and wonderfulness in life. Creative inspiration will follow.

  2. Let go of any "conscious" agendas - Getting out of your own way can spark the creative impulse. Be guided by your intuition or "Higher Self" and allow the creative spirit to move through you.

  3. De-Clutter - While "creative types" may have a knack for messiness, clutter can block the flow of your creative juices. Do a spring cleaning regardless of the month of the year!

  4. Get out in nature - Nothing like majestic mountains, towering evergreens or an expansive ocean to stir the heart and inspire a creative burst. Take a walk, a hike, a jog, a bike ride or a drive through nature and your creativity will blossom.

  5. Listen to great music - Music adds color and dimension to life. Play one of the great classical pieces or any other music that inspires you and unleash your creative genius!

  6. Follow your bliss - Passion is the essence of creativity. It's what gets you up in the morning and keeps you going all day long. Focus on what you're passionate about and ignite your creative fires.

  7. Dance as if no one's watching - Dancing is a great way to move energy. If you're feeling stuck or in a rut, get your groove on! Pretend no one's watching... even that part inside you that may think the whole idea is just plain stupid. Rekindle the fun.

  8. Watch an inspirational movie - Inspirational movies connect you with your heart wherein creativity is given birth. Make some popcorn and rent a good movie this weekend!

  9. Break for beauty - Find beauty in your surroundings... in the opening of a flower, the setting of the sun or a star-filled sky. Take beauty breaks throughout the day and reconnect with what inspires you.

  10. Unplug - Turn off the cell phone and television. Leave your inbox alone. Decompress from the constant bombardment of our hi-tech world. Find your creative center and live from that place.

  11. Bonus Idea - Meditate. Take some time each day to meditate. You can sit in mindful silence... focus on a "mantra" or phrase... or even do a walking meditation. However you choose, meditation can help you stay connected to the inner source of your creativity and vitality.

  12. Bonus Idea - Gratitude. Overwhelm and stress are creativity-killers. Sometimes just thinking about all the things you are grateful for in life can lift the fog and weight of your concerns. You'll feel more free to be the creative, magnificent person you are meant to be..

Life can be a creative adventure... even when the path is rocky or the road ahead is unclear. Use these suggestions to help unlock and ignite your creative genius. As a wise person once said, the journey is the destination.

Here's to making it a creative journey!

Lawrence Neal Katzman is an artist, writer and visionary spirit, whose art is inspired by love, beauty and the cosmos. He paints and writes about lost civilizations, ancient wisdom and the quest for love. You can view his art at http://www.theartmystic.com.

Lawrence's beautiful soulmates art is featured in his eBook, "101 Soulmates Quotes", which you can download for free by visiting: http://www.101soulmatesquotes.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lawrence_Neal_Katzman

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Maintaining A Positive Approach To Daily Life

by Simon Barnett

It's sometimes all too easy to feel like life isn't going as well as it should be. Minor niggles can develop into more significant issues, causing you to spend more time thinking about what's going wrong. The truth is, however, that you might feel better if you take a more positive attitude.

This could, of course, be said to be easy in theory. But the reality may be substantially different, causing you to question whether you can achieve the happiness that you seek. It's not a simple process to escape from a cycle of negativity and this is something that may concern you. How can you make the changes that are necessary in order to allow you to think in a different way?

It's sometimes necessary to take steps that may seem to be rather strange. You might start, as an example, by making a list of all the great things that you have in your life. Such a list might include absolutely everything, from loved ones to ice cream that can currently be found within your freezer at home!

As I said, this may seem like a rather odd thing to do. So why is it something that you would even consider? The answer is that you should look to avoid the danger of assuming that all is going wrong in life. It may well be the case that improvements can be made, but it's unlikely that things are as bad as they first appear.

Once you start making the list, you'll discover that it's hard to stop a smile from forming on your lips. You'll consider great things in life and many of the reasons why you actually enjoy the daily routine. You'll certainly see that there's a lot to be happy about. This is a list that you should keep safe too.

You might, for instance, want to pin it on a message board. Alternatively, it could be attached to your fridge. Ideally, you'll want to place it somewhere that it can be seen every single day. Every time you look at the list, you'll be reminded of the fantastic elements of your life.

This focus on positive issues is likely to become more and more important to you. A number of scientific studies have discovered that people who believe that they are lucky will tend to get more positive results in life. In a sense, they will actually become lucky as a result. The same can be true when it comes to happiness.

If you assume that you have a lot to be happy about, then it's likely that more and more situations will make you smile. What you'll discover is that you actually have a lot to smile about and to be thankful for.

Living life in a positive way can be hugely rewarding. It's something that you may want to try!

Think about counselling Belfast services and how they can change your outlook, as discussed in more articles by Simon Barnett. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

Article Source: Maintaining A Positive Approach To Daily Life

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Achieving your Personal Success

by Clifford Watson

Undoubtedly you might have already heard Einstein's definition of insanity? He stated "Insanity: Doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results". Just what does this have to do with you? Simple...achieving personal success is focused on change...change your views therefore you change your actions. Change your actions, and you also change your results!

One thing that you could find helpful in aiding this change is having your own personal 10 tips.The way in which this works is you want to have a list of 5 various daily "do's"and 5 various daily "dont's". I would recommend setting up a checklist for each day of the month on paper (not online) and check off which daily do's and dont's you do everyday. By doing this you can monitor your progress!

O. k., so if our personal 10 tips are just like the building blocks of our house, the next phase in the constructing process will be for us to develop a plan of action! The best way to create a solid action plan is to start with your goal and after that work backwards! Assuming (for example) your goal is to lose X amount of body weight then you are going to come up with specific action steps to take on a daily basis with regards to both your diet and your workout regimen. No matter if your action steps include walking around the block, or maybe getting a gym membership is completely your choice. One of many secrets that ultra-successful people use to ensure they achieve their goals is to create a support system! A good support system is crucial to achieving your personal success. It can help you by praising you through the difficult times, and not letting you beat yourself up to much during the times whenever you fall behind.

However the challenge of improving oneself is in the end a personal ordeal, having frequent support from individuals who want to see you be successful is definitely an important piece of the puzzle. As you're working towards your desired goals, you will encounter occasions when you might need a gentle nudge forward or a little bit of a tongue lashing to ensure that you "stay on the horse". Without having good friends who can hold you responsible is amongst the biggest mistakes that many people make whenever deciding to move forward with their goals. But how would you build your support system? Can every one of your family and friends participate in your support system? Selecting the most appropriate people to join your personal support system is as necessary as actually having one.

Here are some tips for setting up the right support system

1. Survey your friends and family members. See who shares the
same interest in personal development ideals as you do.

2. Look for positive people...those who are always telling
you that you can do it! Not that you can't.

3. Look for people in your circle of friends who have already
achieved (or are doing well with)their self improvement goals.
These people will know what you're going through and you can
also look at what they've accomplished as constant motivation.

Upon having developed a support system it is necessary that all of you vocalize your goals to one another! Bear in mind, the ultimate responsibility with regards to whether or not you achieve your goals is yours... but...by using the "strength in numbers" idea. You are able to drastically improve the chances of achieving your personal success! So go ahead, start putting together your team

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