Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hypnosis To Enhance Your Confidence
It is true that some people do develop more outgoing, more confident personalities at a younger age, and this is why we often think of confidence as a character trait which is genetic / inbuilt, rather than one you can develop.
This however, is just not the case
Confidence is something which you can develop. Even if you are currently shy and introverted, if you struggle socially - you can enhance your levels of confidence.
This is Where Hypnosis Can Help
Hypnosis is a simple and natural way to increase your confidence.
Confidence is all in the mind. The only difference between yourself and these people who are “naturally confident” can be boiled down to two main areas:
Firstly, your patterns of thinking. For example how you take into account socializing, about meeting new people, about public speaking, about sharing your thoughts and opinions - whether you worry about, or take pleasure in all of these activities can have a massive impression upon your levels of confidence.
And secondly, your self beliefs. i.e. your feelings about yourself, whether you observe yourself as somebody who is comfortable with yourself or not. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy in that if you think you are self-assured then you will be more outwardly confident So a shift to more positive self thinking, will actually lead to you becoming more confident.. which will result in more positive self views and so on. It will become an actual favourable self fulfilling prophecy.
Hypnosis simply operates assist you in these 2 simple ways. It's going to ultimately instil within you more positive self beliefs, and a lot more positive patterns of thinking which can naturally rewire your mind to make you more self-confident. It actually works to give you the same sorts of thinking as these naturally self-assured people, so that you too will become much more confident.
Try it by yourself with a brand new, more natural approach with this improve confidence hypnosis cd
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Are Your Goals Aligned With Your Passions? by Michele Willmott
Consider the following questions however:
Are your goals aligned with what you are truly passionate about?
Are your goals just based on what you think you should do or should have or should be?
How much do you really care if you achieve your goals or not?
It might seem like a nice idea to own a gigantic yacht, have it moored at Cannes marina, wear designer clothes, drink copious bottles of champagne an party all night, because that’s what the celebrities do! But if this isn’t really your thing and you would rather have a romantic night in with a DVD and a takeaway curry then chances are that you won’t be bothered whether you achieve the goal or not!
When setting your goals for the up and coming year, 5 years or 10 years it is a great idea to start from the standpoint of your passions. It is then that you will feel really, dare I say it, “passionate” about achieving them. Your goals will also be closely aligned with your values or guiding principles. Your values are the things that are so important to you that you wouldn’t want to live your life without them.
When your goals have been created from this starting point and you achieve or experience them, you will feel a whole host of positive emotions. How about feeling a sense of aliveness, freedom, joy, pampering, excitement, confidence, recognition, or success to name but a few!? This also has numerous connotations for helping us to lead a life free from stress.
So, what things do you love to do, what excites you and which of those things would you really not want to do without in your life?
Make a list of 10 things and write down the answer to these questions “Why, do I love doing that” or “why, is that important to me”.
To give you an example; when I was trying to whittle down my list of passions to just 5, I realised that if I could connect with the feelings and qualities that I love to have in my life, then I am more likely to set goals which come from the heart. Goals that would feel truly satisfying and fulfilling, once I had achieved them. So for me, the feelings I love to experience are: joy; aliveness; a sense of being connected to others and the universe; a sense of luxury or being pampered; vitality & energy; feeling successful; confidence, honesty and intimacy, amongst others.
The next step was to ask myself “What things do I really love to do which help me to get in touch with these feelings?” Some of my answers were: travelling to new and exciting places; meditating & practising yoga; dancing (salsa); giving personal or wellness coaching to others; having the opportunity to attend workshops where I can learn more about myself and grow as a person; enjoying great food (but definitely not cooking it myself!) being in nature; enjoying open and honest communication.
In order for me to be able to experience and recreate the feelings that mean so much to me (as it is then that I feel like I am really living my life fully!) it makes sense for me to set my goals around the achievement of such feelings.
Following on from this, some of my goals (in a very general form) are:
1)To be a great Life Coach and continue to expand my business.
2)To continue my Meditation & Yoga practice – as this is where I feel abundant and connected and peaceful.
3)To travel to new places and attend workshops where I can learn more about myself & meet like-minded people.
4)To Dance (with my husband) as often as I can.
5)To work on having honest, open and authentic relationships.
Once you have worked out what you really want from your life, how you would like to feel and what you love doing, you are then in a great place to set your goals.
The following step would then be to be more specific about the goal itself and give it a time frame. Make it a SMART goal (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific) or in the coaching world replace the R with Resonant (does it get you excited?) and the T with Thrilling (does it sound thrilling to you?).
Article Directory :
I am passionate about helping people to feel good about themselves and their lives. I love that coaching enables me to see people at their most amazing selves,! I am a qualified Life Coach, Yoga and Meditation teacher. I enjoy working with a number of UK Television personalities and coach individuals from all walks of life. ways to reduce stress
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tips on How to Use Mantras to Accomplish Your Goals
Author: Dion Daly
A lot of people think of mantras as just verbal things, which they are not. So what are they? Well, they are a personal ritual. An action that a person can initiate to achieve something they want. This action could be a physical action, a sound, a syllable, word or group of words, mental or even spiritual. Mantras are believed to be capable of producing a significant change in a person because they can be used as a powerful driving force to aid a person realizes a certain purpose.
Basically they are a life style that helps in personal development. Personal verbal mantras involve repeating your goal and what you are going to do to achieve it over and over again. What this repetition does is remind your brain of how important your goal is to you. A physical mantra would be moving: like, repeating a physical movement over and over again until it becomes ingrained in the brain. A spiritual one would be continuous prayer for an outcome that you want. A mental one would be taking on a different way of thinking about things. It is up to you to choose what way would be best for you to practice.
But, the good thing is, you can use them for anything that you want to achieve in life: things like attaining personal goals, producing a significant transformation in your life style or even developing your psychic capabilities.
So how do you utilize mantras to attain your goals? Here are a few simple steps you can use:
First: make a list of your goals.
The thing is you must make clear your goals. What is it that you want to accomplish? You need to be specific about what you want to accomplish. Could it be succeeding in getting your first half a million dollar by the age of 28, or is it you want to own your first house six years after you begin working.
Second: write down the purpose for wanting to achieve your goals.
Why do you want to have half a million by the age of 28? Is it because you want to realize a sense of financial well-being? So you must find out the commitment that will aid drive you. This commitment will be your incentive to work harder towards attaining your goals.
Third:put your list somewhere you can see it every-day.
So you need to put your list somewhere noticeable. This could be the mirror on your dressing table, wallet or purse.
Fourth: repeat your mantra.
Repeat it 20 times out loud in the morning, afternoon and before going to bed. And every time an obstacle comes in your way. Your mantra will work if you have listed strong enough motives that will force you to get back up and start working towards your goal again.
You must make the whole of your life your own personal mantra. Remember to be tenacious in supporting your mantra by taking action: meaning do any little thing you can every-day that will take you nearer to your goal and great rewards are sure to follow.
One thing to remember is that for best results try to create your own mantra because it will then be personal which means that your unconscious mind will work even that much better towards achieving your gaols.
A few samples of a verbal mantra to say out loud:
I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals.
My life is a success-story.
I am a winner-I win often, and I win big!
My imagination is now creating all the financial abundance that I desire.
I let go of worry. I enjoy the natural flow of this day; whatever it may bring.
I want to open my mind, body, sprit to become ______ and understand why.
I will do my best to take note of my true self.
I can be who-ever I want to be.
As you can see they are easy to construct, so you can come up with your own ones Good Luck!
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About the AuthorDion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Goal Setting As A Means Of Self Improvement
The reason goal setting works as a means of self improvement is two-fold: the first part is obvious it allows us to break a really complex task down into small components that are easier to follow, more detailed, and less overwhelming. The second reason why goal setting is an effective means of self improvement is that it provides us with constant motivation. Whenever we accomplish that goal or objective on the way to the greater goal, we feel as if we have made progress, and it emboldens us to work towards the next goal in line.
Before anyone can begin goal setting for self improvement, he must determine what it is about himself that he would like to change and for what reason. For some people, the ultimate act of self improvement would involve quitting smoking cigarettes. For others, weight is a self improvement issue for which they are most concerned. For others, it might be something different, like being more assertive, more financially secure, or more charitable.
Of course, no one knows our faults better than we do. If we're overweight, we usually know just horrible it makes us feel, even if no one around us even really notices it. If we drink beyond what could be considered careful moderation, we know how it makes us feel and what it has done to our relationships.
Now, once you have identified what it is that you would like to improve about yourself, you can begin the goal setting process. Start with the ultimate goal (i.e., to lose 30 pounds). Next, depending on how large your ultimate goal is and how long it will reasonably take you to accomplish begin goal setting for objectives with timelines. For these smaller objectives, it is a good idea to tie them to actions, rather than results. If, for instance, your goal is to go to the gym three times each week and decrease your fat and carbohydrate intake, you might accomplish all of those goals, but it doesn't mean you will accomplish your short-term intended result, which was to lose ten pounds in 30 days.
If you only lose 10 pounds when your goal was 30 pounds, don't feel like you haven't succeeded. Instead, see if you followed the goals you set out to accomplish for the time period: did you go to the gym three times each week? Did you decrease your fat and carbohydrate intake? If you answered yes to all of these questions and you DID lose at least some weight, then you know your goal setting activities are on the right track, but you just need to intensify the components or increasing the overall timeline.
So, to reiterate, successful goal setting for self improvement consists of three things: creating long term goals, short term objectives, and re-evaluating the plan to make sure it is more realistic.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Change Your Mind Naturally With Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is now established i.e. a way to gain access to your mind and reprogram your limiting and negative beliefs, a tool you can use to eliminate these negativities and change for the better.
Hypnosis is a simple tool really, and is often way over mystified. All it really does is put you into a deeply relaxed and susceptible state of mind, where suggestions can easily be made to you which you will naturally accept.
It is because of this that you can make changes more naturally - as your logical, conscious, and often negative mind is turned off, and so you can make changes on a deeper level.
There are 2 ways in which all hypnotherapy works:
Firstly, to help you to re-wire your patterns of thinking. This may differ depending on the area you are pursuing, whether it is weight loss or self-esteem for instance. Hypnotherapy would look at exactly how you think about balanced eating, staying on a diet exercise, or meeting new people, socializing etc. and tap into exactly how you think when you think about training, or consuming healthy food, or how you feel when you think about having to meet a new group of people.
It principally identifies and then alters these adverse thinking patterns for constructive ones - for example, it would identify your negative patterns of thinking concerning healthy eating and exercise and replace these with positive patterns so that you start to enjoy healthy food and begin to look forward to exercising. Or if you worry about social situations, then it would instil within you favourable patterns of thinking in this subject - so that you start looking forward to socializing, and employ a state of mind where you relish meeting and learning new things about completely new folks.
This is how you start to change. However, the next element is essential for much deeper, and real, sustained change:
The second way hypnotherapy helps is by switching your core beliefs.
For example, it aims to replace the negative self beliefs, beliefs which hold you back from real change, for positive ones. It will make you more positive, more confident, and make sure that you truly feel like you can achieve change, like you can improve yourself and most importantly, that you DESERVE change.
Once you have these core self beliefs, this natural self assurance, and belief in yourself, then real, lasting change will be possible.
Try hypnosis today with these 3 free hypnosis mp3s from Natural Hypnosis.
This will give you real experience yourself, completely risk free - these albums are safe and natural, and most importantly they are full, professional quality hypnosis mp3s which everyone can use and get benefit from!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Beginners Guide To Subliminal Self Help
Using subliminal audio for self help means that you can develop yourself completely confidentially. The messages enter your mind naturally and there aren't any audible words so if anyone else was to find your albums they still would not know what they were for.
How Subliminal Messages Work
Subliminal audio is basically a form of hypnosis. In terms of the end result - a positive outcome and a change within the mind - they both come to the same result. Just as hypnosis works by bypassing your conscious mind, so too do subliminal messages. The big variation being that rather than going into a deep trance like state for 30 minutes you play subliminal album passively as you do other things.
You won't consciously hear anything, however the subliminal statements will still make their way into your subconscious mind, and as they build up there this leads to changes from the inside, which grow and grow to produce external lasting changes too.Some people do experience very quick changes, but generally it takes a couple of after which you will see the improvements build up to produce a long lasting change in your thoughts, beliefs, and your physical behaviour.
The main use of subliminal messages has been for personal development and self help reasons. Traditionally getting used for areas such as thinking positive and increasing your motivation, but as their usage has grown so has the array of areas they cover, It is now possible to get albums on quite niche areas like albums to help you overcome your fear of success or even to help you to stop self pity
Subliminal messaging is still not right for everyone, if you think you are going to be able to just put an album on and instantly change then think again. However, if you are serious about wanting to make a change in your life then subliminal audio will give you a boost.
Using Positive Affirmations to Achieve Success
Very few people manage to achieve exactly what they want to in life. Those that manage to achieve everything that they want to tend to be good at entering into a dialogue with their sub-conscious and they also tend to be open-minded as far as their perception of the potential for human-achievement goes. Positive affirmations help people achieve what they want to, and live a more fulfilling life; those that are able to free their mind to the potential for physiological modeling often manage to achieve much more than those who are skeptical from the outset.
While some people may decide that they wish to achieve financial success, others may wish to find love, or re-unite with their family for example. The truth is that everyone has the power within, and the ability to absorb enough power, to achieve their absolute full potential – through using the process of affirmation enhancement coupled with daily affirmation you can achieve exactly what you have set as your goals. While goal setting is important, you should not lose sight of how you enjoy yourself on a daily basis. That is why, with experience, you may start to use your daily affirmations as a means of ensuring that you are able to enjoy yourself on a day-to-day basis, as well as achieving strategic happiness.
As people realize, our goals can often change. One day we may wish that we were able to play an instrument for example, and then as we start to learn how to play it, the fun associated with it can often disappear. This is an example of a gateway to happiness, rather than happiness itself. For example, you may wish to learn to drive; however you only want to be able to drive so that you can work in your dream job that deems that you need a driver’s license. The driver’s license is a gateway, and in fact so is the job – everyone makes goals which they set as a means of achieving happiness. Which begs the question: can you merely affirm towards happiness, rather than the means of getting you there?
The answer is no. Through merely aiming towards your end goal of happiness, rather than the strategy to get you there, you will lose focus on what you enjoy, as well as the trial and tribulation involved in finding true happiness. While happiness is subjective, using affirmations as a means to get there can be the best solution for those with an open mind.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Reach Your Goals Much Easier With Subliminal Downloads
- Do you want to accomplish something huge with you life?
- Would you like to reach huge levels of success?
- Do you dream of doing something incredible?
No matter what your goal is, whether it is weight loss, creating a successful business, learning a foreign language, or becoming successful in the sporting world, a solid strategy, along with a focus on your goal are essential.
If you're truly focused to your goal, and really serious about reaching success then you will most likely be trying everything possible to get ahead - reading guides on the area, talking to people who have additional expertise, and seeking to align your mind for success in every way.
If you are trying everything you can to reach success then you are in good companyyou ought to be proud instead of embarrassed - some of the most successful individuals in business, and sport especially read self improvement books, ask for help and try out several different things to get ahead and acquire a competitive advantage.
For example when Tiger Woods was younger he was already devoted to turning into a world class golfer, and he put in lots of practice, but he also experimented with a few mind development tools like subliminal audio and hypnotherapy - these helped to sharpen his mind, and increase his focus.
Stephen Speilberg, although pursuing a completely different dream also sought out alternate means of acquiring an edge and becoming successful. When he was new he did a lot of "modeling" other people's habits and behavior - he actually purchased a suit and hung around the film studios pretending to be a producer - he wanted to emulate the people he looked up to, and consider using any means he possibly could to reach success. Again, he likewise became a fan of subliminal audio - later claiming that they helped to boost his self-discipline and fortify his mind against setbacks.
If you're serious about accomplishing your goals then you need to try everything it is possible to achieve success. One way, as mentioned above is with subliminal messages. It works as a mild type of hypnosis, by penetrating your mind with beneficial messages again and again until they are acknowledged by you, and begin to change areas of your character, as well as your self beliefs in a positive way.
Click here to download three subliminal audio albums worth $44.91 for FREE!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Self Improvement - The 5 Step Personal Development Plan
1) Identify the Cause
A good starting point with personal development is to look at how you got to where you are right now. For example, if your area of personal development relates to weight loss then look at what lifestyle factors contributed to your weight problem to start with. Write down everything you can think of that contributed to the problem and then analyze how you can modify each factor to get the result you desire.
2) Goal Setting
It is essential to have a clear goal in mind to achieve your own particularpersonal development requirements. Ask yourself exactly what it is that you wish to achieve and the more refined and clear your goal the more chance you will have of successfully attaining it.
3) Make a Plan
Once you have decided on your goal then formulate a plan that details the steps you will take to reach your goal. Use the details you uncovered when identifying the cause of the problem and expand on these to incorporate as much detail as possible on how you can achieve your personal development goal.
4) Focus and Commitment
Once you know your goal and have designed your plan you then need to focus on your goal and commit to the plan you have designed. Set aside a certain amount of time each day to work on your plan and do not allow general daily chores to distract you from what you need to do. Once you have become accustomed to working on your plan each day it will become a habit and therefore easier over time to stick too.
5) Look for Inspiration
It will be of great benefit to look for inspiration from others that have overcome the same personal development challenge as your own. This can be in the form of books, seminars, courses or even a person from your local community that you may be able to contact to get some tips or advice.
Personal development is about identifying areas of your life that you wish to change for the better and having an attitude of continual self-improvement. No matter which area of your life you intend to improve by following the steps outlined above and committing to the plan you can be assured of achieving your goals and in doing so gain more confidence to not only achieve other personal development goals but do it quicker and easier each time.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Rewire Your Brain And Achieve Your Whole Potential
Our minds are unique, every one of us is different, and as we grow and learn things we all progress slightly differently. We are all shaped differently and use our brains in different ways, some people for example have a positive experience in school and go on to study increasingly more. Others revel in sports, they receive constructive praise for their sporting achievements and start to put in a lot more practice - on the way developing the perfect mindset and patterns of thinking required for sports success.
Others may unfortunately receive negative feedback - being told they are no good at something, or that they will never be successful in a certain area. This causes a negative reaction in our brains. Our minds store this feedback and our behaviour changes and we fail to live up to our real potential. This is a form of self protection by our brains - it stops you from experiencing the rejection and critique again, and this is normal, but unfortunately it limits our potential too..
These self beliefs and patterns of thinking just become part of our personality, of who we are, and in the end they hold us back and actually stop us from reaching our full potential. However, they aren't impossible to interrupt, and to rewire.
An Easy Way to Alter Your Self Perception?
Subliminal messaging can help you here. Subliminal audio is a simple way of reprograming your subconscious mind; through the elimination of the negative thoughts which hold you back and replacing them with helpful ones to help you believe in yourself and reach success. Because they access your unconscious mind they can make changes where other regular ways of development fall short, and even though you are not consciously aware of the messages they slowly but surely build to shape your mind in a positive way.
Subliminals work extremely well for every part of personal development imaginable, you can receive confidence boosting albums and albums to improve your sports performance
Imagine if you were free of adverse self beliefs, if you had full self confidence inside and out, just imagine how much more you would get out of life.
This doesn't need to be a fantasy forever, it is certainly possible to re-shape your subconscious mind, and you can get started today with the power of subliminal messages at no cost:
Download These Powerful Three FREE Subliminal Messaging Albums Today
How to Use Self-Development Exercises To Achieve Success
There are a number of different self-development methods around, and which one works best will depend on a number of factors, such as your own personality, your own strengths and of course your personal and professional development goals.
One of the best ways to use self-development is to use it to prioritize your professional and personal goals. Since it is impossible to do everything, it is important to make a list of the things that are most important to, in terms of both your career and your personal life. Knowing what your goals are is of course the first step toward realizing those goals. It is vital that you know what is most important to you is an extremely valuable part of the self-development process.
If you need help getting started on your self-development project, there are certainly a great many resources available. Your local bookstore probably has shelves full of books devoted to self-development and self improvement, and these subjects are covered in a number of magazine articles as well.
In addition, the Internet provides a wealth of self-development as well. There are an enormous number of web sites, newsgroups and discussion areas available focusing on all aspects of career development, personal growth, achievement,, success and self-development. These web sites can be quite valuable when trying to determine just which approach will work best for you.
It may be a good idea to record your self-development goals in written form. Having a written document, no matter how informal, can be a big help in achieving your goals. Simply seeing your self-development written in this way can spur you to action, and help you see the big picture of what you are trying to achieve. After all, self-development is a big part of success, but it is hard work as well.
Understanding that self-development is hard work, and that it can be a long process, is important to achieving success. It is best not to think of self-development as a goal in and of itself. Rather, self-development is a means to be used to achieve your goals of greater success and a more fulfilling personal and professional life. Once you understand the ultimate goal of your self-development exercises you will be in a much better position to make your goals and dreams come true.
No matter what area you choose to focus your self-development on, it is important to work at it consistently, and to persevere. Self-development is not a single goal; it is more of a journey than a destination. Once you have decided on your specific goals, and addressed the best ways to achieve your goals, your self-development plan can start in earnest.