Monday, July 30, 2012
Staying Positive is the Secret of Attraction
The secret of attraction is wholly dependent on practicing positive thoughts and actions. The more negative you are about your endeavors, the less likely it will be for you to succeed in them. Just be more assertive and aggressive with your behavior and you’ll be amazed by how much you can achieve. Just check out the examples below if you want a clearer idea:
1. The secret of attraction to win people over to your cause. Let’s say you’re promoting a cause. It may be something that has to do with the environment, choosing to become a vegetarian, or voting for your political candidate. Such platforms can be pretty tough to promote in a polarized nation such as ours, but if you want to attract people to your cause, you need to first believe in what you’re fighting for. Believe it or not, people in general can ascertain if you’re truly passionate about the issue or just a paid mouthpiece! But when you radiate passion and enthusiasm and speak with authority on the subject, the higher your chances of convincing them to join you.
2. The secret of attraction to having more money in your life. If you want to attract wealth, you need to stop letting your money control you and instead, learn to control it to suit your goals. For example, all your life, you’ve seen how your mother could not control her spending. Shopping was a way to make her feel good, no matter how much debt she was accruing year in and year out. You need to stop equating your self esteem with how much money you can spend to impress your friends, which is a negative no-no. Start viewing money as neither good nor bad, but as a tool to help you live a stable and comfortable life. Using positive thoughts and actions like moderating your spending and paying bills on time are just some ways to bring in more money –not debt – into your life!
3. The secret of attraction to help you win a client: If you’re in sales, you know what a cutthroat industry it can be. Many sales people would sell their grandmothers down the river just to nab an important client. On a less exaggerated note, they would even try to steal a fellow salesperson’s client by encroaching into the transaction. Don’t play dirty like those people, for in this universe there is such a thing as karmic comeuppance. Strive to be ethical and upstanding in your occupation. Carry out only positive thoughts and actions when conducting your business and pretty soon you will build a good name for yourself and attract clients. Leave the monkey business to your less ethical colleagues who will only end up having a reputation for being unscrupulous and irritating.
4. The secret of attraction to attaining inner peace. You don’t need to go to a temple and surround yourself with silent monks to achieve inner peace. The first step to achieving it is by choosing to focus only on positive thoughts and actions, which include forgiving yourself and others. In order to move on, you need to let go of the past. Even something as recent as yesterday’s mess up in the office should be treated as history. Learn from your errors and think of corrective actions rather than telling yourself, “I wish I hadn’t done that.”
5. The secret of attraction to get the body you want. Yes, the doctor said you need to lose fifteen pounds. And no, pinning a photo of a supermodel on your refrigerator is not going to help you lose those fifteen pounds no matter how many times you stare at the image. The photo, however, may serve as a daily inspiration and reminder on the kind of body you’re aiming for. As you watch your food intake and carry out your daily exercise regimen, look at that picture to push you into sticking to the program – and stop you from popping a few pieces of chocolate in your mouth.
If you have concerns similar to the ones listed above, then you should know by now that you should just harness the secret of attraction to make things work out well for you. Positive thoughts and actions are far more potent than you could ever imagine, so go on and try them out for yourself!
Article Source :
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Power of Positive Thinking and Accomplishing More!
The power of positive thinking has been linked to better health but it also can help you to boost your level of performance as well! The fact of the matter is that having a positive mental attitude can help motivate you to accomplish more than you would have ever imagined possible!
Here are 3 ways having a positive mental attitude can motive you to reach goals and objectives you may not achieve otherwise!
Keeps Your 'Motor' Running
The simple fact is that if you think you can do something you are more likely to continue trying in spite of any obstacles you may encounter! Possessing a 'can do' attitude like this will motivate you and motivation is EXACTLY what most need when trying to accomplish anything worthwhile! The 'energy' you feel will also help to boost the level of performance you put into trying to achieve your goals!
Gives You Higher Expectations
Quite simply attitude equals altitude therefore if you expect more you will likely accomplish more as a result! Higher expectations also translates into setting goals that many without a positive mental attitude, may feel is out of their reach! If you want the best you must first believe it is your right or destiny therefore the expectations you have will help motivate you to fulfill these expectations! You must think BIG to achieve BIG therefore don't allow your thinking to limit your success!
Keeps You Open To Possibilities
When you 'expect' more and truly believe this is something you can achieve, the possibilities are endless! What may appear as a dream for one person can be something that is quite doable for the person with the right mindset! It matters little whether any possibility or opportunity you're presented with has even been successfully accomplished! History is littered with those who have 'ventured' where others have dared not to go and have succeeded and are now immortalized! There is always a first time for everything and this is something one must always keep in mind! Just because it hasn't been done 'yet' doesn't mean it can't be done!
The power of positive thinking almost always offers enviable results both mentally and physically! Our discussion above points out how a positive mental attitude can actually boost your level of performance by helping to motivate you! The fact is that in most cases people fall short of their goals simply because they don't put in the necessary effort and NOT because a goal is beyond their reach! Motivation will always play a key role in our level of performance which of course influences how much we do accomplish! The simple 'lesson' here today is that if you want 'bigger and better' things for you and your family, boost your output along with your health by adopting a positive mental attitude!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
For more tips about putting the power of positive thinking to work for you and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Dare to Break Free From your Comfort Zone and Live your Potential
You can choose to continue living your life like a little shadow, which runs across the field of your potential every day and then simply disappears when the sun sets or you can make the choice today to begin taking the strides necessary to finally invite your full potential to shine. When you make this choice, you will finally begin living a life of meaning and fulfillment, where you will leave an indelible mark on everyone you touch.
Until you choose to take daily consistent action and accept 100 % responsibility for how your future will unfold, something amazing is going to happen; NOTHING! You will just remain trapped in a life of average. It is time to stop making excuses for delaying the action you know is necessary to live your dreams and realise your business goals. Become enthusiastic about your potential right now and create a clear picture of what you want to achieve, see this as not only an obtainable reality, but an achievable reality for you. When you apply consistent, inspired energy and create both a positive and expectant outlook; you will start to see your dreams turn into your reality.
Choose to ignite your spark of possibility today, by accepting that you have unlimited potential locked inside you. Unlock this potential, by taking small, consistent inspired steps every day toward discovering what you are capable of achieving. Each small victory you experience will brighten the light within you and show you anything is not only possible, but that it is possible for you. You truly are magnificent and capable of achieving greatness; believe in yourself and your ability and the doors of possibility open up for you.
Making it Happen for you
Create a set of great personal values and surround yourself with the right people, who can form your support system. Have an optimistic spirit and develop a strong purpose, which you completely believe in. Accept that as you set your imagination free and consistently take inspired daily action; you will see your dreams unfold, day by day as they gradually turn into your reality.
Possibility plays a massive role in every aspect of our lives. When you create a really deep belief in your own potential and consistently take inspired daily action, the world opens up to you and you light the spark of possibility. Unleash your own unique gift today, allow that light which shines from within you to shine its spark of greatness on the world. Finally accept that you can and will make the world a more beautiful place. Have the courage to set your light free and accept the responsibility of success. The world is waiting for you to express your light and free your potential.
Explore and Express your Potential
Dare to explore, the limits of your potential? Do you believe that your potential is limited only by what you believe is possible for YOU? Are limits real or are they self-imposed? Do you in fact have any limits at all? Set your imagination free and dream of all your possibilities. Your thoughts, words and actions predict your future. What are you thinking right now? Are those thoughts moving you closer or further away from your success?
Are you Prepared to Pay the Price to Express your Potential?
What price would you be prepared to pay, if the promise was anything you desired? How many hours of your valuable time would you give to this Endeavour? How much energy and resources would you be willing to expend to achieve this? For such a promise most people would give almost anything. Then why are you not doing just that right now, for unlimited potential is your birthright, believe it and you will see it. Believe in all the possibility, which is available to you, take inspired action every day and nothing is beyond the realm of your potential.
Your aptitude will merely assist your attitude, but your consistent good attitude will create the aptitude that is conducive to your potential. Possibility plays a massive role in every aspect of our lives. When you create a really deep belief in your own potential and consistently take inspired action, the world opens up to you and you light the spark of probability. Good things come to those who wait. Great things come to those that get off their butts and make things happen. An open mind allows you to see opportunity all around you and with the addition of inspired action, delivers the prize of living your full potential.
Believe in Yourself and Create a Crystal Clear Focus about What you want
When you learn to shift your focus, opportunities, which are staring you in the face right now will almost miraculously seem to become clear to you. This shift occurs when you get clarity on exactly what you want. This then programs your brain to focus like a laser on finding ways of bringing exactly that into your reality.
Timing is Everything
We hold ourselves away from our potential, not because we don't have what it takes, but rather because we have unrealistic expectations around the timing, for the realizing our goals. Accept that everything you desire will arrive, when the time is right. Stay committed to your success and keep taking the daily actions you know are necessary to bring the success you desire into your life and your business goals and personal dreams will gradually unfold before your eyes. Embrace the concept of delayed gratification and you will live in the magic of life.
.You have a unique gift, a light within you that can make the world a more beautiful place. Set your light free, have the courage to face the possibility of rejection or the responsibility of success. The world is waiting for you to express your light and free your potential.
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About the AuthorHi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Law of Attraction - Five Ingredients For The Best Wealth Affirmation
When using the Law of Attraction, the best wealth affirmation you can give yourself is something much different from the average wealth quotes and affirmations. What you want to do is start building the foundation for wealth from a different angle. This article talks about an uncommon way to wealth using an uncommon approach to creating a wealth affirmation.
First, let's talk about the average "wealth affirmation." What comes to mind when you're thinking of wealth and building the foundation for wealth using the Law of Attraction?
The first thing that usually comes to mind is to have the feeling of "rolling in dough" and being able to buy anything "your little heart desires." A wealth affirmation in line with this frame of mind would be something like, "I love my new Jaguar" and to put up a picture of that vehicle on your vision board.
While this external approach has been known to work, it is rather difficult to sustain long enough to get the desired object, in this case, the Jaguar, because it's "single-faceted and superficial," rather than "multi-faceted and deeply driven."
When you want to invoke the Law of Attraction in manifesting wealth, you'll want to be sure you have a wealth affirmation that comes from different angles and does five things:
1. Finds True Desire
2. Motivates
3. Gives Permission
4. Initiates Energy
5. Removes Blocks to Receiving
FINDS TRUE DESIRE. When building the foundation for wealth and creating your wealth affirmation, a key point is to identify the root emotion behind wanting something. In other words, in learning how to manifest what you want, you first have to really "find out exactly what you want on an emotional level." For example, if you want a luxury car, ask yourself if you want it for "ego purposes," or for "luxury because you deserve it" purposes. No matter what the reason, once you identify the true emotion behind getting the material object, you have the emotional charge to invoke the Law of Attraction and discover the secret of wealth.
MOTIVATES. Hope motivates you to action, so you want to create a wealth affirmation that gives you hope. Once your mind feels hopeful and motivated, your mind will also figure out how to attract wealth.
GIVES PERMISSION. A good wealth affirmation also gives you permission to feel "allowed to receive." My wealth plan always includes a lot of money affirmations and wealth quotes that make me feel deserving and receptive.
INITIATES PHYSICAL ENERGY. Another good ingredient when doing wealth affirmations is giving yourself better health to fulfill the tasks that you've become motivated to do once you have hope and permission.
REMOVES BLOCKS TO RECEIVING. Lastly, a crucial part of learning how to attract wealth and building the foundation for wealth is to release deeply held, yet negative, beliefs about having money and material things. While this may sound like an uncommon way to wealth, this actually opens the door wide open to allow you to receive money and wealth. The best way to do this, although also uncommon, is to re-program your subconscious thoughts around money by using subliminal audios that specifically help you remove blocks to receiving money and wealth.
Writing wealth affirmations and building the foundation for wealth is multi-faceted because when you find your true desires, give yourself hope, permission and energy, you'll have the motivation to make things happen. Once you have subliminally removed blocks to receiving what you want, you've "blasted the door wide open" to allowing the Law of Attraction to respond to your wishes.
While this sounds like an uncommon way to wealth, it is the best way to create a multi-faceted, emotionally driven wealth affirmation that invokes the Law of Attraction and helps you discover the secret of wealth because you've tapped into the real reason, motivation and ability to obtain it by finding true desire and removing blocks to getting what you want.
Suzanne offers more information about how to subliminally release deeply held, yet negative, beliefs about money in her How to Attract Money Using Subliminals article. Suzanne also gives more free tips and advice at
The author invites you to visit: |
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tips On Success Strategies For Your Personal Life
Having goals to make your life, the way that you want it is important. You should think about the different levels of success that you want and how far you are willing to go after them. Think about all the different methods you can come up with so that you are using your best interest to be as successful as possible.
Being committed is going to be something that anyone who is serious about his or her success should do. You need to be committed in life to thinking about all the different strategies that you can work up. Are you able to be strong and determinate in life to be a huge success? If so then, you are ready to take the next step in life. This step is going to be one that takes you over the top and gives you the ability to be as successful as possible.
There is nothing in life that you cannot do. All you really need in life is to have a great determination and a strong personality. You should always be ready for what you need to do. Having goals is one way to make sure that you have the power to be a huge success and able to make dreams happen. Your dreams are very crucial to your happiness and all the goals that you have. Without goals, you are going to be a sad and very unstable person.
Being goal oriented is going to make you appreciate everything that you do in life. You should always think about the things that you do and how they are going to affect your life. Are you doing everything that you can to be as successful as possible? Make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay on top of what you need to do. If you plan something, the best thing that you can do is stick to it. You have to make sure that you are trying your best to bring all of your goals to the front of the line and make them happen for you.
Commitment to everything you do is going to be especially important. You should work hard at what you are doing and keep an open mind to all of the possibilities in life. Choose your thoughts carefully and be willing to go to the next step. You should always work hard and think about what is most important to you. There is nothing that can stop you when you have the right thoughts jammed into your head and thinking about it all the time. You will find more satisfaction in your life when you are sure of what is going on and how hard you have to work.
Others will see your commitment and what you are doing. Once you are recognized for all your hard work and determination, you are going to feel great about what you have achieved. You are going to have more success and know that you did what you had to in order to be a great success story in the end. Do not hesitate to be sure, of what you want in life. When you are setting goals and making commitments to certain things in life, you are the one that is going to be in control and choose what you do next.
Remember goals can be made everyday. You are the one that is going to be able to choose your goals and everything that you do. Make sure that you have something in mind for your life and then go after it. Do not let anyone stand in your way of making your dreams work for you and go after each and everyone. There is no stopping you when you keep all the power within yourself and use your goals to keep you committed to what is most important.
This article is only to get you started, go and download free manual now at for more articles and more info
Sunday, July 15, 2012
How Can I Be Happy?
People are continuously asking the same question; How can I be happy? What they don't realize is that the answer is quite simple, and it should be.
Why should finding happiness be difficult when the definition includes feeling emotions of positive, pleasant emotions and joy?
Here is a list of 8 simple actions you can do daily to be a happy person.
1. Start your day with positive affirmations.
If you wake up in a bad mood, expect your day to be down in the dumps. The good news is you can change the outcome of your day in an instant, and the sooner the better. Tomorrow morning before you even get out of bed, tell yourself that you are going to have an amazing day. Tell yourself you are going to hear great news all day long. You will be happier all day, just thinking that good things are on the way.
2. Smile, Smile, Smile.
One way to make you feel better inside is to smile. It's simple and it's free. Science proves that is will boost your mood and increase your potential for long term happiness. If you don't smile regularly, force it until it becomes natural. Seriously, try it now, I bet you'll feel better already!
3. Surround yourself with only things you love.
Jot down a list of things that make you feel good inside. Keep this list on you and read it every day. It could consist of music, people, or pets. The options are endless, but only YOU know what makes YOU feel good inside. Once you have your list, try and surround yourself with only those things. Keep the positive energy flowing.
4. Give someone a compliment.
It's human nature to think that receiving a compliment is the best thing for us, but it's actually complimenting others that makes us feel better inside. Complimenting or helping others is where we find true happiness in ourselves. Try to compliment someone at least once a day. You'll be happy knowing you just made their day.
5. Stop complaining. It's bringing you down!
You may not even realize you are doing it. Complaining and whining are constantly bringing your inner emotions down. Instead of asking "Why can't I ever win?" or "Why does this happen to me?", try re-wording it into a positive question. What can I do next time to help me win? What can I do better to make sure this doesn't happen again. Talking negatively will limit your happiness, so learn to speak positive.
6. Act like a child.
Do you remember how it used to feel when you were a kid playing outside? No worries in the world, just enjoying the sunshine on your face running barefoot in the grass. Try to do this more often. We often forget that it's the simple things in life that give us the most happiness.
7. Laugh Often.
Laughter is one of the best feelings in the world. It expresses pure joy. Figure out what makes you laugh the most, and surround yourself with it. It could be a person, or a social environment. Laughing is also important in happy relationships. Stop being so serious all the time!
8. Get a dog or cat, or both.
The amount of joy you will get from a dog or cat is off the charts. You will never feel lonely and they will love you unconditionally. I myself have 2 cats and a puppy. The house is always full of life.
My father convinced himself that he hated cats. Well, that was until my brother rescued and brought a kitten home. It's now his best buddy. He even told my brother that when he moves out, the cat stays.
* * *
I strongly believe these are the most important things you can do on a daily basis to not only increase your happiness, but erase negativity in your life.
Good luck!, a place for everything happy.
Article Source:
Thursday, July 12, 2012
How Staying Positive Brings Greater Success
For anyone, staying positive typically promotes a better mood and health due to the reduced stress you feel! Another huge benefit of having a positive mental attitude and the topic of this discussion is how it can help you achieve your goals! This is NOT to say a positive mental attitude is all you need to achieve more, but it will help you blast through barriers that can hold you back!
Let's have a quick look at how you can more easily achieve your goals by simply maintaining a positive outlook!
Problems are Opportunities
Let's face it, when you establish and then try to achieve your goals, it is inevitable that you WILL encounter obstacles! This is quite natural and to be expected, however it is your reaction to these obstacles that can and will have a significant impact on the outcome! Actually it is normal to view these 'encounters' as problems since they are standing in the way of you and what you intend to accomplish! On the other hand if you possess a 'can do' mindset that comes with a positive mental attitude you'll view these 'problems' as opportunities!
Quitting Is NOT an Option
As mentioned above having the 'can do' attitude can reinvigorate your spirits when you are facing those tough challenges! In order for you to reach your objectives you must have the willingness to work through adversity and accept the belief that for you quitting is NOT an option! Once people adopt this mindset they are able to achieve more quite simply because they continue to invest the effort instead of walking away!
Outlook Equals Energy
The amount of enthusiasm and energy you maintain DEFINITELY reflects in the results your efforts get! Keeping a positive mental attitude automatically instills hope in you and with this comes the energy you need to get more done! Once you begin to grow tired or weary, your outlook changes as does the quality of effort you are able to invest! Sloppy efforts bring less than satisfying results which leads to mounting frustrations, more mistakes and the eventual temptation to give up! The energy with which you approach just about anything is proportionate to the results you can expect to get, so stay energized!
Staying positive has many health benefits which are obviously of great importance but it can also help you achieve your goals more easily! The focus of the discussion above is on how maintaining a positive mental attitude actually helps you achieve more and with lees stress and effort! The fact is your attitude can directly impact the quality of your efforts along with the level of energy you are able to maintain! The long and short of what we discussed here today is that by keeping an upbeat frame of mind you can and likely will achieve more! On the other hand if you do have difficulty keeping a positive mental attitude about anything, perhaps the goals you've selected are wrong for you!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
To learn more about the importance of staying positive to achieve your goals and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:
Monday, July 9, 2012
10 Keys to Bring Inspiration into Your Life or How to Be Inspired
Have you ever asked yourself what is inspiration? What is being inspired?
When the word inspiration is broken down into its component parts, it simply means "in - spirit".
When you are living "in - spirit" You feel excited about yourself and your life. You have a special connection with all parts of your mind and body.
The question is how can you connect to your spirit at all times to take actions that enable you to be inspired?
Below are the ten keys to opening the doors to your inspiration.
1. The first key to inspiration is enjoyment. It would take a spiritual master to be inspired about doing the dishes. So find something that really excites you. It can be anything that you really enjoy. You have to have fun.
2. The second key to inspiration is love. When you are actively pouring love into what you are doing, this will guarantee that you are opening yourself to experiencing more inspiration. If you love what you do and do what you love, this will guarantee that you will be inspired.
3. The third key to inspiration is to trust in yourself. Listen to that little voice inside yourself and know that this comes from heart. This is called intuition. Intuition is the spark the sets off the fires of inspiration.
4. The fourth key to inspiration is to follow what your intuition tells you. The more you listen to it, the stronger your intuition will become. If you don't pay attention, that little voice gets fainter and fainter until you can no longer hear it. The spark goes out, and gets harder and harder to rekindle.
5. The fifth key to be inspired is to believe in yourself. Keep telling yourself "I can". These are some of the most powerful words that you can ever use. When you say this to yourself often enough, you build a bridge between yourself and your inspiration. When you are backed by a strong belief in yourself and your dreams, nothing is impossible.
6. The sixth key to inspiration is not to listen to anyone that says "no you can't". They might think that they are helping you, and try to project this negative belief onto you, but remember to keep telling yourself that, "I can!" Nothing will kill your inspiration quicker than listening to people say “no you can’t do that” Understand that often what they mean is “No, I can’t do that, so you shouldn’t either” Its best to simply thank them for their advice, pay no attention to it and not discuss it further.
7. The seventh key to being inspired is to avoid negativity. Ask yourself, do you really need to read the newspaper or watch the news on TV every day? Nothing kills inspiration quicker than being surrounded by bad news. How you can you possibly feel inspired if everywhere you look you are getting reports of doom, gloom and destruction. What if instead of watching the news, you spent time doing what it is that you really love? What if you just spent just 1/2hr a day doing what you really love? What sort of a change would it make in your life after a whole year?
8. The eight key to inspiration is acceptance. Accept that on some days you feel much more inspired than on others. This is normal. Nobody can be completely inspired every minute of the day. So on the days when you feel flat, just know that this will pass and don’t feel too troubled about not feeling inspired.
9. The ninth key to inspiration - Take action every day, no matter how small a step it seems. Action is the fuel to the fires of inspiration. Make it a daily practice to keep your fire burning. The taking of actions, no matter how small, will fill you with inspiration for taking the next step.
10. The tenth key to inspiration is the most powerful of all. Simply put, it is to surround yourself with things that inspire you. This is so laughingly simple that many people over look this. It could be inspiring music, inspiring recorded talks, inspiring books and inspirational art.
One of the most powerful ways to be inspired comes from surrounding yourself with inspirational art. Artworks come in many forms such as paintings and sculptures, and have such an amazing power to influence thoughts and emotions, to uplift and also inspire. By the careful placement of inspiring artworks, you can transform your living and working environments to be places filled with light and inspiration.
All of these 10 keys to inspiration are very simple things. Try them today and you will be amazed at what a difference it will make in your life.
May your life be filled with Love and Happiness and Inspiration!
Inspirational Artists Sofan Chan and Rochman Reese create inspirational artworks that will inspire you to experience more love, happiness and tranquility in your life. You can view inspirational pictures of their artworks, and read more inspirational articles at - be inspired.
Article Source: 10 Keys to Bring Inspiration into Your Life or How to Be Inspired
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Magic of Your Subconscious Mind
“There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly.” – Joseph Murphy
After 30 + years of knowing that thoughts become things, I feel as if I’ve just picked up a HUGE piece of the How-To-Get-What-You-Want puzzle. I now realize that harnessing the extraordinary power of the subconscious mind is a significant part of deliberate creation.
Your subconscious mind is the gold mine referred to in the Joseph Murphy quote above. And what a gold mine it is! Your subconscious mind is directly linked to the quantum field of infinite possibilities. It’s one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom. It’s where intuition comes from. It’s where inspiration for scientific discoveries, great inventions, artistic masterpieces, and music that moves your soul comes from. This is the field of pure potential where everything is possible and YOU get to choose.
If you think of the conscious brain as the captain of the ship, then the subconscious brain would be the entire ship’s crew. Dreams, goals, plans and desires are hatched in the conscious part of the brain, but it’s the subconscious part of the brain that executes these plans. Your subconscious mind works non-stop according to the programs it has been given.
With three simple steps, you can this very day begin reprogramming your subconscious mind so that it works to bring you what you DO WANT rather than what you DON’T WANT:
(1) Meditate. Meditation raises your vibration, releases resistance and trains your brain to focus. It enables you to tap into the quantum soup of infinite consciousness. Simply get still, quiet the wheels of your mind, and enter into a sleepy, drowsy state. In this relaxed, receptive state, you’re ready to plant the seed of your desire in the fertile ground of your subconscious mind.
(2) Visualize. When you visualize and imagine the fulfillment of your desire, you create a neural network within your brain that corresponds to your desire. Visualize the experience you desire with great clarity and emotion, making the images vivid and real.
(3) Affirm. The best affirmations are bold, clear, positive, and stated in the present tense. As with visualization, when you repeat affirmations of your desires as if you’re living them now, you establish new neural pathways in your subconscious brain. Continue to affirm your desires and feel the reality of living your dreams, completely disregarding any evidence to the contrary.
“The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same.” – Joseph Murphy
As you meditate, visualize and affirm, you systematically impress your desires onto the power center of your subconscious mind as a new set of instructions and the infinite power of the quantum field sets about to bring your vision into physical reality.
As you harness the Magic of Your Subconscious Mind, you’ll be able to access the gold mine within you and extract an abundance of love, joy, freedom, empowerment, and prosperity – anything and everything your heart desires.
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Motivation Keys
"Motivation is an inside job." I am sure you have heard that said many times. It really is a true saying. The keys to being motivated lie within your own mind. It is not other people pumping you up that is going to give you lasting motivation. Use these three keys to maintain high levels of motivation over long periods of time:
1-Get a big dream. To stay motivated you need to have a dream that matters greatly to you. When you possess a big dream you will be compelled to do the work in order to make it a reality in your life. It is easier to get fired up when you know you are working for something that matters a great deal to you. It is up to you to determine what that is. Take some time to reflect on what it is that you would like to have. Figure out what makes you happy. Determine what makes you excited when you think of the mere possibilities of obtaining it. Once you know what that dream is then you have a reason to stay motivated all the time.
2-Keep your dream in front of you. Focus in on your dream and maintain excitement about obtaining it at all times. Whether it is an actual photograph or it is a picture that you hold in your mind, keep that picture in front of you always. Think about it. Look at it. Imagine it. Act as if you already have your dream. What does it feel like? You need to harness those emotions. Those good feelings will propel you towards your dream. You will have no problem summoning motivation once you have a clear picture of what you want constantly on your mind.
3-Consistently do the work. Sometimes you may feel disappointments. Or you may get frustrated. You may even feel like it is taking too long to get the results that you want. I have an remedy for each of the emotional barriers that you are sure to face. I prescribe a four letter word spelled W-O-R-K. Work is actually therapeutic. When you do the proper work consistently it insulates you from procrastination, regret and hesitation. As you do the work you develop new skills. You also gain confidence. You develop a knowing within that you will have what you want because you are paying the price to get it.
And to learn so much more about how to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated, get your Free Special Report "10 Keys To Maintaining Motivation For Hitting Your Goals" when you visit
Articles Source: Motivation Keys